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53507902 No.53507902 [Reply] [Original]

>do meaningful work, actively try to get chicks IRL, don't watch porn, workout, eat healthily and try to stay fit
>life feels meaningful, the world seems pretty, i feel meaningful and happy

>just neet inside my room "doing what makes me happy" playing video games, shitposting ect, don't try to get girls, eat shit
>life feels meaningless, i feel meaningless and shit, the world seems like a dark place

I dunno about this whole making it thing lads, i think i would feel less happy if i was rich enough to not work.

>> No.53507950


>> No.53507954

>put another demoralizing thread on that board mate!

>> No.53507977

How the fuck am i demoralizing?

I don't think that my emotions are coping. Or am i experiencing "dishonest happiness or something" kek

>> No.53508212

why are you listening to your emotions are you a woman?

>> No.53508222

So when you are a neet you run out of copium?

>> No.53508447

The fuck are you talking about

>> No.53508488

>How the fuck am i demoralizing?
That image is roastie wall cope, which doesn't translate as well as they think.

>> No.53508500

38 and still coping as a incel

>> No.53508521

It absolutely does. Video games and porn are the easiest route for men while the cock carousel is for women.

>> No.53508564

If I wagmi I can travel and partake in better hobbies that require money, time and practice. Then I can invite a sugar baby to travel with and join a community of enthusiasts for the hobbies I enjoy when I'm not playing video games, gardening, exercising and learning how to become a better cook. Being rich and not working IS happiness.

>> No.53508571

>I dunno about this whole making it thing lads, i think i would feel less happy if i was rich enough to not work.
wealth is unironically destructive for normalfags
we've had literally hundreds of threads of anons making it then having meme depression
the science is simple
if you're a retard or a genius, wealth will fulfill you. retards only need their base needs taken care of. geniuses have endless ideas money lets them put in motion
if you're in the middle of the curve, you have the ability to perceive abstractions but you lack the ability to create them and play with them. so you need structure
this blackpill is extremely tough for people to swallow. slightly above average anons tend to build their persona around the idea they're special and would do great things, if only they had the means. but giving them said means and thus removing any barrier forces the realisation their "slightly above average" boils down to average in the grand scheme of things

>> No.53508588

Wow anon that is such a retarded take, good job!

>> No.53508620

I'm down with that, i know i'm not Elon Musk and "hobbies" feel like masturbation to me. I'd rather just work a meaningful job, helping my community or even the society i live in at large like all my ancestors before me.

>> No.53508647

being incel is superior

>> No.53508722

>Turning into yourself, being a lonely hermit out of necessity
>Turning outwards, seeking validation from others and ride the cock carousel because you can
They are both pathetic and detrimental to a person's well being, but they are far from the same.
>finally ready to settle with a nice lady and start a family
>said the man who has been desperately trying to hold hands with a woman for the past 15 years
Yeah, definitely the same as having a triple digit body count.

>> No.53508747

God you are retarded. Neets almost never actively try to get women and improve themselves. It isn't out of necessity, it's laziness and hedonism.

>> No.53509011

And yet, the OP image does not capture this. Instead it tries to say that neets actively choose that lifestyle until they are satisfied, at which point they will finally settle down with a woman. Every retard can see that this reflection of the cock carousel analogy does not hold true.

>> No.53509044

my hair started thinning when I did a retarded diet called keto, never came back either. I did have very good, thick, long hair for 40 years though so it was good while it lasted and It's my fault for being so vain. I don't care about bitches.

>> No.53509046

Do you have reading incomprehension?

>> No.53509071

>i think i would feel less happy if i was rich enough to not work.
this is because you have slave mentality. you also are an addict and the moment you are free to do as you please you waste the entire day sitting infront of the computer. SCROOOLING. t

>> No.53509073

I knew I was retarded
Why did everyone lie to me my whole life?

>> No.53509183

Are all women pedophiles? What's the obsession with a full head of hair? Most guys have a receding hairline by their early 20s

>> No.53510163

Literally none of those things make you lose hair.

>> No.53510900

porn is not comparable to sex with randoms
porn is still le bad toe

>> No.53510985 [DELETED] 


>> No.53510994

It absolutely is. Porn is the easy way for men, just letting men fuck you is the easy way for women.

>> No.53511000

The funny thing is this is solvable with maybe 10-15k in hair plugs.

>> No.53511014

The difference is the men actually enjoy it. Most girls don't cum from one night stands so its kinda a catch22.

>> No.53511036 [DELETED] 

She's worth like 20 million bro, you can't get even get women.

