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File: 171 KB, 955x1500, 1675114422674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53501915 No.53501915 [Reply] [Original]

Will you get a trad waifu as soon as you make it?

>> No.53501929

Why would I undo all my hardwork with alimony?

>> No.53501944

Why do you guys let pussy control your mind?
>as soon as you make it?

>> No.53501947

How much money do you need to sustain a trad wife nowadays?

>> No.53501983

>blackeyed gook
>trad waifu

Kys Cohen.

>> No.53502010

If people think a movie about a female Joker couldn't work; they just need to see her video.

>> No.53502117
File: 191 KB, 1200x628, wanggang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one and she's nip

>> No.53502162

I swear if I ever find out a guy laid a hand on this virgin maiden, I will dump my wallet to redeem her

t. Satoshi N.

>> No.53502188

whats our little princess is doing these days?

>> No.53502353

My love life is not connected to my financial life except incidentally.

Selling art last I checked. I actually like some of it, but of the pieces that she has for sale the ones I like are not available so someone with the same tastes beat me to them.

>> No.53503294

I will get myself nigger waifu

>> No.53503301

im getting such a hard instaboner from hapas

>> No.53503448

>Imagine dating her and knowing that she's thinking about her first shoot every time you bang

>> No.53503478

No. I doubt many of the posters here will end up in any kind of sexual/romantic relationship. The only reason we're here in the first place is because of failure mode attachment styles that drive us to isolate away from other people because we can't handle the inherent uncertainty of life, much less the uncertainties that come with women.

>> No.53503548

Do you think she still is into getting brutalized and degraded or was that just a silly little phase?

>> No.53503563

What's her name again?
She's my role model in life.

>> No.53503568

Can you post a link to where she’s selling it?

>> No.53503578

Damn, you make a good point. I've had good relationships in the past, and I have a 10y old daughter. I get lot of younger female attention (18-22) because of looks and but I find myself questioning if I even want women in my life now... Sure they're awesome but the hassle they bring with them and the uncertainty which you mentioned, it can be pretty exhausting for someone who kind likes to spend time alone when possible. I might get waifud up but I'm going to be careful as fuck with them

>> No.53503592

Search for Jiayi Wang art.

>> No.53503595

Brother, she is literally an escort. The woman in the photo literally accepted money to have sex.

>> No.53503757
File: 201 KB, 702x410, kwang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53503801

the proper noun is whore

>> No.53503828

Her espoused worldview is very odd, and I've heard many variations of it before.

>> No.53503856

It’s not odd at all, it is what she was taught to say in college and that is why you’ve heard it before.

>> No.53503881

Absolutely. I'll dump my gf and find me a trad wife from my home country (Nigeria) or Thailand or the Philippines. I'm sitting on $1.3 million now. $2.7 million to go.

>> No.53503899

Right. It's self evidently dumb though. With stem-lords you at least get why they seethe after a lifetime of being treated like nerds. The "math and science are hallmarks of white western oppression" bit that I keep hearing gets my hackles up. I'm used to wacky ultra-religious types taking that shot, and now it's also being taken by people who in theory should be smart enough to know that math and science are universal tools and disciplines.

>> No.53503922

Having a wife is cuck shit. All women are whores. You're supposed to just hire out 10/10 escorts once per week once you make it.
>inb4 blue pill nawalt cope

>> No.53503939

didn't she do revenge porn against her dad?

>> No.53503951

>Mayli AKA Kelly Balthazaar, Kelly Jiayi Wang
Even after watching her porno I legitimately thought OP's picture was a different girl, and wished someday I'd have another tradwife asian look at me like that. Then I noticed, and all my illusions shattered. Feelsbadman.

>> No.53503952

and then a complete virgin at the same time or something?
Totally bizarre

>> No.53503963

I thought they theory was she was targeted by romeo agents to humiliate her father

>> No.53503968

Even worse, this is the gook that got visciously fucked on camera and all her holes gaped and cum filled, and her rich daddy tried to hide them from the world.

