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53485095 No.53485095 [Reply] [Original]

sexual intercourse with a female

>> No.53485186

Kind of the thing we make money to do

>> No.53485206

Overrated and overhyped. But god having your balls soaked by another human is an unmatched feeling.

>> No.53485214


>> No.53485250

It's not about the pussy.

Not pussy itself as much as what's attached to it. It's some good conversation on yet another date, then stepping outside to the bar's smoking area, looking her dead in the eyes for a few seconds and when she looks quizzically at you, stooping over and latching your lips onto hers, and the way she arches her back and hugs you in response as you kiss for the first time. It's the second kiss, and the third, and the hundredth kiss after that, it's giggling like children when you finally both break free of each other, and then bring your next drinks outside and she tugs your arm after you've had a few sips and leans in and suddenly it starts all over.

It's tossing her onto the bed and grabbing her up again before she falls, and then lower her gently onto the bed for the thousandth kiss of the night, it's how she suddenly gets a little more forceful, how you pull off her shirt and marvel at her pale breasts, then realized your hands can do the marveling for you.

It's not the pussy itself. That's incredible, it's warm and pleasuring and inviting, there's nothing like it - but there's also nothing like the look on her face and the little gasps as you ease yourself in, and she's warm and slick, then muttered "oh god", "oh fuck you feel so good". There's nothing like when you rut like beasts and after some time she collapses forwards and shudders and moans, and when she's still again you can almost see years in her eyes, so you kiss them away.

Drowsily spooning in bed together afterwards, as naked as you came into this earth, her head is on your arm and she's kinda clinging to it, your semi is nestled next to her ass and your other arm is gently cupping her breasts. You roll over, and she tucks up next to you, her head on your chest, and her hair smells nice. And you know that tonight - just for tonight, sins aside - everything is perfect and right and good.

No idea how incels can survive without this. No idea how I did before.

>> No.53485255

If I identify as a woman and get another woman pregnant am i not responsible for the child as women can't get other women pregnant, and the child counts as 'hypothetical'?

>> No.53485264

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.53485281

I’ve done that anon. That’s why I said the act of sex itself was overhyped. The events leading up to it, during and after is enjoyable.

>> No.53485293

I don't need money to have sex?

>> No.53485308

gayest thing I've ever read

>> No.53485310


>> No.53485315

Otherwise, 100% accurate.

You incels better take this in.

>> No.53485324
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>> No.53485334

Classic pasta

>> No.53485361
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what do i have to do to have sex? and how can i profit?

>> No.53485390

This happens millions of times around the world. Like a fairytale. Yet this is all fleeting young puppy love shit. All will cease like tears in the rain after 2 years.

Then you’re both single again.

>> No.53485471

Its over incel bros. We missed out on life.

>> No.53485500
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>my first sexual experience ended in her accusing my of sexual assault

>> No.53485502
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>> No.53485515

You need to talk to women.

>> No.53485513

Gross, sex is for incels.

checked, this but it was my uncle raping me

>> No.53485583

the feeling of a female hugging your back with her legs while you pound her pussy is unmatched and you don't know what sex is truly like until you experience that

>> No.53485584
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>> No.53485589
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Why can i tell what you mean (and likely the other way around) just by you posting this same frog

>> No.53485619
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>> No.53485661
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Because we've both been here too long, no matter if we have sex or not

>> No.53485745

Classic copypasta

>> No.53485760
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>> No.53485804

100% this. I try to explain it to people that its so much more than just how hot a girl is and fucking her, the best sex I ever had was with the least hottest woman I've fucked.

We just had a super strong emotional and physical connection and sex was off the charts.

The hottest girl I fucked was nothign special, I would give it up for sex with the average chick in a heart beat. I miss her bros.

>> No.53485820
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It's been 2 years since I've had sex and I no longer have any luck on OkCupid ever since it got bought over by Match and it became a glorified Tinder clones. Any advice on how to approach women to ask them out?

>> No.53485858

A virgin wrote this. It gets old quick and becomes a chore

>> No.53485873
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Wagie girls are easy, low maintenance, and you can pump n dump.

This is a classic: Make some small talk with her, then with your phone on a new contact page, say,
"This is weird, I don't know why but its telling you to fill this out"
She'll be like "Huh?"
Then turn the phone around and have the name be "Cute girl from X" and get her digits. She'll either reject you or do it. If rejected, move on, don't go back for a while. If she does it, you're in.

Literally just dont be a fucking weirdo and it should work eventually. Something tells me that anyone who needs this advice though is "that guy" energy and won't be able to utilize it in a non creepy way.

>> No.53485906
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>> No.53485925

>then just walk away