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53483797 No.53483797 [Reply] [Original]

What are some financially smart decisions that help you invest in yourself? What are things that were total game changers? Here's some I'm thinking about to get this thread started.

>Invisalign $5k, nothing beats a good smile
>Lasik $5k, no glasses always looks better than glasses
>TRT, most of us are probably low
>Electric toothbrush, $40, seriously under rated

>> No.53483809

gadgets are faggot shit, learning and immediatly applying did 90% of it for me. The other 10% were removing clutter like porn and video games.

>> No.53483816

Stop drinking if you do. I’m trying to quit but everything is I don’t know, boring I guess. Also try to find a job that isn’t stressful. My job is stressful as shit and I’m starting to crack. Like snapping back at people after they say something unrealistic or retarded to me at work and quiet quitting too.

>> No.53483818

gadgets like? wtf are you projecting about?

>> No.53483830

Seems like I hit a nerve, you should get that inner anger checked. Another thing TRT is incel bullshit unless you are above 50.

>> No.53483833 [DELETED] 
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Fuck off back to plebbit, catposting normalfaggot.

> My Dog killed an African Immigrant in our Garden!

> Cats, Parasites and Multiple Psychological Disorders: The Science

That said though, no of course the bottom isn't in.

>> No.53483852

i'm currently w/ braces, 3month left=)
Lasik ,also thinking bout that, i only need for left eye 50% vision, right is 100
Electric toothbrush is good
Idk what TRT is

>> No.53483871

>Lasik $5k, no glasses always looks better than glasses
Miss me with that shit. There are these things called contacts

>> No.53483896
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Stop smoking weed like a fucking mongoloid nigger for one, if someone smokes that is THE thing that will change your life.
>Inb4 trigger responses
You're a junkie

>> No.53483900

also i would invest in language teacher for like spanish or chinese
also additional citizenship would be nice, like a German or Italian

>> No.53483909

>Stop drinking if you do

This is a good one, my life has been 10x better since I stopped.

You struck a nerve because you triggered "oh great another boomer with his 1990 purist bullshit". i dropped porn almost 8 years ago and never played video games, so im way past that and looking to max in other ways.

>> No.53483922

okay enjoy being at a disadvantage when you don't have them around or are worn out at night.not to mention the downsides of long term usage.

>> No.53483930

Good for you, what I meant was buying shiny new things just for the sake of having them is a waste of time, unless you have a very specific use for them

>> No.53483937

Jawline exerciser. I know it seems like a scam but it's legit. Also nose breath as much as possible. Gym membership and sauna. Eat good quality meat and vegetables.

>> No.53483947

>Jawline exerciser

legit in what way? redpill me on the device.

>> No.53483958
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Pic rel

>> No.53483965

I thought it was a scam but it helps you form your jawline and open the nasal passage. You get better sleep and stimulate the jawline muscles.

>> No.53483970

Kek you do know lasik doesn’t last forever and there are numerous downsides to it as well? Literal nigger cattle even bill gates refuses to put lasers in his eyes

>> No.53483980

>ask about jawline
>retard posts a body pic

mirin, but that's not what i was asking you tard.

>> No.53483987

there are different procedures, lasik isn't the only one. holy shit dude, kys.

>> No.53484003

Sorry it was bad timing. I posted before I read your question.

>> No.53484005
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Agree with invisaline, having gaps in teeth is always a sign of low class. I got lasik but you can get by with contacts, I got lasik because of my swimming hobbies but I kind of regret it, my night driving vision has gotten worse. Disagree with TRT if you're not trying to lift, you can raise test naturally by eating a protein rich diet, not drinking and sleeping 8 hours.

Cooking for yourself, lifting and reading already puts you ahead of 95% of normies. To go full 99.9% you have to learn another language, cut out weed and alcohol.

>> No.53484031

Agree, even hardcore drugs like MDMA are better that weed simply by the culture around it.