>> No.53511038

what you do with your free time is on you

>> No.53511050

but if you made it you'd still be able to
>do meaningful work, actively try to get chicks IRL, don't watch porn, workout, eat healthily and try to stay fit

>> No.53511060 [DELETED] 

>They are both pathetic and detrimental to a person's well being,
Says who? Says you? You're probably fat and ugly.
I do what I want, that's freedom after all.

>> No.53511084 [DELETED] 

>Yeah, definitely the same as having a triple digit body count.
>Sex bad!
Conservatives are just coping everyone can have a sex life and get married while he has to justify his virginity.

>> No.53511128 [DELETED] 

>Instead it tries to say that neets actively choose that lifestyle until they are satisfied,
What is sarcasm, what is poe's law.
No it's Implying that being a porn addicted bald fuck drinking your twenties away is the same as "riding the cock correl".
Which, no it is not, having sex isn't a negative but sitting around all day passing your youth away is a negative.

>> No.53511142 [DELETED] 

>What's the obsession with a full head of hair?
It looks good and you don't look like a cancer patient you fucking mong.

>> No.53511145

Imagine being a genelet and your hair just falling out

>> No.53511163

why are you so invested in a shitpost thread lmfao loser

>> No.53511169

being a whore is bad, yes. have fun marrying one, liberal.

>> No.53511173 [DELETED] 

>Porn is the easy way for men,
Brown guy from Canada here.
I've had bare back sex with 50 different women from both the US and Canada.
Still watching porn, still fucking women, still homophobic.
If porn made you gay you were always a cock sucker.

>> No.53511177

no it's not
this is not an argument
unless you're riding dildos while watching porn it's not comparable
even then
it's not
getting spunk shot inside you by someone you ahve known for less than three hours is not the same as masturbation
the cause might be the similar but the 'benefits' and result is not
only muslims think you can get pregnant from masturbation
you trifecta of holes

>> No.53511194 [DELETED] 

>Most girls don't cum from one night stands so its
Women cannot "cum" retard.
Nice fat boy cope, homo.
Women orgasm, just not with you.

>> No.53511221 [DELETED] 

Nope, anyways, fat ass, I'll keep banging women and marry when I want to who I want.
Go be fat and ugly elsewhere, fucking nerd virgin.

>> No.53511254

As long as children aren't produced, yes it is. Both are getting sexual thrills in the easiest way possible.

>> No.53511319

one is choosing to enjoy themselves while assuming they have protection from the negative consequences due to their own perceived higher status
the other is choosing to enjoy themselve despite the negative consequences due to their own perceived lower status
the positions can be reversed, rarely
you're just reducing the whole thing to the most trivial possible points

>> No.53511344

kek why are you bringing social status to this? It's just monkey neuron release due to sex stuff, what hedonism always boils down to.

>> No.53511345

further, a women who watches porn is getting sexual thrills in the easiest way possible
sexual contact with another person is just that, contact with another person
and since you engage in these bad faith arguments then i will too
do you think you are in contact with the people you see on tv? do you compare going to a concert with watching it on tv?
if yes then you are retarded

>> No.53511348

>just neet inside my room "doing what makes me happy" playing video games, shitposting ect, don't try to get girls
thats what I always wanted to do once I make it and thats what I ended up doing when I made it 5 years ago
>life feels meaningless
I'm actually happy but I also dont care about socializing with Roasties and I have zero urge wasting my gains on them.
>do meaningful work
I dont work for anyone and wont do shit for this society, hope most will die from the vax
>actively try to get chicks IRL
I will never become some betacuck provider for some roastie.
>don't watch porn
I watch whatever I want
I have my own home gym, I work out for myself not for others.
>eat healthily
one of the best things about making it, you can afford better food.

>> No.53511358

social value is the main point to the meme you retard
if you can't understand that then look again

>> No.53511421

>a women who watches porn is getting sexual thrills in the easiest way possible

Not really, women don't get turned on by porn the same way as men, for them the visual side matters less.

Yeah and the social value comes from having discipline to not fall for hedonism.

>> No.53511448

>Yeah and the social value comes from having discipline to not fall for hedonism.
You argue in bad faith and it's jsut a reflection of your actual faith.
The bible, koran & torah all speak against what you're doing right now. As does every tradition.

>> No.53511481

Midwits hate him

>> No.53511484

What? Having discipline is like the biggest thing that sets winners apart from losers in our world filled with over abundance of pleasures. How is that arquing in bad faith?

>> No.53511497

you're retarded, intoxicated or arguing in bad faith
pick one

>> No.53511515

If discipline isn't the thing that matters the most, then what is?

>> No.53511516

you're delusional

>> No.53511545

i never said it wasn't
you're making stawmen so far from the points and topic of the meme that you have to be mentally impaired or arguing in bad faith
either way it's the type of behaviour you'd expect from a cunt

>> No.53511583

The point of the meme is that that man has lacked discipline to stay away from video games and porn, which are easy to access and feel good, kinda like a dick to a slut.

