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53502507 No.53502507 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me abusive boss stories..

I'm getting ready to quit my job on Monday(and send a letter to the CEO about how hard I could have sued them if I wasn't such a nice goy) and need extra motivation..

I didn't want to miss out on the paychecks to invest in shitcoins but at this point its not worth the abuse. It never took me more than a month to find a new job anyways, im currently using up my sick days and lied to them that I have covid and will blame it on him cuz he came into work last week with covid coughing all ovee the place(good thing im not vaxxed and my immune system works..). He has been drinking a bottle of tequila a day for more than a decade. He's out of fucking control, catching an assault charge will ruin my career so I'm just gonna leave

>> No.53502598

Never quit. Make them fire you. Even if it means not showing up to work. Get that severance pay.

>> No.53502614

don't forget to rage apply while you quiet quit

>> No.53502688

>send a letter to the CEO about how hard I could have sued them if I wasn't such a nice goy

You're a fucking retard. either pursue it or don't. Half baby-threatening someone with a lawsuit is at best impotent and at worst worth retaliating over. The guy has been doing it for 10 years, why wouldn't the CEO already know he has a drinking problem? He does know, and doesn't fucking care. Either sue them for money or move on with your life.

>> No.53502733

im a cashier at a store and they pressure us to solicit phone numbers, emails, and addresses. They also pressure us to sell more warranties and credit cards. And i don't even get any credit even if i sell a 600$ warranty. So i basically have to put in fake emails and pressure customers passed the legal limit to provide their information and purchase warranties.

>> No.53502778

this is retarded. either just sue them or say nothing

>> No.53502818
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Also go fuck yourself Op. I'm a bit of an abusive boss myself.

>> No.53502838

Holy shit... genuis.. how did I not think of that
Started today
Ceo is new and our local office is a small division of our whole company which does variouse engineer projects, I'm the only engineer in our office. Also, like I said I can find a job easily and I'm a good goy that doesn't want to hurt the company cuz I spoke with the CEO and my other bosses in different state have been very kind and nice to me but this fat Mexican POS is making life hell, I just want to warn the ceo and hope he fires him later, I don't want to stay there, he's ruined the mood plus I already stole all of their IP designs(not gonna use them just like to have a collection)
Get a networking cert, stop doing manual labor
I don't feel like seeing, I respect the ceo, so much so that I wouldn't even recommend them abruptly firing the guy I'm talking about since it will result in headaches for all the other workers which have been nice to me

Also I don't want to use my saving to sue, I'm betting it on shitcoins instead..

Btw if anyone is wonder about the pic it's an unedited picture of a Rothschild family member..

>> No.53502852

Why are u an abusive boss? Also to what extent? Is it beacuse u know they need u? Do ur workers truly deserve that treatment?

>> No.53502916

>The guy has been doing it for 10 years, why wouldn't the CEO already know he has a drinking problem? He does know,
How the fuck do you know about the CEO? Dumb fuck.

>> No.53502931

>I'm a bit of an abusive boss myself.
I hope a pack of niggers gang rape you.
I hope it gets put in the local newspaper.

>> No.53502956

>but this fat Mexican POS is making life hell
You probably called him a spic and been instigating shit since.

>> No.53502963

CEO are too cucked by the shareholders to do anything thata not causing immediate legal problems and just want the production line running
Wait let hear him out, I respect him for admiting it, I want to hear his reasons..

>> No.53502965

The fucking coping mechanisms boomers go through never cease to amaze me.

>> No.53502982

I came super close many times. I hate Mexicans so much. Everytime I met one I give them a chance and they always turn out to be shit people

Except the ones who were born in Mexico, they are hard workers and nice to everyone and religious, their kids are thw spawn of Stan for some reason

>> No.53503072
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>> No.53503366

Do u have an alcohol/drug/women problem? If not and u are naturally like this then I have mad respect for u

>> No.53505619

i was groped by a male coworker at an apple flagship store. i told my boss, elaine ma, she did nothing. i hope she and joseph suffer for treating me like I was unseen, a piece of meat. fuck you guys.

>> No.53505641


NEVER QUIT A JOB. Let them fire you and collect unemployment. There is nothing that would make this company more happy than you quitting. You are also sending a note to the CEO that you could potentially have pending legal action WHICH IS ANOTHER TERRIBLE IDEA. Do not ever tell the person you could sue, even if you don't plan to do it, that you could sue them - especially in writing. Stop being a brainlet. Go in, half ass do your job enough so they cannot fire you with cause (if that's important in your state), collect unemployment (which they have to pay, by the way), and if you want to sue, do it

>> No.53505724

when i got laid off i couldnt colect unemployment. better to not quit cuz employers hate quitters. at least have a job or school nextp

>> No.53505906
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I had a boss that would just give me contradictory instructions so frequently that I became paralyzed at my job. I never could guess what she wanted. I don't have any interesting stories as it is, just an accumulation of impossible standards and rules that can't be followed.
>Mr. X needs to have his transportation paid for "no matter what. Anything he says he gets."
>Wait, you booked transportation to the town 40 minutes from here? That's too expensive. You need to cancel it and explain to him.
>We don't talk about work stuff during lunch hour, please just be casual.
>[proceeds to turn every lunch into an interrogation session about our work and eventually everyone just starts working through lunch because that's preferable to eating with others]
>We'll have a 30 minute check in meeting once a week.
>[This meeting happened once and then never happened again]
>I would appreciate it if you would occasionally remind me of things as I can be forgetful.
>Why are you reminding me of stuff? What are you my boss now?
>Your emails are too long, try keeping it short and simple, we don't need all the details.
>Your emails need more details, we're missing information.
Office work can be a real drag.

>> No.53506084

Give most of you the responsibility of managing a company with over 10 employees and I bet here we would have the absolute worst bosses ever. Watch how your nice gestures get walked over. The ever mounting complaints and excuses every time you simply give someone a task they are paid for, every time you have to remind them the very obvious fact that they can’t just talk all day or that this is a company. Then watch your inability to have hard conversations or contain emotions have you lashing out and pulling all sorts of snide moves. To a degree most people need an element of pressure on them or they can’t be productive, why is it nobody does assignments untill they are actually due? Sure you can (empower) people and all this stuff but there needs to be an element of power used and retained and people need to be kept in boundaries. It’s the sad truth and no business book in 2023 is going to say that being mean works, it’s all
>I am here to serve my employees
It’s a load of signalling bs and they know every time they check the bank who serves who