>> No.53503979

>here take half my shit
no thank you

>> No.53503981
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Even Is that Is true she really retarded

>> No.53503986

wow she really hit the wall didn't she. didn't even realise she's the same person

>> No.53504025

>romeo agents
That's not what they're called.

>> No.53504026
File: 1.08 MB, 1528x814, Screen Shot 2023-01-31 at 11.57.26 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how she feels about fucking up her life by doing facial abuse 5 days after her 18th birthday just to one up her dad. so sad bet she regrets it.
It's a weird taint to carry around for your life. Especially as someone smart, talented, and pretty.

>> No.53504027
File: 113 KB, 755x1280, FD2D0D3D-35AA-47EB-B7B8-04964106F3AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53504040

what are they called?

>> No.53504041

It's really odd how not one of the thousands of women that did extreme porn with these guys ever tried to take them to court for rape/sexual assault, yet there are a lot of famous men (and even average men) who get taken to court over accusations
What is the secret that these guys have?

>> No.53504046
File: 33 KB, 600x493, 0d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PLEASE schizo pill me on this

>> No.53504048

Don't worry about it. But he'd have to have some serious enemies and they'd probably have taken it a lot further than having her down a few questionable porn shoots if they were going that far to fuck with daddy.

>> No.53504054
File: 66 KB, 720x687, 1672583734905310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why'd she do it?

>> No.53504059

literally couldn't word it any better. thank you anon.

>> No.53504064

No I’m too ugly

>> No.53504094

big dick

>> No.53504096

friends are a waste of time (most of the times)
gfs are a drain of time

>> No.53504219


>> No.53504253

food truck girl is better

>> No.53504388
File: 2.57 MB, 576x1024, food_truck_girls_pt2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53504404
File: 2.75 MB, 650x850, food_truck_girl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happas are more attractive better though than brazils

>> No.53504431

Women don't think, they feel. She probably doesn't give it a second thought.

>> No.53504464


>> No.53504697

big dick and NDAs.

>> No.53504762

Hapa girls are physically perfect but mentally fucked up 100% of the time. Idk why man it’s like nature allocates all the points to physical attractiveness and there’s nothing left for psychological stability.

>> No.53504801
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what a notable lack of charisma

>> No.53504940
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>> No.53504963
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>> No.53505222

yeah i've tried a few times and it drives me fucking nuts. last girl i fucked i skipped town for 6 months and sent her a bunch of abusive texts to kill the attraction because i couldn't handle the feelings. can't wait to die desu.
i hope you can figure it out for yourself though

>> No.53505262

That post doesn’t work here newfag

>> No.53505344

> Women
> Having remorse about being piece of shit whores
Yeah, sorry chief. I'd wager 90% of women that are actual whores don't feel bad about it or think they're doing anything wrong. Honestly, it's sad as fuck that such a pretty, innocent-looking girl turned out to be such a piece of shit slut. Tale as old as time tmh

>> No.53505355

Holy shit the og prince scams are finally paying off, congrats brother. I appreciate the old school work ethic, these fucking scrubs just make a dog coin and rug pull in days, no art or style to it like the old days

>> No.53505376
File: 328 KB, 1497x1329, Heresyourtradwifebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and almost forgot to post this: kek

>> No.53505382
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>> No.53505513

A long established rap sheet and a name that has ‘abuse’ in the title. Be pretty hard to convince any jury

>> No.53507489

i have a funny webm about her, but it doesnt let me post "audio streams" even though i got it from 4chan.

>> No.53508097

take what you need to live well, then tripple it cuz kids and wife

>> No.53508120

This mongoloid got face fucked and spat on for like $200 even though her scenes got the producers hundreds of thousand of dollars.

