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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53481423 No.53481423 [Reply] [Original]

as a young man about to enter my 30s I think one of my biggest weaknesses up to this point is actually having thoughts

I've realized most people are retarded cattle that can just fully commit to anything, even if it's fucking retarded, for instance, police officers, I respect police officers I truly do, but past a certain point in intelligence there are too many factors that could end up fucking you over in a multitude of ways, it might pay a middle class wage, and maybe even relatively simple on a day to day basis, but having thoughts, is a problem, you can't have a lot of thoughts and be a police officer at the same time, this is true for many professions, people that don't think of the long term consequences don't have any of these issues

luckily I found what I believe is my niche which is farming, it might require more physical work on average, but most of it can be done completely solitary

any job requiring 4 year schooling, a lot of socializing, working for a company that has rules you must follow, having individual thoughts is actually a detriment to succeeding in these conditions

>> No.53481446

Farmers actually have very sophisticated risk management and forecasting tools. You can't quite escape finance, just because the activity whence you derive your value is associated in your mind with being "natural".

>> No.53481454

of course, buy low sell high, but you're in a position of control since you actually produce the product

I believe it's a much healthier job than many other jobs offered in society, and I wouldn't pick really anything else

>> No.53481457

They put upper iq limits on most police officer tests
They literally won’t hire people who are too smart

>> No.53481462

In practical terms, it well might be. It's still a more "visceral" activity to till soil instead of staring at Excel sheets.

>> No.53481468

true, I believe a guy was like 116 iq or something and they turned him down

>> No.53481478

Good luck OP. Hope you make it.

>> No.53481479

I always got fired from my first jobs as a waiter where my supervisor was a literal retard and had retarded ways of doing things, I would ignore and do it the much better and easier ways and got fired ‘it wasn’t working out’ apparently. I worked in sales jobs most my life and now I’m a landlord, run airbnbs and have a 13 employee company. I agree with this, to be an employee you have to have an element of being willing to suppress your own ideas and be submissive. I see it from the other side now, as if I had 13 people all doing what they wanted unorganised then it would be a shitshow, everything has to be a part of a system and for anything to change it has to be implemented properly, at the top, being close to the top or having an independent contractor role is the only way. Don’t think of it as a negative it’s a blessing, some of the people we employ could easily make more on their own but they don’t have the ability to be visionary or take on stress and risk that it requires and so they are more comfortable selling themselves very short to someone who can. These skills are thought of by some people as being impossible, this is why so many left wing people think all rich people are lucky, as they can’t fathom how it is even possible

>> No.53481484

>I've realized most people are retarded cattle
You are the retard cattle, goy.

>> No.53481495

oy vey

>> No.53481500

Hello friends, I made a thread about the best agrochemicals and I think you may like it


>> No.53481501
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>> No.53481512
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sure but im doing it for me myself and only i and maybe volunteer at the local farmers market to sell and market produce that isnt sold wholesale

>> No.53481515
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>> No.53481521

That’s how I feel in this world. Everyone around me is cattle and I’m right there next to them. The only difference is I’m trying to break free. Stop the consooming, stop the borrowing, stop the waging to live another week. I’m 32

>> No.53481522

You have to produce when there is little supply and high demand. Although in the first world it lacks practically everything.

>> No.53481525
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Sounds like a good plan.

>> No.53481535
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>> No.53481537

Factory ownership

>> No.53481543

Fuck off CHATGPT. go to sleep.

>> No.53481547
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>> No.53481556

>you're in a position of control since you actually produce the product
nah the bank owns your land, your equipment, your house, and your seeds

you decide what price to sell at, but if you decide not to sell you go bankrupt
basically you have no control.

>> No.53481567
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>> No.53481569

sounds like you had poor long term planning

>> No.53481588

What your goal! $400 a week? Do you have any plan whatsoever?

