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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53510595 No.53510595 [Reply] [Original]

Show me your most recent cryptoshit acquisition and explain yourself.

>> No.53510616
File: 518 KB, 1242x1952, ECDBE1C4-FCAF-44DA-B0FA-5C60350A7A25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I slurped so hard I'm all in on the roach coin. I only hold a little XMR on the side which couldn't fit in the screenshot

>> No.53510615

I claimed haircombs.

>> No.53510666

>He's holding AVAX
You were born a retard, and you will die a retard

>> No.53510671
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Bought Ethereum again after panic selling months ago because of the merge. Now that we're back on track I realize I should have bought more, not dropped the ball like that. Oh well.

>> No.53510685

I will show nothing faggot, I will keep my folio safe(I'm in an extreme painful unbearable loss)

>> No.53510693

topkek, get the feeling, also there's nothing we can do to fix that, our time passed, we're doomed

>> No.53510736
File: 48 KB, 596x380, 1637705026405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought a shit ton of pond since they are testing a new product before releasing on mainnet. also hoping for projects to pick them up in order to speed their atrocious transaction speeds and what not but i doubt it because crypto is for fucking zoomers FOR zoomers nowadays.

anyway new product = pump = money = i can buy weed.

>> No.53510745

>He didnt believe in ze plan
Heh. Filtered.

>> No.53510769

just when I thought I was a retard... anon, layer 0 doesn't do shit, it's virtually impossible for web3 to achieve web2 speeds, cope

>> No.53510773

What's that anon? Do tell

>> No.53510782

Pond has been around for quite a lot, I still haven't seen what have they got, or if there's actually anything

>> No.53510795
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I'm quite impressed on how retarded a nigger can be, times haven't changed a bit

>> No.53510798

>not cocaine

>> No.53510799

christ on the cross, you poorfags really think we gonna buy your bags don't you?

>> No.53510807

You can't trade on cocaine retard, you need calmness and a clear mind, not to be on a perpetual rush

>> No.53510868

post your poorfolio retard

>> No.53510942
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I bought a small bag of materium because it's only like 1-2m marketcap and gonna be used in mirandus, which is made by gala games. I'm sure nothing will come of it but maybe it will turn into a winning lottery ticket, idk

>> No.53510991

The media says XRP is good so I bought $500 of it.

>> No.53511180

I "acquired" APT by borrowing it on binance and then short-sold it.

>> No.53511199

OP 42,50%
IMX 42,50%
MINA 15,00%

>> No.53511667
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I used to own 1 Ethereum back in 2020
I kept stacking during the dip and have close to 2 now and got some XLM and HERO too.
If I'm going to add any, it would be Monero, yes! or Ride, coz it has the concept to sync metaverse into moving vehicles using VR tech.
Not gonna do this, it's a retarded decision

>> No.53511699


>> No.53511746
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>> No.53511757

I hold it

>> No.53511775

Get the fuck out

>> No.53511785

Hope you don't get yourself burnt

>> No.53512773

bought 100k sparks
this has doubled in 2 days.
dont know what it is.

>> No.53512863

Oasys (OAS) -> SEGA, Ubisoft, Square Enix, etc

Concordium (CCD) -> CEO is on the board of Volvo, IKEA. Company has very experienced members.

Metaverse AI (AI) -> Samsung Next

>> No.53512908

Mean to write Multiverse AI

>> No.53512909

unironically heckin doggerinos
based satan

>> No.53512925
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i have my reasons and half of those have been revealed to me in a dream

>> No.53513107
File: 17 KB, 484x277, 809F6BAA-1985-4CB6-9325-F3C077BFEF9B_4_5005_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking based
this guy fucks
>in a dream
giga based

>> No.53513886
File: 885 KB, 1020x1440, imgn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100k imagin ai, investing in coomers, shorting only fans

>> No.53514082

bought long time ago at 1/10 today price, double my actual stack with profit taken

> hero (metahero)
lurked on cmc for some bnb pair with nice volume, and found this meta coin.
Invested k-i profit in this right now.

>> No.53515238


>> No.53516065

I also got this after Telos adopted the ID management solution.

>> No.53516140
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Dbi & tyrant

>> No.53516150

Hello sirs. Kindly fuck off

>> No.53516162

>I only hold a little XMR on the side which couldn't fit in the screenshot
good, no disclosing.

>> No.53516190

Both went into partnership to help telos onboard new members and more

>> No.53516193

RLC for the legit AI coin. $ImgnAI and $SHE for the memes.

>> No.53516824

everest because it's sitting at all time low atm

>> No.53518164
File: 169 KB, 345x307, 1663851007494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hold xor for 2 simple reasons, i am afraid of another fucking crash and more importantly: anime girls goes brr