>> No.53508137

Yes, she just took the whore npc to the extreme porn direction but the basic modernist college programming is this:

1) suppressing yourself is a sin, a crime, morally bad
2) society suppresses the individual
3) its your duty and a virtue to be self obsessed your whole life and die

It’s the cult of the individual since the 60s and we will live with its consequences and degeneration for a long time until a generation of brave individuals unite into a cohesive and powerful group identity and destroys the cult. Then we should have a golden age again.

>> No.53508178

someone explain „whore“ signs and how to spot them early. A good hyperlink will suffice

>> No.53508226

they exchange sex for money

>> No.53508235

>What is the secret that these guys have?
"are you really sure this is what you want to do? you can stop at any time"

>> No.53508268

GDP guys had underage girls allegedly
also threatened girls they brought in unless they fucked on camera(girls thought they were coming for a modeling shoot)
facialabuse never hid the fact that they were doing porn

>> No.53508321

these females these days are definitely not women

>> No.53508340

based and check pilled

>> No.53508356

Just be Jewish

>> No.53508371

yesssssss thats the one hnnnnnnnnnggg

>> No.53508375

some chick did that to me recently.

>> No.53508393

its a combi of the two most batshit crazy women on earth, asian and white women. blacks and south murkins women just violent animals but white and asiain women are mostly just mentally insane amd society coddl3s tyese cunts

>> No.53508615


>> No.53508735

Decent-looking chick but I'll never understand why she got so big on this board

>> No.53508883

I've watched hundreds of FA videos over the years. I'm wondering if it's even healthy for me to be watching that type of porn with all the slapping, spitting, throatfucking to the point of seeing puke/snot, throwing the woman around and other really aggressive stuff
But it's the only type of porn that instantly gets me rock hard, while regular porn gets a regular slow hard-on from me. So clearly I'm into that type of stuff (the puke and snot I can do without but everything else gets me excited)
Seriously lads, should I try to wean myself off of this type of porn due to it not being the type of sex that any woman would realistically want to have, or are there women out there who I can find that like extreme sex like this without having to be paid for it? I want to have this kind of aggressive sex but only if the woman likes and wants it too

>> No.53508936

Get youself a submissive woman who's into that stuff, and yea there's quite a lot of them

>> No.53508950

thats why they are so hot

>> No.53508978

Already have one. Hot, fit Asian girl with a fat ass. She’s sucking my huge cock right now as we lay in bed. Then I’ll work my ~4 hours to run my business and let my wagie slaves do the rest, while I come back to plow her tight, warm pussy

>> No.53509021

pictures or larp

>> No.53509057

my gf loves spitting, slapping, choking, being thrown around, tied up, gagged, humiliated...
you just need to stop searching for trad waifus like a polcel
inb4 post nose

>> No.53509242

because she's more confident than anyone here will ever be

>> No.53509324
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loves playing with runny white glue build her art
>Splodgy art reminiscent of runny makeup
>A sculpture looks like something that was beaten up and filled with holes by long appendages
>Her name is Wang

I can't unsee it

>> No.53509618
File: 82 KB, 728x719, 9274927647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TiK tOk gIrLs ArE mOrE cOnFidEnT tHaN InTeRnEt

100% fag

>> No.53509867
File: 275 KB, 601x532, 1606913317621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started dating a good friend of mine who is a bleeding heart leftist while I'm a pol schizo
Why did I do this to myself

>> No.53510722

why has this become a meme? Why do I see her everywhere?

>> No.53510760

try to use that shit brain you have and think about it some more

>> No.53510952

brain broken -- is it just because coomers? Or is there porn of her out there

>> No.53510963

seek help you sick twisted fuck

>> No.53511017

from whom should help be sought?
the jewish therapeutic industry who have large positions in the porn industry?
the pedo religious industry of which every denomination has been found guilty to some degree?
maybe the real help was the help inside us all along

>> No.53511208

post it on /wsg/

>> No.53512975

I won't say 'a lot' of girls are into that but it's definitely more than you would think especially with how unfortunately normalized hardcore sex has become due to porn.
I remember like 10 years ago it wasn't common to cum on a girls face IRL and now they not only enjoy it but almost expect it.
I used to fuck one girl that liked being slapped and spit on.
I fucked another girls face until she puked.
I had another girl eat my ass.
I don't even get around like that. Girls are just bigger whores these days.

