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53514535 No.53514535 [Reply] [Original]

Is the vibecession over?

>> No.53514556

lol wtf

>> No.53514579
File: 131 KB, 1232x468, Screen Shot 2023-02-01 at 7.45.17 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some commentators were saying we were in a recession, because we met the conditions for the literal dictionary definition of a recession

>> No.53514585

>I'm totally vibing to food and fuel taking up 33-50% of my take home bro.
Ai can't replace the entire millennial generation fast enough.

>> No.53514616

vibing is zoomer talk

>> No.53514638

that jew in the by-line is like 21

>> No.53514650

Rainbow-colored male hands typed this

>> No.53514665

It was originally hippy boomer talk as they were living it up in the land of milk and honey that their parents built for them. Faggotry must skip a generation.

>> No.53514686

low vibe take

>> No.53515055

tfw too intelligencer to think about gen x

>> No.53515104
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easily mistaken for SBF

>> No.53515206

"vibe" is a millennial goyspeak term that zoomers (the NPC generation) picked up.

>> No.53515223

It's all so tiresome

>> No.53515260

Nobody thinks about gen x. Even us gen x-ers.

>> No.53515302

They changed the definition of recession like they did with the word vaccine.

>> No.53515350

We already have a word for this, zeitgeist. It's just another example of how the enemy destroys language and uses it as a weapon. Take common concept and make them lofty and academic. Take fruity arcane academic batshit ideas and make it seem commonplace.
>patronizing ==> mainsplaining
>debate ==> a conversation
>disparaging remark ==> micro-aggression
>homeless ==> unsheltered
>sane ==> neurotypical
>mother ==> birthing person

>> No.53515363

If you think we're in a recession, I have a bridge to sell you.

>> No.53515420

Aint no millenials saying "vibe" while I was growing up big guy

>> No.53515447
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We are literally in the definition of a recession, so what you or I or what anyone else "believes" is irrelevant here. It is what it is. Simple as.

>> No.53515469

the vaccine thing is schizophrenia on your part, the flu shot has always existed and has always been, quite literally, a vaccine. only <90iq people thought vaccine meant some magical juice that has a 100% protection rate against whatever it's supposed to inoculate you against (pharmacologically not feasible), and most vaccines that appear that way because they vaccinate against things that aren't actively circulating

as for recession, this is from 2008:
>When used by economists, "recession" means a significant decline in overall economic activity that lasts more than a few months.
the reason why "vibecession" unironically makes sense as a term here is because while there is a negative sentiment about the economy and everyone feels like we're heading for economic downturn, certain key indicators of economic strength are looking positive in a way that doesn't really happen in recessions

tldr a lot of you guys are schizo midwits overreacting to an article headline because it uses a vaguely normie term and it has a buzzfeed aesthetic to it, but nothing said here is wrong and the black trans xim/xir person that wrote this shit probably actually understands macroeconomics better than you guys (low bar to clear). let the seething commence

>> No.53515475

it never was they were just trying to spook weak hands

>> No.53515503

Sorry CHUD, a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative growth plus Brandon not being president. Trust The Science.

>> No.53515516

>the flu shot
is not the same as mRNA technology that has yet to go through proper testing and you now it you disingenuous kikebot

>> No.53515536

>I have a bridge to sell you.
Why is this saying making a come back?

>> No.53515573

can you not read? that is entirely irrelevant to whether or not it fits the definition of the word "vaccine". the other schizo was alleging that they changed the definition of the word to fit their political agenda, implying that the efficacy isn't high enough to meet the definition for a past definition of vaccine lol.
also, cope about the testing, mrna tech has been tested since the 90s, vaccines having side-effects that fly under the radar for a year before popping up isn't a real concern that informed people have, it just isn't a real thing. i'm sure it's really exciting for you to think about though, you get to live out your favorite scifi novel as the protagonist facing off against the evil scientists in your mind

>> No.53515606

neurotypical is already getting pushback because it isn't handholdy enough for nutjobs. implication being that their particular brand of illness is atypical (which it is) and that carries a negative connotation (which it should)

>> No.53515630

“Kevin” is almost assuredly a woman

>> No.53515652

Language is hard to weaponise but extremely effective when done so. Each of the examples you've listed weren't simply changed to filter a section of speakers or to change the connation. They were all used to manipulate ideas behind the speakers. I find it funny how even the zoomers I talk to who have noticed this usually fall right into the same pitfall they identified. Like you said, they can make even the most erroneous and far-fetched ideas seem normal or right.

Why can't you spell millennial? How am I supposed to trust your anecdote when it appears you are pretending to be a millennial when you are, in fact, not?

