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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5351369 No.5351369 [Reply] [Original]

I'll go first.

~$100 AUD on Litecoin.

No this is not a troll, I am genuinely curious to see how much people are down by.

>> No.5351402

-178k 24 change of my portfolio.


>> No.5351410

Accidentally bought 2.8 lightcoin @ 346
Not too upset about it desu but I'd wish I didn't obv

>> No.5351438

a billion dollars because you literally cant cash out

>> No.5351445

I lost around 60k in various alts. Have most of my money in cash so whatever

>> No.5351501

Uh... I got my BTC in 2013 so...... I'm still in the green. This whole thing was never anything more than a thousand dollar spec play for me anyway.

>> No.5351507

Lost $60k in the last 24 hours, feel like killing myself. Ironically chainlink was the only thing on my folio today that didn’t crash and even went up, kek.

>> No.5351534

After this crash, I'm still up $1k so i'm pretty comfy

>> No.5351535

2k Eur on LTC

>> No.5351549

I haven't lost anything, since I don't panic sell during a dip.

Even if I sold now, I would still have gained €1,500 since I got into crypto at the start of this month.
Instead of selling though, I just bought another €750 worth of ETH at the comfy price of €454 per ETH.

>> No.5351556
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im still x3 on principal, dunno what everyone freakin out about

>> No.5351562

4 grand

>> No.5351581
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About $3.4m in the past 48 hours.

>> No.5351595

lost 90k and it's still going down

>> No.5351621

Nothing. Nothing is lost till I cash out.

>> No.5351667

24 hr -1400
feels ok man desu. i actually love that the normies are giving us more time. everything on sale!

>> No.5351819

Down around 300k (over 40%). Should have taken more profits but oh well. I did cash out my initial investment plus a little extra.

>> No.5351844

Still up $1600 from my initial investment. Not as good as the $6000 I had last week but oh well. Iron hands will prevail.

>> No.5351912

25K on Litecoin.

Fucking feel like that bart - nelson - ralph. fucking litecoin is banana.


>> No.5351994

about $35

>> No.5352108
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500 euro on LTC

Reading about other peoples losses here, mine seems to be literally nothing to complain about tho.

>> No.5352126

~25% total value loss / ~€250

Still up 50% of intial investment. Easy come, easy go.
I lost it because I didn't listen to my instinct and thus didn't cash out yesterday when my portfolio was at ATH. Lessons need to be learned the hard way then, I guess.

>> No.5352208

Oh I don't know..I haven't checked. Probably around 6k or so.
I'm just chillin through the dip. Not selling anything.

I'm accumulating all cryptos losing percentages greater than the btc loss percent. You should be too.

>> No.5352381

I started with $1k 6 weeks. Turned that into $5K in a month. Now I'm at about $3300.
It's not that bad.

>> No.5352389

Nothing, because I didn't invest a dime.
Been holding 0.5 btc for two years or so. Just sold .1 for @1,3k usd. I'm not sure if I really want to keep holding that, seems dead. Transactions take ages and are too expensive, it's not aging well.

>> No.5352418

*6 weeks ago

>> No.5352462

I've lost close to 700k from the top.

Hands of steel. This is a culling of the weak.

>> No.5352483

I Brought 250usd worth of ETH at 800usd, and 50 bucks worth of Bitcoin at 19k ok wednesday

I should have gotten some nice haedphones instead

>> No.5352613

How has anyone actually lost money on this.. its still up from the beginning of the month?

buy high sell low

>> No.5352730

Invested 1.5k initially, pumped it up to 7.5k, invested in BCH at 5100 and now I'm down to 4k.
Still haven't sold though, only because my sell order is too high.
All prices in CAD not USD.

>> No.5352784

I just started investing a couple of week ago when cryptokitties hit.

I basically put in 100 dollars and now I'm at 1500. (At my peak I had 2200) So I'm not even mad.

>> No.5352806

1k down, just lost another 140$ selling low buying high

>> No.5352808


>> No.5352882

Nothing yet. Ripple saved me:^)

>> No.5352950
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I'm still green retards. How does it feel?

>> No.5353148

500€ from 2900€, bought back in too early twice.

>> No.5353432

Down 3k from 16k

>> No.5353445

if i cashed out now i'd be 20x up my initial investment

>> No.5353566


>> No.5353571

250k -> 150k


>> No.5353826

I lost like ~£40 on bitcoin/etherium just yesterday
maybe more when counting in the massive transaction fees my bank charged me to send the cash in the first place.

>> No.5353839

>newfags post their losses

This past 48 hours have been hilarious

>> No.5353868
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none, not a brainlet

>> No.5353984

-500 mostly in FUN, ADA, and IOTA

>> No.5354004
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No coiner here , ex gf lost 600 out of 1000GBP so far today.


>> No.5354105

lol same, got so lucky i bought in bcash at 2.8k aud then sold at 4.8k aud into ripple at 1.03 aud, sold ripple at 1.5 aud and now i've put all in bcash at 3.5k aud all just today, hoping for some big profits again !

>> No.5354118
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>> No.5354185
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>> No.5354199

>bought 500 AUD in march or may can't remember
>bought 2.5k ark, sold at a 10% gain in satoshis, missed the huge pump
>bought pivx after the pump expecting a rebound, lost 20%
>daytraded and doubled my btc stack
>cashed out 2k in August at $2800
>left 0.117 in the exscudo ICO
>rebought 300 AUD worth at $8100 (0.0037)
>daytraded my way up to 0.055
>sold 0.05 for 1k AUD
>traded the remaining 0.005 to 0.009
Overall I didn't lose money but I could have made hundreds of thousands of dollars if I knew which coins to hold and didn't sell in august. I didn't want to but needed the money sadly.
Also fucking exscudo still didn't deliver and the 0.117 I put in would now be around 8k even after this crash, but I doubt I'll even get 1k for my stack if and when they finally release their shit. Fucking russians.

>> No.5354233

Didn't lose anything, I moved what crypto I had into a ripple short at the top.

>> No.5354239
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Pic i sent her

>> No.5354274

Not counting my losses until I cash out = I didn't lose anything yet.

>> No.5354295 [DELETED] 

God, why women usually are this fuckinf dumb?

>> No.5354351

20 dollars in tf2

was fun trading for a few weeks though before i pulled out to buy rocket league keys

>> No.5354366

God, why women usually are this fucking dumb?

>> No.5354384


I was tempted to ask her if she understands the tech behind crypto but she obviously wont.

This is why I am a no coiner at this point in time. Too many fucking speculating normies.

>> No.5354445


Nice one, anon.

>> No.5354665

Went in with €600 in august and i have more than €1800 in cryptos today so still 200% up bby

>> No.5354745

$100k not even joking

>> No.5355316
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Just a frog laughing at you