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File: 27 KB, 650x600, 1675063308454565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53497428 No.53497428 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fucking shit, we are actually the ones who have endure this nightmarish times and reconstruct society isn't it?

We are the bad times strong men of history isn't it

>> No.53497440
File: 1.63 MB, 2101x1197, 1668433765687882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are the bad times strong men of history isn't it

>> No.53497447

nope, we're the bad times weak men of history. strong men will die, only the weak will remain who are ruled by the rich. the plan has reached its final step.

>> No.53497459

Look faggot i'd be the first one to tell boomers to fuck off and die but here we are

>> No.53497729

Buckle up bitch we're going hunting

>> No.53497760

I’m a crypto neet what the duck are you on aboot?

>> No.53497846

>reconstruct society
Why would you want that? Are you handicapped? Some sort of degenerate?


>> No.53497945

don't forget AI. We got exiting options like:

1. ai takes all jobs over
2. humans end as "caveman" with magic machines they dont understand
3. it wokrs til it breaks down cause nobody knows how to repair magic tech. Restart cycle as people are forced to build from scratch again



>> No.53498020
File: 949 KB, 823x381, subhuman hands typed this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>we are the bad times strong men of history innit
internet times create retard men

>> No.53498034

Stop being melodramatic

>> No.53498047
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Nothing stopping you from enlisting.

>> No.53498051
File: 8 KB, 442x108, TIMESAND___ShibaInuCoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if my sell price is being targeted or my cashout amount. If the latter, there would be no point putting more money into it but if the former then I should HODL SHIB instead of HODLing USD.

>> No.53498063
File: 22 KB, 500x337, stalker-meme-idlememe-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being brown beats being fat and or retarded...

>> No.53498065
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>> No.53498077
File: 70 KB, 1125x662, stalker-meme-idlememe-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 109 million shiba inu.

>> No.53498100
File: 435 KB, 1242x628, 25B4F692-4A61-4944-BC4F-3F6EF65254A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was the best of times, it was the *blurst* of times!

>> No.53498122

being brown = retarded
and fat 'people' can just lose weight
but you can't un-melanin a gentleman

>> No.53498479

me on the left except I don't have big droopy titties or black hair or glasses or am I wearing a gigachad mask right now and neither am I that scrawny

>> No.53498507

>Posting anime shit
>Being a tranny faggot nigger
>Thinking he's relevant
No faggot you'll die insane and waiting for nothing to happen this board is a shell of it's former self jesus fucking christ.

>> No.53498546
File: 1.25 MB, 500x467, 62e7875c4ea8b7e91f177cf60e7f3c67.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to faceberg normalnigger.

>> No.53498574

Kill yourself samefaggot schizo post your face and with a timestamp and I'll send you 1250 link.

>> No.53498573

Yes, we survived a 14 year recession and rich people trying to kill us with Soviet era propaganda and population control jabs.

>> No.53498589

I grew up with a weeb faggot before weebs were a thing he's a 61 year old man now he's been bald with long creepy pasta hair since his 20's a cocaine pinkie nail and is socially the most awkward person i've ever met.

Basically he was the archtype for niggers like yourself.

>> No.53498614

I don't want your gaylord shitskin schizo poojeet funny money. You're on anime website, know your place, subhuman.

>> No.53498630

How many times do you need to be told this isn't Faceberg grandpa?

>> No.53498882

He sounds based.
Hating anime is mainstream normalfaggot opinion.

>> No.53498949

Based. Trannime faggots are literally the weakest subspecies on the planet, even a street shitter selling finger food in Mumbai is more respectable than these faggots.

>> No.53498978
File: 23 KB, 804x440, tranime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime website.
Kill yourself.

>> No.53499077

You arent strong and you aint reconstructing shit.

Times dont 'make' people, it filters them. Evolution is a brutal process.

>> No.53499103

Nice autism projection, but that’s around the time we begin making fun of you trannies.
Before a tranny website, this is an anonymous image board. Trannime =/= freedom of speech. Kill yourself violently you virgin faggot. Ywn feel the warm embrace of a woman.

>> No.53499125

>trannies were only made fun of in 2019
well memed friend, too bad you're a retarded newfaggot teenager who can only speak in "memes".

>> No.53499419

Stop putting words in my mouth your fucking schizoid retard. We were clearly referencing the word “trannime” which you autistically googled. You and your people have literally ALWAYS been the laughing stock of modern civilization.

>> No.53499443

You cant even spell tranime or imageboard right you mentally ill retard. Are you the guy telling people buying a car won't make them women either? Just go suck a tranny dick already or go kill yourself.

>> No.53499491

we are the last of the weak men generation sadly

the gen after the zoomers, who have pluto in capricorn, those will be the strong (and cruel) empire builders

The zoomers (pluto in Sag) and millenials (pluto in Scorpio) are fuck-uppers sadly, we will be worse than the boomers

>> No.53499586

actually you can go back and see what our gen did in the last cycle, the ones with pluto in scorpio (current millenials) are horrible people and have a lot of anger and resentment bred into them, they are the ones who did the Reign of Terror during the french revolution

so the good news is we will be the ones to bring out the guillotines and run the streets red with blood in our lifetime

Zoomers will be the horrified idealists trying to pick up the pieces and failing until a gen alpha Napoleon equivalent rises from the ashes. Yes Napoleon had Pluto in Capricorn.

