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53514703 No.53514703 [Reply] [Original]

If you haven't made it already you are fucked.

Go ahead, think of one thing that hasn't been done already.

Too late, the 1% have already paid 4 grammers to create an AI that will do it faster.

>> No.53514845

this thread does radiate in an etoliate attempt to debilitate

>> No.53514891
File: 59 KB, 500x501, BORN_TO_DIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw trading dog coins is the best chance for our generation to make it

>> No.53514919

No kidding, the boomer generation got richer than any generation in history and sold the entire western civilization out for profits and virtue signalling to make themselves feel better about looting future generations

>> No.53514922

>Go ahead, think of one thing that hasn't been done already.
>t. most people through all of history.

>> No.53514996

But now the 1% has access to resources more efficient then ever before at accumulating and retaining wealth.
Trickle down economics doesn't exist

>> No.53515052

Trickle down economics is a straw man, so you are correct in stating that it never existed.

>> No.53515056

It's okay if you're in the US we are transitioning into the Roman empire phase so we got some time of prosperity left.

>> No.53515078

fuging kek

>> No.53515140

because they're just 20 years old??? they juuuuust don't get it do they?
really have my fingers crossed for the next generation

>> No.53515311

>largest in the workforce
gee, I wonder why they are in the workforce

>> No.53515375

dude the oldest millenials are in their early 40s
to have comparable wealth to the boomers in their time they should all be multimillionaires

>> No.53516015

Boomers also have houses as part of their net worth, something millions of millennials do not have access to

>> No.53516992

40 yo milmil here, own a home and I'm a multimillionaire also i dont work and they gave me medicaid for some reason

>> No.53517124

21 year old multimillionaire here. I made trades companies and sold them for millions. Real hard work, real results. Suck my fat cock boomers

>> No.53517299

18 year old billionaire here. Fr fr no cap.

>> No.53517447


18Yr old Trillionaire here - I made my money selling NFTs, and I outsourced the work on Fiver.

Frfr ongod

>> No.53517482 [DELETED] 

3yr old nascine diety here, it's all going to my will.

>> No.53517491

You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.53517497

In 20 years the millennial generation will control the vast bulk of wealth, because the old wealthy generations will be dead.

Then people will be bitching about how Gen Z and whatever the fuck are disproportionately poor compared to millennials.

>> No.53517519

KEK you are retarded all the boomers will give their money to the Jews via end of life care retarded gen xoomer

>> No.53517530

>Thinking boomers will do anything that would help others, rather than themselves

Top jej, kek even

>> No.53517587

Y'all r jus' a straight cap on god. We wuz born in da streets n crawled r ways to top!
12 yo oppressed black jewillionaire tellin truth to y'all gotta thank me for this 100%

>> No.53517592

Boomers will literally go scorched earth on everything before parting with a single dollar to their own children and grandchildren.

>> No.53517634

Boomers, despite being given everything by the best generation and ruining it, are also the only generation that gatekeeps money, good salaries, and power from millenials

>> No.53517714

boomers will blow this world to pieces before doing that. they ENVY youth. they have all of these assets but not this one thing. putin is sending 100 thousands of 16-25 year olds to die for him. why? because he loves the power trip of ending their lives while he at 70 is still alive. he is living the ultimate boomer fantasy and you can bet that he will finish this off by nuking as many people as possible while he observes it in some bunker thinking 'hahaha I outlived all of these young people' muhhhh alpha DIIIIIIIICK killed all of them. this vicious mix of manlet and boomerism will be the end of this world. boomerism in the sense of wanting to fuck over everything that comes after them will literally end everything

>> No.53518374

also interesting to note that at around the same age as millenials are now. boomer wealth was nearly 10x higher still.

The boomers took the W and someone has to take the L.

>> No.53518470

And they're still too stupid to accumulate BTC in self custody

>> No.53518507

The only way this can happen is to opt out of fiat money into a decentralized economy where we reclaim the value of our work. We already dominate the workforce but we're selfish and as a collective we're nothing but cowards.

>> No.53518515

boomer wealth isn't going to their kids, it's going to the government, the healthcare system, and israel

>> No.53518567

Kind of based that gen Xers basically got fucked back down to zero TWICE in their young adult years. Once after the dot com crash and again in 2008. Fuckers must be tough. As a millennial who never had anything at any time, at least I didn’t go through that bullshit

>> No.53518592
File: 79 KB, 750x751, 6ABC4C08-0CC1-4B51-962B-6BA63FC0B661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chart looks like the early stages of a later-successful shitcoin kek

>> No.53518646

once the boomers die their wealth will be transferred to their children, the millennials. the booms just have unprecedented life expectancy

>> No.53518667
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they dont think it be like it is, but it do

>> No.53518832

this is not going to be for a long time dude. much of the silent gen, my grandparents, are still around the boomers wont start dying off for a long time yet and thats assuming they have any thing left to leave their children and not spent it all on new cars and holidays and renovating their homes

>> No.53518997

unless you own a nursing home, hospital, retirement home, or own businesses in Florida, you arnt getting any of their wealth. They will live until 100+ just long enough to make sure you get nothing.