>> No.53513151

Posts like this just depress me because I think you're right. But I'm also not getting any kek

>> No.53513172

I've watched a lot of facial abuse and it's gets me hard, but I don't think actually doing any of that shit would really work well irl. Porn is mostly hot because you're in the position of a voyuer. I mean, don't get me wrong I wouldn't mind trying it but I think honestly as is most porn it's just a fantasy.

>> No.53513278

I did it to a girl once since she wanted me to be rough and I kept asking her if she was okay. It felt kind of depressing in the moment.

Yet again I didn't hate women as much ten years ago as I do now.

>> No.53513700

god i want to kiss her

>> No.53514558

>I get lot of younger female attention (18-22) because of looks and but I find myself questioning if I even want women in my life now..
why would you not go for them. they can also be influenced into being your ideal wife

>> No.53515325

They're fucking annoying

>> No.53515380

they can learn not to be annoying. it also depends on the culture, women over 25 in america are annoying too

>> No.53515398

God made you do it to convert your enemies into frens. Don't fail your mission, warrior, the Lord gives his toughest battles to his most faithful warriors.

>> No.53515747
File: 59 KB, 720x960, 1653452789161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>matched with girl on tinder who said she wanted to be treated bad
>asked her how bad
>sends me a 500-word essay on how she wants to be slapped, spit on, and verbally abused in public
>said "good luck" and blocked her
bitches like this are not worth the mountainous baggage they carry with them

>> No.53515878

jesus christ

>> No.53516365

Maybe that's true but I am weak willed

>> No.53516489

i bet she came to your last words

>> No.53516510

I can save her

>> No.53516569
File: 240 KB, 1368x1688, hits pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always and forever.

>> No.53516852
File: 175 KB, 1648x1648, 248292474_409396327452049_4332245657085511133_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got a superlike from the chick on the right. her ex is on the left. Should I jump to it guys?

>> No.53517220

BPD eyes aside, if her ex is in the photo you better be prepared for a devil's threesome.

>> No.53517325
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>> No.53517389

she died of drug overdose

>> No.53517398
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Those White roasties got MOGGED by the Brown beauty.

>> No.53517463
File: 392 KB, 2048x1536, 279235125_524120775979603_4837437127338794747_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? you dont wanna fondle that fat gut bro?

>> No.53517744
File: 555 KB, 2753x2718, me. A smart boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im pretty sure I started this meme

>> No.53518142

I bet there's a black spot on your brain rn that's just rotten

>> No.53518170

no. never marry until other men have wives you can fuck!

>> No.53518409

that fuckable goofy fucking face

>> No.53519103

It should have been my cock

>> No.53519743

>make it
you can find legal girls on tinder or at music festivals willing for 1k a month

>> No.53519859

>It's really odd how not one of the thousands of women that did extreme porn with these guys ever tried to take them to court for rape/sexual assault
That literally did happen you fucking retard, not only that, in most cases these women very obviously consented. Like Jessica Khater. This chick's dad paid a fuck ton of money to wipe most traces of that video off the internet, good luck trying to find it if you don't already have it.

>> No.53520292
File: 333 KB, 1080x1478, Best dad ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking up her life
Her dad was very rich, anon. He tried his damnedest to get those tapes scrubbed off the internet but even his resources couldn't stop the weaponized autism. His only genetic legacy was revealed to be a crazy slut, his career was jeopardized, and his professional/personal life was ruined. The only thing he could do was either honor kill her or kill himself.
>Why the FUCK did she do it?
Because she wanted to. Bitch loved her face fucked hard and being called "pig" and "whore". And she knew it wouldn't matter. Daddy's money would make sure it wouldn't affect her socially or career wise.
>how is it so far?
>this your first time puking on a cock?
>my first time puking on my own face
They usually break cunts, they're expected to cry. But she fucking loved it smiling and laughing the whole time.

