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53483521 No.53483521 [Reply] [Original]

The picture I have attached to this thread is a person called Nassim Nicholas Taleb, he's an extremely intelligent individual who has amassed a huge fanbase for his ideas and insight.

He is the inventor of the concept of "Black Swan" events, as he wrote the very book that describes it. He was a proponent of bitcoin and advocated for it in 2018.

Yet by February 2021, Taleb declared Bitcoin “a failure” and since then he has continued his downward spiral into no-coinerdom, claiming Bitcoin “has characteristics of an open Ponzi.”

How is he so right about everything? This man is BASED

>> No.53483547

“There’s no connection between inflation and Bitcoin,” he said, referencing a popular line from Bitcoin devotees about Bitcoin’s being a “hedge against inflation.”

“If you want a hedge against inflation, buy a piece of land, grow—I don’t know—olives on it. You’ll have olive oil if the price collapses. With Bitcoin, there’s no connection.”

>> No.53483630

This board has tiktok-ified, no discussion just clickbait fast zoomer tier content

>> No.53484121

Who's that in that picture...oh wait, the post states
that it's Nassim
For a minute I thought it was Greg Mannarino

>> No.53484165

Who is gayer: OP or fatty here?

>> No.53484167

I think he's right, and the fact that btc only did 3x the last ath during the last so called bullrun is proof of it.
It was always a ponzi and now that every retard is in on it it's over.

Bitcoin is a greta first try at the new technology and have first mover advantage for it, but it has no reason to be used when monero exists and that government backed cryptos are going to be a thing.

>> No.53484443

Seth Godin's works are better in every conceivable metric.

Taleb writes books for people that want to seem smart by having big books on their shelf.

>> No.53484465

>btc only did 3x the last ath
for you

>> No.53484484

I will always listen to a Muslim when talking about jew activities.

>> No.53484684

Ah yes, the Phoenician intelligentsia.

>> No.53484751

This swarthy arab also says you should eat more carbs instead of meat and is giving diet advice on twitter while being obese. Taleb is a narcissistic moron trying to be a cult leader.

>> No.53484762

>don't know how to count
>don't know how to quote
>respond with an irrelevant nonsense meme
See, that's the kind of retard who holds bitcoin now, you won't become rich by imitating his strategy

>> No.53485105

> He is the inventor of the concept of "Black Swan" events, as he wrote the very book that describes it. He was a proponent of bitcoin and advocated for it in 2018.
> Yet by February 2021, Taleb declared Bitcoin “a failure” and since then he has continued his downward spiral into no-coinerdom, claiming Bitcoin “has characteristics of an open Ponzi.”
... then he had the holocough, took the clotshot and is now retarded

>> No.53485660

Bitcoin offers nothing that better alternatives can't. Even in 2018 people were clinging to "but it's the first one!!!1" It was a proof of concept and a case study in decentralized scalability, human greed got in the way of it being all it could be (blockstream) and now the gap between bitcoin and the next best thing is so big it actually might never catch up.

Instead of using it for commerce and taking gains as a side effect of slow, limited but genuine adoption, retards used it for gains and took anemic, often token use of it in extremely limited commerce as a side effect. Cucked out of freedom by your own greed, a greed that was sown by the very system you said you'd destroy. Poetic.

>> No.53486106


That's wrong though. Bitcoin is the only digital asset. Everything else is an illegal security.

>> No.53487338



>> No.53487363

>He is the inventor of the concept of "Black Swan" events
the concept is hundreds of years old

>> No.53487432

he shilled the vax. hes a sophist and a charlatan that is already forgotten by history

>> No.53487532

>the government will save my bags by outlawing all the competition
this is the kind of knuckle dragging golem that still holds bitcoin. its so over.

>> No.53487575

Taleb is a fraud

>> No.53487600
File: 185 KB, 1491x823, old_arab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53487657

He my be stellar IQ, but is just a sociopathig asshole too and a person who thinks he is always right. So he is stupid too

>> No.53487686

Bitcoin's purity and immunity to the government can't be understated.

>> No.53487763
File: 91 KB, 873x502, Screenshot at 2023-01-29 22-55-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even ChatGPT think he is a psycho!

>> No.53487850

This is the kind of retard who lost everything on worthless shitcoins and is actively seething and coping

>> No.53487902

Not an arab

>> No.53488250

Brb, going to call him an arab rape baby so he blocks me on shitter