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53497498 No.53497498 [Reply] [Original]

I've been renting my house for the last couple of years on kijiji & there's always an applicant thats late 20's- 35 range that request for a viewing,

Why the fuck why would they waste money on renting a place on space they dont need, mataining/cleaning also. Just get a condo/upscale apartment. I never understood it

>> No.53497557

noise pollution, plus if you wanna lay out in the sun its nice to have your own yard

>> No.53497567
File: 46 KB, 680x472, 1 dYli2KamsaenRtnB_0-05w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you seething over other people's choices?

>> No.53497577

because they don't make detached 1 bedroom houses much

>> No.53497618

because i dont want to hear my upstairs neighbors screaming at each other at 2am?
all of the apartments ive lived in have had awful insulation, even the expensive upscale ones

>> No.53497767

nails it. Plus the roaches don't pay rent, even in the nicer units.
The extra space allows for separate
rooms for your office, guests and hobbies. Will inevitably get pared down if you meet a woman (buy a bugger place then?), but nice to enjoy the space while you have it.
Also who said anything about renting?

>> No.53497772

apartments suck and are full of poor people

>> No.53497816

>why would a single guy rent
At least he occupies the home you slum lord.

>> No.53497850

also make it more obvious that you're a normie retard
meanwhile it's 1/4 or less of the foot traffic of a family, meaning your house won't be fucked up by kids, pets, and retarded women dropping shit on the floor and stamping around in high heels.

>> No.53498416

>Why the fuck why would they waste money on renting a place on space they dont need

I agree with you. Personally, I would live in a slum without bugs or mold until I could afford a house. But there are people who rather over pay to rent. Have you seen how many 3k apartments there are? It is unreal.

And they shouldn't

>> No.53498585

Maybe they want to live in the suburbs where their money goes a lot further. In my city a 1 bed 1 bath studio basically starts at $1600. You could rent a 3/2 in the burbs all day for that.

Maybe they have hobbies. One room to sleep in, one room as an office, one room for model trains/kites/bikes/guns/coins/watches/whatever

Maybe they have a big family who is active in their lives and they want to make sure they have space for them to stay over when they come to visit.

I think the better question is why do you care? One person = less wear and tear on the house. If their finances are in order I'd actually prefer that as a landlord. It's better than a family with young children who will tear the place up, or a roomate situation with multiple young adults who might not have a ton of experience living on their own, let alone how to maintain and be respectful of a house they don't own.

>> No.53498644

one for youtube vids/hobbies, one for smashing 8/10 IG model roastie/sleep, and one for comfy man cave meditation/relaxing

>> No.53498832

Because they want to start a family or think that they need this to do that.

>> No.53499441
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Is it just me or are all the landlord types starting to think they have a say in the lives of their customers. I am seeing more and more prying and condescending comments aimed at tenants.

Being a landlord does not give you privilege or a say into other peoples live. Wtf happened that suddenly those who "OWN" Property are somehow better then everyone else? that It is time to make being a landlord shameful again.

>> No.53499487

if they are acting like that it's most likely because they are overleveraged in an increasingly illiquid asset and even getting a single tenant that is smart enough to read the tenant protection laws and wants to use them to their advantage could mean financial ruin, bankruptcy, and repossession by the bank of "their property"

>> No.53499556

its called a trailer

>> No.53499603

I’m renting a 5 bedroom house right now as I just moved to a new city and am working on building a home. I like the space and living in a wooden apartment building is miserable, I had to spend the last few years listening to stomping or loud house/ethnic music when trying to sleep in my old apartment. So far the solution for noisy neighbors in apartments is apathy from the apartment management and the general response I got was “fuck off brokie, don’t like it? Don’t rent an apartment.” I will probably never live in a apartment again for the rest of my life.

>> No.53499608
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LandChad here, I do. My house my rules.

OP is a faggot though, single guys are based and the best rentoids

>> No.53500847

I own a 6 bed 3 bath house. Live in it by myself. Half acre. Park my truck in my 3 car garage.

Fuck sharing walls, fuck being 5 feet from your neighbors

>> No.53500879

>Why the fuck why would they waste money on renting a place on space they dont need, mataining/cleaning also.
People like owning big shit?

>> No.53500919

Bro, I'm growing dope in my apartment.
Fuck, I'd cook speed if I knew where to get the equipment.

>> No.53500930

>Fuck sharing walls, fuck being 5 feet from your neighbors
It's a liberal citycuck thing anon. lefties just love the hustle and bustle of hearing their gay neighbors fucking.

>> No.53500943

>OP is a faggot though, single guys are based and the best rentoids
Thank you dear sir.
Damage is 100 percent on stupidity however.