This is the generation that made the supersize at mcdonalds a thing, and now their grandchildren are going into 200k college debt for nursing school to take care of their diabetes and heart disease while paying a large chunk of their health insurance and paying rent because boomers hog all the real estate

>> No.53519187

You know old people will die eventually and their money will go to someone younger, right?

>> No.53519370

Nope, the government will collect it and use it to fund passion projects (80 percent to their own pocket, 20 to minority programs [their friends pockets])

>> No.53519417
File: 196 KB, 1286x1362, 1675091411382851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read in American forums that Zoomers are catching up to Millenials. Is this true?

>> No.53519434

the boomers were an efficient way to gobble up all the resources and feed it to the jew system when the croak weren't they

Almost like tyranids from 40k, the little maggot looking lifeforms eat everything and then at the end of life are digested by the swarm to send their resources to the hivemind.

>> No.53519446

Yes, Zoomers know better than to go to college, so they started life already ahead of faginneals

>> No.53519464

The types who are too dumb for uni rarely end up making a lot.

>> No.53519490

But are zoomers dumber than millenials though? Millenials are 30-40 years old now and have only 4.6% of the wealth while being much bigger than gen X.

>> No.53519511

It's the midwit's burden to fulfil acadamia's thirst for debt slaves

>> No.53519577

millennials all fell for the college meme and so have both massive debts, and worthless 'skills', so their jobs suck. zoomers avoided college debt and went to ~1 year tech school/2 year community college programs that actually prepared them for careers. zoomers will likely own a higher share of net worth than millennials by 2025-2026.

>> No.53519638

wew lad

>> No.53519662

>zoomers avoided college debt
BULL FUCKING SHIT! They did the same crap that the previous generations did. Who the hell do you think is currently making up the current student body in universities?

>> No.53519754

lol I sell reverse mortgages. Boomers unironically hate their children.

>> No.53520021

You can clearly see from the progression of the graph this is not going to happen, nor is it a repeating pattern that happened to give the boomers what they have

>> No.53520063

All they will control is what you see on that chart. The rest of the "wealth" will be gone. Is already gone. It's unironically ogre already.

>> No.53520165

Kek, absolute copium. Zoomers are as we speak being fed into academic meat grinder just like their predecessors

>> No.53520639
File: 34 KB, 523x523, Dont care didn't sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some white nigger on the otherside of the world killing his own people doesn't affect me at ALL.

>> No.53522505

>the boomer generation got richer than any generation in history
The graph shows that the silent generation and earlier's wealth peaked at 90T while boomoids only reached 60T

>> No.53522548

You forgot 'charities', churche donations and NGOs

>> No.53522563

>working doesn't actually make you any money

>> No.53522572

So boomoids are failures despite stealing from their kids and living in the most prosperous time ever.

The oldest millennials are in their 40s you fucking retard. Gas all boomers.

>> No.53522589

The median age of first time house ownership in 1990 was literally 27 but houses were only 2.5x the median income in 1990 you fucking retarded homo. Check boomer wealth in 1990 and compare it to millennial wealth now.

People in these fucking threads literally shaming people for not having a wife and kids while also thinking it's normal that people are buying their first house at 40 nowadays and working until they're 90 to pay it off.

>> No.53522598
File: 314 KB, 447x477, bassed on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I see totally retarded posts and I'm not even sure how to respond to them.

>> No.53522608

It's easy to catch up if no one can afford a house.

>> No.53522711

Haha I fuckin love it. My grandma is almost making it a challenge to spend every dollar she has before death. I don’t care too much, in her final moments she will be alone with a nurse in the hallway ignoring her dancing to tik tok

>> No.53522715
File: 1.60 MB, 4000x1926, 20220228_131515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know! I've been fucked since 1993.

>> No.53523553

Looks like ben cowens roi from each bitcoin cycle on a linear chart

>> No.53523591

Namefaggot nigger doxxing people range this motherfucker already been three years.

>> No.53523690
File: 855 KB, 605x905, 1672080082695167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All life came from Africa
>doxxing people range this motherfucker
Excuse me?
>already been three years.
Been on 4chan for 19 years, been playing the character for 8.

>> No.53524004