>> No.53511602

>do meaningful work, actively try to get chicks IRL, don't watch porn, workout, eat healthily and try to stay fit
>life feels meaningful, the world seems pretty, i feel meaningful and happy

You're delusional, this shit doesn't give life meaning at all. If you don't fix whatever's fucked inside of you, even when you reach those goals they'll feel hollow.

>> No.53511621

No, it's a reactionary meme comparing the typical roast beef to broken salami.
They are incomparable and you're trying to deal in absolutes while giving yourself a pass.

>> No.53511671

vidya and porn are cope for a shit reality. Turns out it's hard for men, not everyone is going to make it because all you have is your brain and your hands and nothing else.
Meanwhile any above average roastie on tutorial mode can just find a man to take care of her as long as she figures out how to beat the tutorial before mid thirties.
The two scenarios are so different it's insulting to imply they are similar. Male pattern baldness is largely genetic.

>> No.53511728

being a whore is a choice
being bald is genetic

imagine unironically posting womanly images like that

>> No.53511783

It's actually hard for woman to find an attractive man who sticks around instead of just going from pussy to pussy, similiar to how it is hard for a man to attract a hot woman.

>> No.53512178

>It's actually hard for whorish woman to find an attractive man who sticks around instead of just going from pussy to pussy, similiar to how it is hard for a poor man to attract a hot woman.

>> No.53512458

You can never be truly happy if you aren't rich.

>> No.53512526
File: 88 KB, 728x485, 1673646579993028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roastie cope

>> No.53512642

>betas do all those things despite virgins waiting for them from their teenage years

>> No.53512723

The reality is Jews are correct in their structuring of the world but it’s should be autists on top setting a stable society for npcs rather than psychopaths who exploit them

>> No.53512749
File: 12 KB, 221x228, 9FE30067-7BF3-4128-B724-CE5DDEF6E91D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. midwit
>after your entire youth being ignored and despised by females for being unattractive you no longer try
Really? NO, REALLY?

>> No.53512754


>> No.53512760

Being bald is literally shitty genes from your mother

>> No.53512767

Uh oh bizchuds won't like this one

>> No.53512772 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 254x198, images (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ElonAI literally just stealth launched. Ramping up the marketing now to grow the group.

Liquidity Locked & Ownership Renouced!






>> No.53512801

>Out of necessity

>> No.53512807

>after your entire youth being ignored and despised by females for being unattractive you no longer try
This actually happens to almost no one. Almost all just don't ever try due to their brain being saturated on porn since they have been 11.

>> No.53512824

myth. you're more likely to be bald if your father is

>> No.53513033

>This actually happens to almost no one.
Bullshit. Even females have documented.
>Almost all just don't ever try due to their brain being saturated on porn since they have been 11.
Yes, it's all le porns' fault that these men have no self-esteem and no female ever dindu nuffin to lower a mans self-esteem.

>> No.53513057
File: 87 KB, 600x900, 6D439471-6513-436E-A618-8C5ED1CF9741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I myself was suffering from male pattern baldness all my life up until one day I listened to /biz for once and bought Polygon Matic tokens (the ticker was MATIC when I bought them)

In a matter of 1 (one) week, I had a full head of hair, and by the week after that my hair started growing uncontrollably. I had to sell some of my Polygon Matic tokens (Ticker: MATIC) just to be able to control the growth and grooming process

Buy Polygon Matic tokens (Ticker: MATIC) and experience healthy hair and a boosted state of self confidence >picrel is me

>> No.53514235

>if you're in the middle of the curve, you have the ability to perceive abstractions but you lack the ability to create them and play with them. so you need structure
What would be your advice to midwits?

>> No.53514274

kek op you triggered the incels

>> No.53514288

jewish propaganda. Also I've hated every job I've ever had

>> No.53514318

It is fair and equal, an 18-20 yr old girl has a ton of power, a 18-20 yr old boy has nothing, they just get to go have a below minimum wage job making coffees for actual men untill they turn 25 and can then start building something for when they’re 30-35. At that point girls enjoyed all their power, maybe got smashed out and had a kid, now at 35 they are down to the power and value to the world the boy started off with. It’s not set in stone eg a woman can look after herself and a young man can get lucky, accelerate fast or inherit power but still on average

>> No.53514647

No way I noticed I started losing it when I did this wtf is this a thing

>> No.53515387


do steroids, get f'ing jacked, shave head, watch how both women and men treat you like a completely different person.

It's literally that easy, boys.

