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5348581 No.5348581 [Reply] [Original]

You may only post ITT if you've HODLed through this dip

>> No.5348602

Reporting in.

Don't care

>> No.5348632
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I'm with you, not a pussy bitch

>> No.5348665

sold 5k btc at 19.5, just bought $1300 btc and $1300 btc. thought if it all goes to shit, I got my 2k investment out. if not then this will pay off big time

>> No.5348676

I am but I only have 3K into this which is peanuts compared to people around here.

>> No.5348697

yep. anyone feel like this is going to launch like a rubber band? imagine the fucking fomo

>> No.5348699

I bought in today.

>> No.5348709

Not only hodl but got moer at discount rates lmao

>> No.5348779

Wouldnt it be smarter to sell half and then buy back in cheaper?

>> No.5348852

in theory, but it may be a little too late, or not, you never know. we could get resistance at 12k and have it sligshot back to 18k and u just sold half and fucked yourself

>> No.5348890

I'm literally forced to hold my bch since gdax froze it.


>> No.5348920

lol, just -30%, like a give a fuck. Posting wojaks, anyway.

>> No.5348923
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>flailing while in quicksand

Just wait

>> No.5348957

...it'll go back up...r-right??

>> No.5348959
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I'm expecting this, with a massive overbuy that will set high ATHs

>> No.5348998

Reporting in. Bought at 17500.

>> No.5349019

Going to enjoy the sweet sweet gains once the rebound comes. Gonna buy ETH and ltc for cheap, trade some for omg, xrp, and xlm
HODL and be rich

>> No.5349042

Well to be fair you already fucked up by not selling during the dip last night.
If you only sell half while its dropping then you get the security of staying in with the risk of making even more money. Also the security of getting out early and the risk of staying in for the rebound.

>> No.5349078

Haven't sold or moved a thing. Down $200, waiting it out.

>> No.5349104

i fucking hope so, or you'll be hearing about shootings all over

>> No.5349107

>Down 10k
In reality I'm just where I was a week ago but shit jiggles my berries

>> No.5349122


HODL because it's just weak hands cashing out for Christmas and buying shit, rather than holding until "made it" status (millionaire club)

>> No.5349152
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apparently i have iron hands or i'm a fucking retard. i'm pretty sure its the latter of the two

>> No.5349160
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Buy cheap you stupid niggers

>> No.5349183
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sergeant iron hands reporting in

>> No.5349188

>tfw those iron hands actually come from all the typing you've done pumping shitcoin

>> No.5349233
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Coinbase/GDAX are absolutely the best exchanges for people with weak hands since they force you to hodl whenever things get tough.

>> No.5349269

will hold even if my folio hitts 1€, I'M NOT SELLING, EVER

>> No.5349271

Hodling like never ever before... And enjoying the hell of it. The recovery is gonna be glorious. All the normies that came go me asking me how to get into crypto are being bautized iin blood and they are panicking like never before even tho I told them was a bad time to enter.

>> No.5349317


bought earlier at 12k3
now It's 11k5 on bitfi , does this make me a hodler ?

>> No.5349327

Veteran of the 2013-2015 Bear War checking in, I'm already dead inside

>> No.5349328
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>> No.5349369

because it's possible to time the market, fuck off

>> No.5349372

Half my portfolio in fiat just waiting to enter again

>> No.5349389

yes my dude, i stopped emotionally caring long ago

people can be smiles and act like their some amazing wall street investor when we go from 5k to 20k in months but dont act the same way on a mega dip

buy the fucking dips boys

look at some of these alt prices in btc pairing

its like free money

buy when theres red sell when theres green ffs

>> No.5349402
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shit nigga i barely even moved

>> No.5349414

Bought $2500 of LTC at 295 a share. Holding until the next surge that will literally gain me just enough profit to cover the fees then getting the fuck out. I make good money but not good enough to not care about losing a grand or two. Moved to and gonna cash out on gdax from buying on coinbase so hopefully selling fees way less.

>> No.5349422

37k trx here


>> No.5349428

I only care about going up

>> No.5349438

I'm HODLing, Honestly just considered cashing out and buying back in while its cheap. If everything goes down to ~20$ a coin I could make more if it recovers

>> No.5349450

I'm losing 600 dollars and still holding, but I don't see the point now to be honest.