For those unacquainted with astrology (but not retarded enough to fall for the astro is a meme meme), Pluto has a cycle of 250 years, which is the cycle of empires, and can be divided in 12 subcycles, one for each zodiac it moves through.

Our zodiac (millenials) was scorpio which is why we're brooding, moody fucks. Zoomers is Sag which is why they're free-spirited idealists. Gen Alpha is Capricorn which is hard, stubborn workers.

The boomers were neurotic, rule-stickler Virgos

>> No.53499635

Where can I learn more about this, and what part does mercury play in this?

>> No.53499706

mercury is a very fast-moving planet and has no effect on generations, aside from possibly its position when pluto enters a new zodiac every 20.6 years or so (aspects with Pluto).

It affects wit and communication and is at home in Gemini (my own main zodiac)

You can learn more by watching the astrology podcast on youtube and reading up on astrology, see how charts and aspects are interpreted. Astrology is not an easy science however, because it is complex to begin with, and because powers that be like to keep it obscured from the masses so will propagate disinfo

>> No.53499755

Is wall-e worth a watch?

>> No.53499779

>Bad times
Not even close, bud

>> No.53499964

Fear mongering victim hood complex

>> No.53499973

Are you the same astrology anon who was talking about 2024 being a bullish year for the markets?

>> No.53500012

We are in the weak men creating hard times phase

>> No.53500073

no but I was the amateur astrology anon in that thread
financial astrology is not my strong suit and I am hesitant to abuse it to further something as base as financial greed. But I can read charts.

>> No.53500217

FUckingthis. True hard times will WRECK this pansy ass generation.

>> No.53500753

It’s kind of a shitty metaphor but yes we are. The greatest generation, operating from the Great Depression to the 50’s, created national unity and the strong state. These were the strong men in hard times. Boomers reaped the benefits of their parents success, and a serious inferiority complex riding the coat tails of their parents sacrifice. These were the weak men creating hard times.

The thing to remember is that the transition does not take place one generation to the next. We have been in “good times” economically, socially, militarily, and historically generally speaking. The fear of change is fueling the failure of our era of the Pax Americana as the boomer generation could only cannibalize the wealth and strength of America. I am a mid millennial and in my lifetime I have seen the evisceration of this countries strength and economic power starting with NAFTA. Weak men are not created out of desire or ignorance, but instead by the removal of access to power. The millennials and Sooners will be able to regain access to power through the struggles of our children as they remake the world in the image of what we taught them. They will be the strong men in hard times.

>> No.53500802
File: 220 KB, 545x370, 1665240755716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes. Very much so.

>> No.53500820

Fuck off faggot, show some respect to your parents. Or are your parents Gen X?

>> No.53500856

And the children of the Millennials will create the hard times again, and their children will struggle through the hard times. Their parents were unable to keep the world together, and their children will destroy what they'll create. And then their grandchildren will have to re-create it again.

>> No.53500907

Why yes of course anon that's why you're posting here right?

>> No.53501587

No, I think we are the weak men. Not that that brings me any comfort, it's just gonna suck for a long time, and I will have to grit my teeth.

>> No.53501615

Due to acceleration we are all of the men rapidly from one to another.

>> No.53501822

Nigger most of us were alive for Y2K. You saw this turning of the World jump the shark. It's a long, long time until our descendants (>) will purge whatever dysgenic monstrosities and cultural detritus are spawned in what may well be a half millennium dark age.

>> No.53501840

Where did you learn these things?

>> No.53501870

>strong men
Have you seen the average "man" these days kek
We are the weak and things are just beginning to unravel

>> No.53501918

never seen it

>> No.53501922

Does astrology really apply to financial markets? The moon phases as well?

>> No.53501923


>> No.53501950
File: 155 KB, 731x730, 1660434522098048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah buddy, you ready for the ride?
My boomer dad is constantly doomposting and apologetic about the society he left me. It males me laugh, because there isn't any time period I'd rather be.
>i want to witness horrors beyond my comprehension
>i want to ride the tiger
>i want to have fun reforming society
>i want to be a raider for a dickhead warlord and enslave people for personal profit
>i want to die in a gun fight at the age of 19 in a dispute over a can of beans
Let's fucking gooooooooo bros

>> No.53501952

I ask because most astro explanations outside of that one guy from pre-purge Twitter who did astro-physiognomy are about dumb stuff and sort of worthless.

>> No.53501965

Did he at least know how to use punctuation?

>> No.53501975
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Another few years and I'd be too old to give a shit. Good luck zoomies

>> No.53501993

No he was a pedophile who wouldn't stop groping his friends kids so he lives alone now and nobody talks to him.