>> No.53515676

In your dreams

>> No.53515689

>the other schizo was alleging that they changed the definition of the word
they did.
>implying that the efficacy isn't high enough to meet the definition
its not
>cope about the testing
if you want to take experimental medications that have not passed phase 3 trials, by all means go ahead.
>informed people

>> No.53515764

>is not the same as mRNA technology that has yet to go through proper testing and you now it you disingenuous kikebot

well yeah, but only a desperate or retarded person would take an experimental mrna shot, There were covid vaccines avaliable that used conventional vaccine tech (attenuated or recombinant) like the flu one.

>> No.53515859

>how do I know you're ACTUALLY a millennial since you misspelled le word xd
Idk buddy hard to say since we're on an anonymous image board. Guess you'll truly never know. verification not required

>> No.53516054

>they did.
i don't know what vague niche factoid this is referring to but the broad strokes of what you're implying here are 100% wrong - no definition of "vaccine" ever used implied a 100% efficacy rate
lmao this one again, alright. first of all, thanks for citing something that claims that the vaccine has a 91+% short term efficacy rate, this did indeed seem to be case for the given variant at the time, making it very effective already. now any remotely intelligent person can see through the numbers game they're trying to play on the next slide (too lazy to screenshot, page 33 of the pdf) - and unfortunately it fooled retards like you and the facebook moms:

they're simply adding up each reported "adverse event", regardless of severity, as +1 to harm caused. this is how they came up with the hilarious number of a THREE HUNDRED percent side effect rate, in which the average vaccinated person experienced 3 side effects along the lines of "tired, sore arm, mild headache" for a day or so at most - EXTREMELY typical in all the vaccines you got as a kid, literally a sign of a vaccine doing its job btw - and only had a 91% chance of preventing covid. the cherry on top is that even a magical "perfect vaccine" that had a 100.0% prevention rate would still be outperformed three-to-one by "sore-armitis" - note that this dishonest logic would be the exact same, even if the vaccine were made for a disease with a mortality rate of 80%.

the fact that you guys fall for such obvious grifting should be a lot more embarrassing to you than it actually seems to be, but if you were capable of introspection on any level you wouldn't posting this type of stuff in the first place.
get Deboonked, kid!

>> No.53516119

Kikes get the rope

>> No.53516120

btw, this same low IQ trap is laid out a few slides later when they accuse them of "inconsistent priorities" for pulling the astra-zeneca shot for a 1-in-x chance of blood clots, but kept the pfizer shot with a 1-in-(less than x) chance of myocarditis. how could this be!!
oh right it's immediately explained by the fact that the cases of vaccine induced myocarditis are mostly very mild, so the risk tolerance is higher than it is for blood clots (which by the way are not associated with any of the mRNA vaccines, only the more traditional ones) because blood clots are more severe. kek. you guys are literal retards for not having moved past this

>two more weeks..

>> No.53516160

> kike pilpuls about kike juice
Water is wet

>> No.53516161

>>how do I know you're ACTUALLY a millennial since you misspelled le word xd
The only people who would fall for this pathetic, half-hearted attempt at LARPing would be your fellow zoomers. I know this means nothing to an idiot like you, but if you ever want to accomplish anything, anything at all, you should educate yourself accordingly. Everything boomers ever said about millennials applies much more aptly to zoomers. Maybe you'll grow up over time, but seeing all the man-children in my own generation makes me have much less hope than I wish I'd have.

>> No.53516196

the vibecession is over fr fr on god no cap my glizzy goblins

>> No.53516232
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We're in a procession... to hell

>> No.53516305

>'brrrr s not the sound of money being printed, it is the sound our printers make when they are vibing'

>> No.53516371

>no definition of "vaccine" ever used implied a 100% efficacy rate
funny because le science men/women/ximen said it was 100% effective
>the reason why "vibecession" unironically makes sense
gtfo the board and stop defending your employers

>> No.53516593

All those words for me? You shouldnt have. Sorry about your autism tho

>> No.53516965

>funny because le science men/women/ximen said it was 100% effective
literally nobody in the science field ever claimed this because science portrays results statistically, which does not deal in absolutes.

>> No.53517029

>science portrays results statistically
Then why the panic over a 99.998% survivable common cold?

>> No.53517030

> What you saw happen didn't happen
> Turn KikeTV back on

>> No.53517103

>science portrays results statistically
Then why the panic over a 99.998% survivable common cold? Remember when science told Americans to stay 6 feet apart, because we don't know what 6 meters (the actual scientific recommendation) means.

Remember when science demanded the statistically 0% filtration of viruses mask that had a 100% transmission rate of viral material spread through droplets passing through the breath moistened fabric?

Science: don't ask questions and change what things mean when politically expedient.

>> No.53517132

> Remember when Jews lied?
Go on, I'm listening

>> No.53517477
File: 212 KB, 1170x907, 4EA8E0AB-6949-4CAA-8DCE-C92423044A9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sure treat scientific statements like absolute truth for the past couple of years. There is no spectrum or statistics, you are literally not allowed to disagree

>> No.53517506

Try not to remember so much, goy

>> No.53517680

sóylennials are so faggy and retarded

>> No.53517704

If my dreams were a collection of four or five decades worth of economic texts then yes, it would be true in my dreams, as it is true in the current reality which we both inhabit. I wish you well during these difficult times.