>> No.53484032

I just started using it. No visible results yet. I never had trouble sleeping but it helps the nose breathing and I notice I sleep even better with the focus on nose breathing. I've even heard of people taping their mouth shut before sleeping.

>> No.53484038

do you have a before pic? natty right?

>> No.53484044

does mewing actually works?

>> No.53484049

1. Go to medical school and become a doctor
2. ???
3. Make 600k/yr

>> No.53484057
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Natty here's me 13 months ago.

>> No.53484058

Any anons have tips on getting better sleep? My snoring has gotten out of control.

>> No.53484064

You probably have sleep apnea

>> No.53484082

Cut off caffeine at 10am. Take magnesium. Avoid blue light. Nose breath. Check if you have sleep apnea if you have a muscular/fat neck.

>> No.53484083

Every single person I know who smokes pot has a mental illness. It's the surest sign that your life is basically over once you start doing it.

>> No.53484103


>> No.53484110

which jawline exerciser do you use? I might get one

>> No.53484145

>tfw untreated complex apnea
Life is fucking hard, but I'm getting an overnight study done finally
>$1700 out of pocket

>> No.53484147

listen to this anon, see a doctor, you may need a CPAP machine.

>> No.53484153

based anon, good luck. sometimes it be like that but health is very important.

>> No.53484158

what does a cpap machine cost? i kinda wanna buy one if its cheap to just try out?

>> No.53484175

Americans have it so easy and they don't even realise. as long as you have an IQ of about 100 you can become a physician with a bit of hard work and be a multi millionaire while retiring early.

>> No.53484180

Yeah it's not a big deal, I maxed out my FSA wit the intention of using it for tons of health endeavors this year.
>$1700 sleep study, gonna get to the bottom of this
>going to physical therapy for some shit
>Planning on starting braces to correct my teeth because it bothers me
just other general quality of life hacks
Works out nicely to frontload my FSA too in case they lay me off, they can't claw that money back kek

$1000+ these days, but they are prescription items. Some people sell them on CL for nothing but don't waste your time. If you don't have sleep apnea, or you are like me and it causes central apnea, you'll feel tenfold worse. Sleep study doesn't cost that much to get done

>> No.53484199

Gotcha thanks, I only have snoring problems during hayfever season as it swells up my mucous membrane and it's fucking annoying, probably messing with my test levels just because of an allergy, imagine being beaten by an allergy in life

>> No.53484215

i have a similar problem with my nose. You might have a deviated septum, or you might have enlarged turbinates that can get shaved down. I'm contemplating on having mine shaved down a bit. Presuming you have insurance, just get some appointments scheduled with a sleep specialist and an ENT doctor and see what they think. You can also get sleep studies done at home on the cheap via online I think, they send you the equipment. Most sleep studies are at home at first anyways

>> No.53484222
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these anons posting about using a jawline exerciser are retarded. your jawline is a FUCKING BONE YOU RETARDS

>> No.53484241

No one is saying you can change your bone shape, your muscles and tendons in that area also have an impact on how your jaw looks. I've chewed gum for years and my friends commented on it saying i have a masculine jaw even though my bone structure underneath is cucked. Just food for thought for you.

Yeah I might get it done, i've used sleeplab the app which tracks your snoring and gives you a sleep quality overnight, try that one, i scored around 40-50 which is not ideal apparently, but not a heavy snorer

>> No.53484247

My test levels are slightly above the middle range last I checked, I think I would have been deficient if I didn’t work out, up to 75 minutes a day now and very much recommend it. Calisthenics and shadow boxing is free as well.

>> No.53484253

>Calisthenics and shadow boxing is free as well.
based and calisthenics+fighting pilled, i recognize greatness

>> No.53484399
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The best thing for me was reading this book. Once I accepted that the world owed me nothing and would give me nothing I didn't take from it, things changed. Once I realized there are no lousy jobs, just lousy people, my life started changing. If all you ever do is complain about the world and how unfair it all is, you'll always be a bitter loser.