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53495248 No.53495248 [Reply] [Original]

Generational wealth denied

>> No.53495263

He wont leave it to his family because its property of the CCP

>> No.53495289

>gen x shabbos goyim nodding in agreement as they too condemn their children and their children's children to a lifetime of learned wagecuckery, perpetually starting over from scratch in an increasingly competitive, increasingly overpopulated, increasingly brown world that becomes more and more devoid of opportunity with every passing year.

>> No.53495298

This is how Generational Wealth is actually passed on. How do you not know this?
Rich guy says "Nobody needs this much money, I'm leaving all mine to charity", then spends a few years shopping around for a worthy charity, deciding they're all corrupt and bad, so the only option is to found his own and donate all his wealth to that charity. Then his kids and grandkids get appointed to the board where they manage the charity's money, spend it how they see fit, and get paid a respectable salary to do so, all while avoiding paying inheritance taxes or any taxes at all on the wealth because it's a legitimate tax-exempt charitable organization.
This is the oldest scam in the book.

>> No.53495312
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Like seriously, how do you not know this?

>> No.53495352

This, your direct line will live well while avoidind the 10-40% haircut every generation
It also makes sure the pile of money doesn't get divided

>> No.53495367

>he can't

>> No.53495421
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Xi already took his lunch money

>> No.53495581

isn't his son a druggie or some shit? I wouldn't leave my money behind for him either

>> No.53495731

>be famous and wealthy
>have 1 child with 1 woman


>> No.53495744

that's how it used to work, today you just have things like bitcoin. if you're not going to spend it, nobody knows it even exists

>> No.53495965

Surprisingly common actually. A lot of the rich and powerful end up having no descendants within a few generations, and the line is extinguished

>> No.53496086

>The Ledger isn't completely public
Spend any of it and you give the game away.

>> No.53496146

This. As the grandson of a very powerful man, i can confirm
You'd be surprised on how old folks refuse to learn the easy way like crypto and use the old complicated way instead. Old dogs can't learn new tricks

>> No.53496384

lmfao, btc has literally been confiscated by governments around the world. usa and bulgaria? own like 500k just from confiscations

>> No.53496619

Leave Jackie alone!!!

>> No.53496686

>if you're not going to spend it
the point is multi-generational wealth, and that means risking tax and property law changes, hoarding physical money (gold), or eschewing either and hoarding digital money (bitcoin).

when you want to spend it you have the same problems whether its property, shares, gold, bitcoin, monero, whatever.

>> No.53496710

I come from money and i can tell you with 100% confidence there isn't a single 'big' family i know that wants anything to do with crypto. I do know somebody that bought crypto and they got cut off for gambling.

>> No.53496741

old money hates anything associated with the nouveau riche, it's true

>> No.53496767

old money hates it because it generated a lot of new money and devalued their slice of the pie

>> No.53497025

oh the irony

>> No.53497361

if they were, you wouldn't know, that's the power

>> No.53497506

Thank god these retards are getting demoted

>> No.53497779

>put it in trust or foundation that you control
>son inherits control after he dies
>didnt give a cent a to my son goys ;)