>> No.53521334

>I am too autistic to read nonverbal cues

>> No.53521367
File: 164 KB, 520x694, art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a joke?
she did all that to piss of daddy and now she puts chinese culture in a trash bag?
wtf is wrong with this woman

>> No.53521631

my friend did porn with Facial Abuse's sister site Ghetto Gaggers and she said they were extremely respectful and they spend a bunch of time going through exactly what they're going to do, say, and working through the performer's kinks and reasons for having them etc. apparently the guy who runs it is getting his PhD in psychology which i thought was funny
btw she's they make fun of and call "Ron Jeremy" and "The Hedgehog" where they put a cucumber on a electric drill, works at a nunnery now

>> No.53521705

i saw a thing that said rough sex is just girls outsourcing their self harm and it struck me as accurate

i've had girls who wanted me to be rough to the point of hurting them and it felt weird. seemed like they were dealing with some gnarly stuff from earlier in their life maybe. i think our culture is pretty unhealthy, and porn doesn't help as other people have already mentioned.

>> No.53521716

Bollocks, she loved every second of it

>> No.53521731

No cause thats boring and for losers. I will get a femdom/role reversal GF soon.

>> No.53521753

as the child of a high-ranking goldman sachs executive i wonder if she was abused or if that just comes naturally.

man. the darkness in the world is weighing on me today. there's just so much suffering. you know what it all has in common? the enforcement of will on the powerless by the powerful. it's all unnecessary. it seems like it's inherent to humanity, at least in this phase of our history. we hurt each other as a main mode of interaction. and it's usually the innocent who get hurt worst. i think one thing we're talking about in this thread is how many people (especially women) have started to get sick in the head, and convince themselves they like to get hurt.

one reason it's like this is that people have convinced themselves that this is the way it should be, the way that it is now is the only way it can be. that the hurting is natural. but it's not, it's sick, it's backwards, the way things are now is the inverse of how they should be.

maybe it goes back to Cain and Abel. is all of history just the story of the strong hurting the weak? and does the rest of our history have to be that way?

i think that's enough internet. goodnight 4chan

>> No.53523272
File: 1.87 MB, 1024x1024, 1675028146264917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women are the biggest risk u can take on for tons of reasons.
the higher alpha is to just acquire currency.

>> No.53523592

>they spend a bunch of time going through exactly what they're going to do, say, and working through the performer's kinks and reasons for having them etc.
Well they definitely do this for the more recent videos. The recent videos include a post-scene interview of the woman where they ask her a bunch of questions like was she comfortable with everything that they told her they were going to do to her, was there any part of the shoot that she didn't like, did she feel like stopping at any point, etc.
I'm assuming that they have an entire archive of these post-scene interviews going back to their earliest videos, that they keep just in case of any false accusations
All porn companies should be doing this, it's exactly what saved the porn actor Rico Strong from those ridiculous false accusations by Leigh Raven
I'm not entirely against the basic idea behind the metoo movement, but I hate how it refuses to acknowledge something that we all know to be a fact: no matter how infrequently you believe it may happen, sometimes these crazy bitches lie about being raped, and some of them believe that regret = rape

>> No.53524018

stop wearing shades
everything looks bleak through them
objective reality doesn't exist, or if it does it is god's alone
think about it, let's say a tree falls on your car killing your entire family
you can either view yourself as extremely unlucky for losing your entire family while surviving or extremely lucky for surviving and this is before you take into account the tree's experience, or the lumberjacks
>tl;dr everything is about perspective
>verification not required

>> No.53525318

Cool. Cool.
Kelly is still an insane slut.

>> No.53525449

At least you have not yet reached the depths of Bakki vids. FA is literally NOTHING compared to it. I advice everyone here to have a watch.

>> No.53525739

lets hope the scenes were with some thick bbc's. the kike father and this hybrid kike dont deserve any better