At some point, I could lose so much I could retake just by investing in stocks, or all I will gain back is what I sold at loss.

SO what's the point in holding now? You realize we went down 40%?

>> No.5349466
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Hold you fools. The underlying tech makes sense.

>> No.5349470

I still have my 150 in Litecoin and BOY AM I NERVOUS

>> No.5349479

read the picture again retard

>> No.5349502

Iron fists bro. Got some fiat waiting to throw at more eth when i feel it hits its bottom

>> No.5349522

Look,like in litecoin. Sold at 280 and now it's at 184.

100% probability of a c c u m u l a t i n g
With the "buy" button.
If you don't see the obvious CRASHES and accumulate on them you don't have to be jealous if other succeds in doing so.

Obviouslty small dips are difficult to predict,but c'mon,you can literally also sell now for example at this price and buy a couple usd less.

Also yes,in the end (if they will ever recover obv) i'm gonna make more % than you hodlers.

Stay salty,stay hodlers

>> No.5349537

>strong knee hodler reporting

>> No.5349553

Still holding like a good goyim.

Wish I had sold a bit at the top though. This was maybe the last opportunity to accumulate a lot

>> No.5349564

Down 12k lmao I'm not selling

>> No.5349596

XLM, literally could not give a shit. You are dumb as fuck if you sold off in this dip, I will see you guys next week though.

>this happens nearly every fucking month

>> No.5349598
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>Ever selling my eth

Its like you normies want me to make loss

>> No.5349638

im not selling but this shit could potentially go on for weeks. not happy about it.

>> No.5349710

This is how I'm feeling now

>> No.5349717

omg i love thick chicks

>> No.5349731

>you have weeks to accumulate at reasonable prices before mania occurs again
What's there to complain about?

>> No.5349778


>> No.5349855

put in babby's first coin investment of $200 and spread it on some promising alt-coins yesterday. Now down to $145 lol.

Just gonna hold for a while. Don't really care that much if it all gets flushed down the drain.

>> No.5349960

Bought at like 19k to exchange for something else cuckbase is holding me hostage and now this shit dips to like half that JUST fuckg MY SHIT UP AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


>> No.5350211

Hey I'm a tiny baller too

Let's enjoy the holidays and check back in later.

>> No.5350282

Cool. Worst case scenario I can start day trading penny stocks if crypto collapses. It would probably be less risky/volatile too.

>> No.5350322

Not selling, this shit will get to 100k in due time.

>> No.5350375

Thicc white girls are amazing.

>> No.5350429
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all in at $13.5k


>> No.5350469

I succesfully shorted bitcoin around the 12-13k mark boys, nothing huge but if it goes back up to 20k it'll amount to about 500 extra bucks

>> No.5350482

Have xrp, I believe it’s safest bet. Hodl

>> No.5350499

Just bought some more eth at the lower price. Gonna hold on to everything else I have

>> No.5350509

>timing the market

90% of active traders lose money. Hodling is the best move right now, especially if you spread the risk over 10+ coins/tokens

>> No.5350550


wwe did it boys

>> No.5350559
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pic related is my hand
i have a titanium grip, and if it keeps dipping more, i purchase more


>> No.5350581

I'm here.

54k yesterday to 14k now and every single normie I told to get into this is calling me hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.5350619

I hodled and I'm buying more after I can confirm it's not dead cat bounce. In 3 months everyone will be hitting themselves for not buying the big dip... AGAIN. This literally happened yesterday, and last week as well.

>> No.5350652

>thinks it matters which crypto you put money in if you don't actively trade
consider me in the 10% of people who actually know that you need a return on your investment, rather than just dumping money arbitrarily and dying alone

>> No.5350664

I cash out at zero or a millie. Nothing between

>> No.5350706

Only 18k down.
I feel nothing. Iron hands.

>> No.5350849

I'm with ya

>> No.5350908

G-guys can I come in? I closed my margin long yesterday.

