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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53480869 No.53480869 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do I make an extra $1,000 a month

>> No.53480877

NFTs kneepads

>> No.53480883
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How did I know the first post was gonna be kneepads

>> No.53480890

Ask 20 people who love you for $50 a month. Tell them you will pay them back $75 a month once you get back on your feet until the debt is erased.

>> No.53480891

you honestly can't - at least not as easily as picking up a second actual part-time/casual job.

Think of it like this - indians and SEA chinks are literally willing to undercut the entire gobal market, including themselves, in order to make even a single US dollar because it means so much more to them then it does to us.

Therefore, basically anything that can be done remotely is already taken from westerners who just want to casually freelance on the site. You will literally be competing with 3rd worlders who have a lot more motivation to gain that single US dollar than you are.

This includes anything chatgpt related btw.

Your advantage is your body, unironically. Physical labour.

> inb4 reddit spacing - kill yourself

>> No.53480897

write options

>> No.53480903

It's the yard stick of civilization

>> No.53480918

Get a higher salary.

I applied for a new job and got a $162k offer. Took it to my current employer for J2 and they offered to increase my salary from $125k to $140k to keep me.

Kept J2 since it’s full remote and now make an extra $1000/mo after tax for the same workload.

>> No.53480930

make ~$40/d during work days, have weekends free and there you'll have $1000/m

>> No.53480973
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It's called readability
Do not defend your "reddit spacing"
The people who call it that are incel virgin faggots who you should NEVER consider the opinions of
Listen to the words I am typing here
Do NOT let the words of nigger faggot losers in mums basement convince you to LESSEN the quality of your posts.
Your post is of a higher quality with proper spacing, it makes it easy for brain "tabbing" and understanding. A mess of text is just that. A mess.
They want you to be a mess
They want your post to suck
So that way, they get the most (You)'s
Do not let them win
They are niggers
Keep your posts high quality and properly spaced
4chan existed before reddit, there is no such thing as "reddit spacing"
Fuck bitches and get money, you CAN profit from this post

>> No.53481001
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Because, the people on 4chan are no different than most normies. They parrot memes and talking points because they have no individuality. Their reality is shaped by MSM. They only think they're different because they think saying nigger and kike in a sentence is edgy.