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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53500830 No.53500830 [Reply] [Original]

>only $135,000 in cash, $13,300 in a mutual fund, and a measly $2,300 in crypto

>> No.53502672

That’s it?

>> No.53502743

how big is your house?

>> No.53502773

kek. why do poor people try to brag about being poor?

>> No.53502786

Yikes. If you were 22 maybe I'd say your getting there

>> No.53502807

If he doesn't already own a home thats pretty sad to have that small amount saved. I know a homeless guy with 6 figures in a 401k. Kek. Imagine living with mommy and daddy until you are a grown man (25-30) and you have LESS than 150k saved. KEK fucking loser

>> No.53502825

Yeah man if you're not six figures, six foot, and a homeowner by 6 months old it's pretty much over. From that point you're just doomed to post frogs for all of eternity.

>> No.53502827

Thiss kek, all the homeless people i know have at least 6 figs especially after the covid handouts and meme stock craze

>> No.53503860


the 2 homeless guys I know pull in 3k/week untaxed panhandling, and got around 500k in their investment accounts before 25.

>> No.53503895

I know meth addicts that live in a black ghetto with more money than that. Get a job, kiddo.

>> No.53503916

>tfw graduate degree and still getting MOGGED by the homeless

It’s over for me bros…

>> No.53503942

I have $315,000 at 21 years old thanks to Fantom

>> No.53504980

I agree

>> No.53504989

>most is in cash
aside from larp, who are these people?

>> No.53505251

> 23
> 31K


>> No.53505275

this, now everyone has mid 6 figures minimum

>> No.53505274

put all of it on eth/solid on beefy finance at this exact link. you're welcome. this is financial advice. https://app.beefy.finance/vault/monolith-solid-weth

>> No.53505341

Anon you've been working age adult for almost a decade... what have you been doing all this time? Playing video games? Like you could easily have put away 50k a year with compound interest and an average investment strategy and you'd easily be near a million if not well over. If you don't have at least 600k saved up by age 30 it's basically over you're not going to make it you're so financially behind the curve.

>> No.53505358

Why are you holding that much cash. Get some CDs and Ibonds, gold, etc.

>> No.53505375

Why do anons keep posting threads like this? Yeah, you’ve got a bit of money. No one cares

>> No.53505430

You’re doing better than the vast majority of people.

>> No.53505473

It’s a demoralization thread I usually make them but anon took my shifts for this week

>> No.53505514
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Don't feel bad bros. This guy is a schizo brain damaged kike. Money isn't everything.

>> No.53505515


Your biggest problem is keeping all that in cash but this is a stupid copy pasta thread by now so you’re probably larping as a retard

>> No.53506542

No I’m not, I’ve asked around

>> No.53506555

Did you not start working until 25?

>> No.53506583

>32 years old
>$35k salary
>$2k in debt
i'm almost debt-free bros

>> No.53506604
File: 16 KB, 600x300, 1622071506856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And? Yeah man, we're all poor down here, big deal.
Why don't you try to apply yourself for the first time in your life, it's not that hard. I started shorting last year, real shorting, professional shorting for people actually wanting to make money and have doubled my folio's size since. Yeah i know 20k isn't as much, but it's something and its growing, hell with the recent pumps we also have the chance to long our favorite assets so there is even more of a chance to make it. Bottom line OP you're a disgusting lazy shittard that needs to be put down. Grab your VINU or any of your shitcoin casino coin and start investing with the big kids

>> No.53506619

get a job

>> No.53506642

i live in japan, wages are shit. sure i can find a better paying job but it's not a big difference and i like my current job because it gives me enough freedom

>> No.53506740

24 unfortunately, I was late to the game