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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53491240 No.53491240 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that ICP will host AVAX on its front end. They are not competitors but actually friends. As ICP can make https request calls to l1 networks that use evm, ICP and AVAX have essentially integrated. Evenmoreso when the Dfinity team actually officializes the ability to call evm in a non hacky way that requires app level developers to do it themselves. It will come though

Also ICP will allow even more cross chain swaps with avax including btc, rose, doge etc.. AVAX and ICP guys are starting to realize this and wagmi

>> No.53491386
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Say no to poo incel "Jeff Benzos"

>> No.53493394

Blockchain singularity
When normies return theyre gonna be buying my iced piss for $3333