>> No.53517722

Have you ever met a person who, despite being vaccinated, had a mild case of polio?

>> No.53517769

This is where I’m at anon. I’m too tired to conceptualize what kind of lazy propaganda or gaslighting this is. It never ends, they just double down and triple down. Thee never was a thing called truth- just those able to create reality and those who don’t

>> No.53517806

We're not in a recession, we are in a regression (to the mean human existence from the last 10,000 years).

>> No.53519298

Dude you make it sound like such a big thing. We got a bit scared and precautions were advised, ok. Let's move on.

>> No.53519433

its not just a normal vibecession its a global vibe short squeeze excerbated by a vibequidity crisis in the eurovibe market, no cap fr fr ong

>> No.53519521

80-90% of people got the vax. this ain't over.

>> No.53519544

I bet a lefty wrote this shit, though to be fair if a republican were president, you would probably get the right writing the same shit. Pisses me off when people want to change definitions to fit their narrative

>> No.53519549

we already had two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth which is quite literally a recession. Whether or not two negative quarters of GDP is the best measure of a "recession" is another question altogether, but it remains the dictionary definition despite all the hand-waving around the strength of the labor market

eat shit faggot they told us the COVID "vaccines" were 95% effective in November 2020 which was basically on par with polio/measles and there was a legitimate belief we would eradicate COVID for good. Then reality hit and people have been frantically revising history ever since

>> No.53519565

That has always been and will always be the definition of a recession. You can't just ignore that because if "muh feewings"

>> No.53519571

>two more weeks..

that's rich considering I was told by multiple government officials that if I did not get vaccinated I was in for a winter of severe illness and death. Somehow I survived.

>> No.53519640

Based broccoli top.

>> No.53519801

>flu shot has always existed
Lmao, covid vaccines are so bad that FLU SHOTS are considered a paragon of modern medicine now. Pre-covid, everyone openly mocked how shitty flu shots were, it wasn't even political.

>> No.53520023

100 years of bad genetic hygiene will push us below the mean

>> No.53520084

What shitty false jargon will they come up with next? God damn these motherfuckers.

>> No.53520200

Someone post the article where the job 528,000 job number turned out to be more close to 2,000 jobs.

>> No.53520215

Millennials chill, they do not vibe.

>> No.53520456

Not even close, maybe 80-90% of some high risk groups in the most affected areas.

>> No.53520699

silicone valley is

>> No.53520744

>which does not deal in absolutes.
Then why did the entire establishment deal in the absolute of trying to force people to get vaccinated just to keep their jobs or get on planes?

The vaccine doesn't even prevent breakthrough or spread since its isn't like traditional vaccines that made people pretty much completely immune.

>> No.53520825

Ayo this niggas vibes way off on god

>> No.53520847

Jesus Christ you vax cucks are coping so hard lately, it’s hilarious because you have nothing left to grasp onto since the media isn’t even talking about it anymore and here we are on 4chan laughing at how some Pfizer exec got caught saying they were mutating the virus to sell more vaccines.

>> No.53520950

lmao! this guy actually took the shot and no one even gets covid anymore. hey bro make sure you’re fully boosted and still protected!

>> No.53522733
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please make sure you get your boosters from your local pharma mega corp with indemnity that attempted to hide their findings through courts for 75 years!

>> No.53523108

>Doesn't give the details on bridge
Am I buying a timeshare? Unfinished land? Property? Building rights? Every time with you tiktok bridgefags

>> No.53524001

Stoners and ravers have always said vibe.

>> No.53524353

I was a stoner in high school and nobody said "vibe" ever. Its not a millennial thing, certainly not as prolific as it is in zoomer culture

>> No.53524607
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>> No.53525056

I was in high school from 2007-2011 and "vibe" was used.
>that party had a great vibe
>just vibing out
etc, nothing more than that

>> No.53526687

>the vaccine thing is schizophrenia on your part, the flu shot has always existed and has always been, quite literally, a vaccine. only <90iq people thought vaccine meant some magical juice that has a 100% protection rate against whatever it's supposed to inoculate you against (pharmacologically not feasible), and most vaccines that appear that way because they vaccinate against things that aren't actively circulating
Man fuck off I'm not even memeing my job forced me to get it I got inflammation on my chest that the doctors confirmed a month later plus I still got covid.

I don't care what boomers say about nanobots or magnets in the vaccines, all I know is I was forced to take it for my job and it made my year noticeably worse.

>> No.53526723

>There were covid vaccines avaliable that used conventional vaccine tech (attenuated or recombinant) like the flu one.
Same anon above with the chest inflamation, I got the J&J one, it still fucked me off

I think these vaccines were just shit and the mRNA thing is a red herring like all the /pol/tards who said everyone would drop dead in two weeks; Regardless it still made my life worse