>> No.53481639

collecting my pension ( im young twenties retired) to cover basic needs and with that out of the way i work with a credit union for the machinery and seeds

>> No.53481648


>> No.53481846

Supermarkets will also collude to rape you on price

>> No.53481851

that's why you sell direct, cut out the middlemen

>> No.53481870

I'm still making money no matter what, something truly catastrophic would have to happen for me to not make money, in that case, I have enough saved up

if they decide to go full commie, I live in the united states and we will fight them to the death, then I need money even less

>> No.53482211

>massive startup costs and risks (loans to buy land, equipment, contractors)
>extremely physical work + must be on your game mentally to manage your operation
>come time to harvest, big supermarkets set their prices if you're not the biggest grower you won't be able to negotiate down, exporters are a pain in the ass to deal with, local sales are a pain to coordinate
basically if you're not in the top percentile of growers for your crop you'll be poor because you don't have the scale advantage to have supermarkets as buyers
if you're farming animals you'll basically have to set up a feed lot which are borderline crimes against nature to get prices down to what consumers expect

tl:dr farming is fucked, you have to be incredibly business minded to make it work, it's much less about the labour you do

>> No.53482277
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Do you think they are unaware? You are just the one of the one in a hundred that might have a brief thought about fighting it, but the corners, the channels, the walls, they are so long and smooth. You probably wouldn't even buck, just twist your neck a little or step back at a puddle.

>> No.53482432

why do you believe a small farm can't negotiate down, if I'm a sole proprietor, then I can take a paycut within reason, my goal is to sell below usda prices if it comes to that, because I'd rather do this as a job than anything else, even if it makes me slightly less money than I had originally calculated

>> No.53482562

>Do you think they are unaware?
Yes lmao. Fuck you, seriously.

>> No.53482577

sorry I meant negotiate up

>> No.53482640

I've chosen to be an optimist, I chose a product that suits the tools I have available to me, I have no expenses to start, so I can sell lower than my competitors, I don't see how I can lose in this situation

>> No.53482804

That’s if you’re farming corn and basedbeans. What if I have 100 honeybee hives, each giving me 100 pounds of honey per year, and I sell each pound of honey for $9-12 at an online store?
What if I have a herd of 100 purebred dorper sheep or Boer goats, who average twins every breeding season, and sell them as breeding stock to other farmers? That’s a 200% ROI, subtracting hay and medicine costs.
What if I have 20 acres of hay, and get 3-4 cuttings out of it, for a total of 200 bales per acre per year, and sell the square bales for $5-6 each?
What if I do all these things on the same parcel in Bumfuckistan, and work really hard 4 months out of the year, and enjoy the other 8 months off? Maybe plow some snow in the winter, if you live in an area that snows.

You can make it farming, but you can’t make it farming the way most farmers do today.

>> No.53483280

Do you know anything about soil science?
Do you know how much cation capacity testing/agronomic consultation costs?
Do you know how hard you have to work as a sole proprietor?
I'd recommend you work on a farm for a couple years before you go all in, you might find that it's not all sunshine and rainbows come harvest season.

>> No.53483424

I grow mushrooms, completely different game, also I will probably start a small market garden, I know it's hard work because I've been doing it for like 2 months now

my harvest is every week or 2

>> No.53483429

it's hard work followed by days with no work at all

>> No.53483570

my life goal is the grow 1 avocado tree in a it's own greenhouse up here in the northeast. It's not enough to keep the air 70 degrees Fahrenheit all the time, you also have to keep the soil heated, but i think i can pull it off.

>> No.53483706

I don't like it much, fruit and veg prices are still so low. If I could afford it I'd rewild more of my land, but currently edging into seed production instead as it's the least bad option. Harvesting a significant crop is a bitch. Setting up caravans, housing units, toilet facilities etc. for seasonal workers feels like being a slum landlord every year. And getting shitty whacky weather the last three years (and getting more extreme every year) come and ruin half the crop makes me feel like god is shitting on me endlessly.

>> No.53484707

Pouring boiling water into a bucket and stirring it isn't hard work, the work involved in mushroom cultivation can be compared to the micropropogation of plants as they are very similar processes, these are both lab work. Horticultural labour can be back-breaking, I dream of having a market garden that can sustain me too but it's a very difficult market to scale without destroying your spine

>> No.53484958

I do everything by hand, it is physical labor, I'm about to scale up like 15x to sell to a big city though, assuming I can make a deal with them of course

basically I will have to mix 2880lbs of substrate by hand, then fill 288 bags of substrate by hand, then innoculate, then transport them to the grow room, then harvest, then load into a fridge, then load onto a box truck

I'm going to remain optimistic that I can do the entire operation myself, but in worst case scenario I have people that would help me for free, or I could hire like 1 part time wagie