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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53508339 No.53508339 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53508392


> only flush the toilet every other day

>> No.53508394

keep your chicken cage at the laundromat, feed them with donuts!

>> No.53508489
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>Kill your wife
>Get the life insurance

>> No.53508492
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Live with mother until she dies.

>> No.53508524

If you're so poor that this seems like a good idea you need to leave this board immediately

>> No.53508607

I don't get it

>> No.53508624

I unironically do what's in the title.
I also like to use the uni-PCs so that i don't have to use my own and so that my pc doesn't brake faster.

>> No.53508685

>finish other peoples’ meals at restaurants after they leave

>> No.53508769

>wash and dry condoms for reuse

>> No.53509270

>>You can take a bath if you need to every Saturday night, whether you need one or not.

>> No.53509343
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> dollar cost average beanie babies
> go get a 4 year college degree in anything that interests you. The money will come after graduation.

>> No.53509408

Buy a payphone outright to save on quarters

>> No.53509456
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>cancel netflix and invest that money into dividend paying stocks

>> No.53509896

>Between your office and a gym membership, you shouldn’t need a place to live. Sleep under your desk and shower at the gym.

>> No.53510057

This faggot will never tell you actual things to get wealth:
>Get better at your job through continuous improvement, raises, promotions, and job switching.
>Starting your own business
>Start a creative endeavor: podcast, writing, YouTube videos, etc.
>Doing all of these at the same time.
He wants his viewers to be consuming cattle who never get better and keep watching/listening week after week. It's easy to keep an audience than it is to continuously find new viewers.

>> No.53510132

Swap your discs for drums, you’ll brake slower lol

>> No.53510173

He's there to help idiots just get to the point where they aren't bleeding money and moving backwards. Most people that follow his ideas that were in debt, likely move onto something of their own design. I would be most fail to get that far because what he demands is actually pretty hard to do for the majority. He's kind of like a AA for money

>> No.53510427

That's true too.
His audience is basically people who literally aren't capable of putting his advice into action, yet also want to think they can get smarter by listening to him.

>> No.53510476

He's a boomer
I overheard boomers recently talking about how their son should work his way up from $10 an hour
You have no idea how far removed they are from the current state of the world

>> No.53510527

I don't know who's funnier, boomer Dave's advice or the broke retards running up Doordash bills who criticize him

>> No.53511260

>if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down

>> No.53512793


>> No.53512846


>> No.53513024

>refuses to say which funds he's invested in

>> No.53513065

dude some of the people who call in are fucking retarded
>hi dave i make 30k a year and i have a 100k car and also 100k in credit card debt and student loans and i want to buy a new car because i work hard and deserve it

>> No.53513763

>if it's yellow house the fellow, if it's brown drive it out of town

>> No.53513857


>> No.53514120

>Use both sides of the toilet paper

>> No.53514154

>Charge your phone at the library
But the bus ticket cost more than the power it cost to change my phone.

>> No.53514333

There was a tick-toc of a lady to was 35k underwater on her car loan. She was trying to trade in her 2023 car for a "new" 2023 car. I just don't understand.

>> No.53514383
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>> No.53514559

how tf do you get 35k underwater on a vehicle that new...

>> No.53515176

>pirate all the content
>use mousetraps to secure a food supply
>shoplift your groceries

>> No.53515600

> bike 2 hours to work

>> No.53515834

They rolled the debt of the last car into the next loan.

>> No.53517820

>A living wage is whatever I'm payin' ya. You get what you get now find a way to live on it
Kek, this is amazing. 10/10 impression, anon

>> No.53517999
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Trust Semitic finance

>> No.53518084


>> No.53518350

ill never understand people that trade in their cars. dealerships ALWAYS underprice your trade-in. Just sell it privately and save 3-5grand.

>> No.53519183


>> No.53519467

Leave her carcass at the local hospital so they have to cover the burial costs.

>> No.53519726

>bathe in public fountains

>> No.53520527

You can walk 26 miles a day, easy. Use bus fare to buy rice and beans.

>> No.53520641

>eat 1 meal a day

>> No.53521011

>Sell both your kidneys

>> No.53521015

How has no one killed this boomer conman yet?

>> No.53521028

>almost all hotels have a bible in it
>FREE one you'll need it

>> No.53521125

>>dont cum or fap so you save protein

>> No.53521137

Only Poop at work
Steal toilet paper from public restrooms
Flush the toilet with your bath water

>> No.53521147

>>have sex with your landlord so you dont pay rent

>> No.53521153

She's close.
More than she ever deserved, that's for sure.

>> No.53521176
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>Charge your phone at the library
I didn't even know retail stores had bathrooms until the whole Target=Tranny issue came up. Public Libraries?.. for sure.. public.. emergency bathroom.. natch.. but stores? I literally had no idea. Guess I would shop fast, and/or 'hold it'.
Isn't life strange?
>t still not going in a retail bathroom, trannies or otherwise

>> No.53521180

stay cool/warm at the library/store/wherever the fuck has ac is much better

>> No.53521328

Keep her in the basement freezer, collect her pension