>> No.5351171

see >>5349479

>> No.5351199



>> No.5351246

Of course I'm hodling, there's infinite fiat money being printed right now and a lot of people are only now learning about cryptocurrencies. All the new money coming in next year will help recover the markets.

Not afraid at all

>> No.5351328

Hi, 12k invest 1 month ago, cashed out 2 days ago at 24k total. Feeling comfy how low we gonna go before buy?

>> No.5351450

Is this a good time to buy in? What are the odds of this bouncing back to 15k?

>> No.5351451



>> No.5351474

I threw 100 used cause I wanted to play around with crypto. 50 to btc and 50 on lite. This dip is fucking huge. Should I buy or buy some alts?

>> No.5351554

Buy Cardano and Zencash

Their new partnership will cause an andromeda mission when the market rebounds

>> No.5351634

Holding and laughing.

>> No.5351739

my nigga thats my plan too except im also gonna get some ada.

>> No.5351747
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>> No.5351920
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I won't sell




>> No.5351956
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hodling since .045

>> No.5352042

Just bought more BTC at 12.4, wish I bought at 11 when I woke up. I'm either getting a moon lambo for Christmas or I'm going down with the ship but I'm sure as hell not backing out now.

>> No.5352139
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Not selling shit, predicted this correction, but Im shit at timing the market. I still believe in my alts, just have to HODL.

>> No.5352176

Bought BCH at 5100 CAD but my sell orders apparently remain too high at 3400 CAD so I guess I'm Hodling.

>> No.5352180

only about £750 down but holding

>> No.5352188
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>> No.5352193

I'm holding because crypto is not my only investment. Also, fuck the Jewish controlled banks. I hold out of principle.

>> No.5352230

iron hands boy, gona get drunk have some nice family time its the easyest time to hodl

>> No.5352249

Hodling here too, raiblocks' support is strong

>> No.5352340
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you can have my bags... when you pry them from my cold dead fingers.

>> No.5352373

Still holding 347k Verge

>> No.5352767

Gonna buy more XRP before it shoots back up to $1.25

>> No.5353381
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this fucking fidget spinner is ergonomically designed and easy to hodl

i mean fuck.

>> No.5353719
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im a good boy
i didn't sell

>> No.5353787

Held all of my shitcoins. IDGAF the cryptomarkets bounce around like pinballs so only weaklings leave and never come back

>> No.5353805

Will you get your shit together and type that again so it makes sense.

>> No.5353843

Holding all my BCH. Kill me.

>> No.5353856

This just happened to me. I tethered @ around 12k. Lost 15% of my portfolio because it shot back up right after. I had holded so patiently until then...

>> No.5353926

Hmm yea okay man, fuck up once buying the dip too late and you are done for.

>> No.5353952

There is no "cashing out". Crypto is the future. However, we have yet to see the true coin of the future take the throne. So far, I like XMR best.

>> No.5353985

Banks aren't going to let their fake cryptocoin fail.

>> No.5354087 [DELETED] 

I have been well and royally justed because I didn't cash out early enough, nor did I just hold. I did the worst thing possible which is somewhere in between.

I'll bounce back after all this is said and done, though.

>> No.5354128

Only started 3 weeks ago. Doubled my money cashed out half at aths. Letting everything ride. Don’t let the crash scare you it may go lower and that’s when I might just put some more money in when I really can’t even afford to

>> No.5354577
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>> No.5354709

Sold nothing. Wanted to buy some sexy discounted alts but am poorfag. How does one buy the dip when everything you own is red?

>> No.5354755
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>> No.5354779

I bought more ETH and now its dropping again and I feel stupid AND greedy

>> No.5354988

bought more...

LTC @ 180
ETH @ 545

>> No.5355287

bought more xmg, omg, and eth

>> No.5355627

Weak hands= i can buy more crypto for cheap. Later shitheads

>> No.5355681

not giving a fuck about dips anymore

holding both BTC and LINK

>> No.5355795

Of course I hodld and bought more, 1 btc at 11.2k.

>> No.5355801

I have been holding XBY, which mooned through the dip. My hands are iron, but not tested on this day

>> No.5355920
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>> No.5356024

It's nice, gives me a chance to step away from the chart obsession for a few hours.