>> No.53515598

Yeah, that dude was ready for a girl friend the moment he hit puberty. The difference between males who get old and lonely vs women is that lonely men had zero options in their youth while lonely women had thousands of options but still ended up single because their standards were too high as they just pursed chads that wouldn’t commit to anything more then casual sex, the burnt out roastie from a moral standpoint is a million times more guilty.

There is also many chads that are addicted to video games, drinking and porn that don’t have problems getting women. Essentially the meme is just haha you are ugly and your ugliness and loneliness is your fault

>> No.53515649

You are a simp faggot. You put women on the pedestal and act like they are all queens in which every man has to put in miles of effort to become a chad in order to get. What the fuck do you think women do that they deserve to have such high standards? Most are out of shape, idiots addicted to social media yet think they are all hot shit. You are playing into this delusion like the cuck simp you are

>> No.53515774

I do all of that stfu. You’re literally forcing yourself into a category like females do. Balance everything you like out, game smoke weed, gym, party, socialise, stay home, work, dates and all that shit you find entertaining. Stop being a fagg and grow up op, the world doesn’t revolve around the thoughts in your head and the sentiment they hold.

This is financial advice

>> No.53515862

>please don't quit work goy! You NEED work! That's right! To feel fulfilled! Don't you want to feel fulfilled
>imagine how bored you would be with all that free time to go for walks outside and play with your children?

>> No.53515942

I’ve been thinking about riods but I am worried about permanently fucking my natural testosterone production, is there a dosage and cycle guide to prevent this from happening? I don’t want to have to be dependent on testosterone therapy my whole life after being done with riods to keep my levels test normal

>> No.53515954

it's propoganda pushed by fast food companies, big pharma and the HAES movement
also, you shouldn't radically change your diet for the better even if it's to the healthiest diet in the world as it will fuck up your chemistry, hormones and flora which will cause stress(can lead to hairloss) and make you feel ill and even shit yourself
your organs need time to adapt, just like your muscles would if you started exercising after years of being sedentary
everything in moderation, even the healthy changes
but this is turning into a >>>/fit/ post

>> No.53516056

watch how you get bald and start looking pink, not getting the results you want, then start pinning tren and become a fucking meat balloon with high blood pressure and tiny balls. sunken cost fallacy at this point, microblading your hair back and getting 5% tattoos while fuckin childless gym bunnies in their 40s.

>t. the ghost of Richmond Pianola

>> No.53516094

not to be facetious but this is exactly how you go about changing a dog's food as well. never do big dramatic changes

>> No.53516186

Just because you don't work doesn't mean you need to eat like shit and play video games all day. You know you can still work out, eat healthy, hang out with chicks, and avoid porn even after making it, right? In fact, not having a job will just give you more time to do all that stuff. Why would you continue to do nothing but sit around and play video games all day even when you know it's not good/fulfilling for you? I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around what your point even is.

>> No.53516426

There's a difference between being a NEET and being retired. NEETs don't have money, so they can't afford to go outside even if they want to. They eat like shit because cup noodles are dirt cheap, and a video game habit costs less than $100/month to maintain. NEETs live either with their parents or in cramped goypods, so they can't invite friends over even if they have any.
If you're 'retired', though, it means you have money, and can likely afford to eat out, travel, and engage in hobbies. You can afford a gym membership, and maybe even a living space big enough to hold a couch in. It's not the same as NEETdom.

>> No.53516459

Hang in there buddy

>> No.53516496

>this is your brain on thin hair

>> No.53516565

most guys don't enjoy cooming after the first few years, just becomes a compulsion

>> No.53517144

This post makes midwits seethe but it's the truth. Midwits need obstacles to fill their time, if they were granted the freedom which wealth affords they would go insane from boredom, they would not know what to do with all that time. This is analogous to the matrix, where the first matrix was a perfect paradise yet had to be changed to a grueling reality because without obstacles, without an adversary to overcome and a goal to achieve people became depressed. Only the autist with his rich innerworld and fulfilling and meaningful hobbies can benefit from wealth.

>> No.53517173

They are. Take the kidpill. Look at how many female teachers have sex with boys as young as 13

>> No.53517305

>i got the most pussy when i played tons of video games, had no job, a drinking problem, and watched porn daily.

anyways i think all you really need to do is, definitely make it. you then have money to not work, aka spend 9-10 hours a day working and commuting. unless your goal is to find your love at work.

and with all that money you now have and all that work you don't have, then do your hobby but be social about it

>> No.53517944


>> No.53518052

what would your advice be to a midwit who has made it?

>> No.53518156

I find more happiness in pursuit than leisure for sure. The problem is everything is so fucked up I don't know what to pursue.

I have a ton of business ideas but the looming explosion is preventing me. Tired of the loud mouthed women all throughout everything too.

I am starting a farm.

>> No.53518172

Balding is genetic but having a flappy pussy from a gazillion dicks isn’t.