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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53476586 No.53476586 [Reply] [Original]

there is literally NO reason for the price to pump
yet it's pumping
fuken why?

>> No.53476658
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You have 14 year.
21 million btc.
19 million btc in circulation.
Halving is next year.
Whomp whomp, not selling till I see a new ATH.

>> No.53476659
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Because its all controlled by market makers. This is why typically cryptos all pump or dump together. Its all a fugayzi, it's a fake. Stocks and cryptos are all fake BS of pretend wealth. Hedge funds all care about is making money even if it destroys the other guys 'wealth.'

The people on your television, youtube, twitter, etc etc are what make it deemed of high value even though its tulip mania. But behind the scenes they are buying up land, manufacturing hubs, and gold.

>> No.53476668

fugazi, you fucking moronic, fat, nigger.

>> No.53476786

what do you hold, schizo? surely not land

>> No.53476796
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because i sold. the bogs dont know i 10x longed the same amount though off chain

>> No.53476798

That's a man

>> No.53476906

Because i want it to and I'm the protagonist

>> No.53476916

Because God loves bulls

>> No.53476980

Pretty gay though

>> No.53476996

happening in march or sooner

>> No.53477003

Oh, so you decided to transfer money into crypto?
Watch while shit pumps with the liquidity you injected and then when you move it not shit happen.
in fact oh look a reversal just happened.
What a surprise. Gottsta do your research goynon.

Timeing the market is impossible goynon. blah blah blah blah.

>> No.53477014

USD is weakening

>> No.53477034

dats ray-sissy
u will never have a vagina nor be inside one

>> No.53477043

there's NO reason for the price NOT to pump, retard

>> No.53477047

yes and fugayyyyyyyylmaololzeeeeee (fake)

>> No.53477067

The narrative of "muh rate hikes, war, UPCOMING RECESSION!" was already priced in last year. The richies are just saying gloom and doom stuff now because they want retail to panic sell while they pick up cheapies.

Tough luck kid, you missed the bottom.

>> No.53477169
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don't worry about it bobo just stay bearish so I can take more of your money

>> No.53477200

You are right. Crypto is shit, but it's a way to make money out of nothing. You can also liquidate margin traders, so the market will try to fuck everybody.

>> No.53477207

only smart post in this board right now fr

>> No.53477209

the long term trend will be up
when it "pumps" and "dumps" will be random

that is the reality

>> No.53477244

inflation, frozen economy, mass layoffs
why IS it pumping

>> No.53477326

>It’s the market manipulators why my shorts got liquidated

>> No.53477337

buckle up. degens gonna degen this week.

>> No.53477492

Welcome to clown world

>> No.53477584

the fact that even a retard like you knows those basic facts means we've reached peak saturation and it means absolutely nothing, it's already priced in long ago

at the margin, the outlook for all of those things is improving which is why markets are repricing higher. Bears are so fucked

>> No.53477595

because they believe JPOW is going to go down to 25 bepsis points with 99% certainty. so now 25 bepsis is priced in. but if 50 bepsis is announced oh boy watch out

>> No.53477819


>> No.53477961

No coiner does the cope dududedede didudeedd do the copeeeeee bobo. Niggerrrr

>> No.53477992
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we are suppressed. bitcoin's inflation adjusted price is still below 2018s high. we need to reach 40k at least to break even

>> No.53478703

at least i know why matic is pumping, because we're getting closer and closer to polygon zkevm dropping on mainnet, the first zk scaling solution thats fully compatible with ethereum

>> No.53478715

this is a low IQ post pretending to be a high IQ post

>> No.53478738
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>it can't pump okay
>it just can't
>please believe me guys

>> No.53478765

its to keep punters in disbelief for longer

>> No.53478769

>it can't dump okay
>it just can't
>it has to go up now
>it just has to okay

>> No.53478802

cope lol

>> No.53478869


Market makers taking advantage of low volume so they can liquidate more

>> No.53478887

There is never a reason. This is a speculative market. It has zero real value, so it's movements are not intrinsic, but subjective and spiritual. That's why all atheists are poor now.

>> No.53478902

America hit their debt ceiling and can't decide whether to raise it or not.

This means printing money to pay off debt so while inflation goes up your currency value is also going down.

This also means american buying power of bitcoin is going down and also means the value of bitcoin against that dollar goes up.

People are scared and buying, economy does suggest that bitcoin should go up and on top of that China is selling their American bonds to pay off debt which is putting a chokehold on Americas terrible situation.

If you are American you need to buy bitcoin right now or you won't have a future.

>> No.53478939

A decentralised transaction system has value. Wdym?

Bitcoin is the reserve currency for the crypto market. It's value will settle once an infastructure is built. Right now people are just deciding where it lands. Blockchains are getting funded to build that infastructure. Some of them are scams hut some aren't and you need to pay attention to the real value that is being built.

>> No.53479046

Nice sales pitch. You’re right but I don’t think the situation is that urgent

>> No.53479126

The last time America couldn't decide to raise the debt ceiling they twiddled their thumbs for months and left it at the last minute.

The best option right now is to make a decision. Both options are bad but one needs to be made. Every week they delay you are losing money.

Promise of CBCD distribution by 2025 is likely what they are holding out for. Investigating whether they can speed up the process or not.

>> No.53479292

>and gold
nobody is buying your bags, sissyboy

>> No.53479364

We talk about same shit every fucking day, hell on earth

>> No.53479393

>browses biz daily
get a job lol

>> No.53479964
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>> No.53479975
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It's a bulltrap. It's going to crater again because the government is definitely not done with good ol BTC.

>> No.53480087

Nah house wins, shorts got wrecked shorting the bottom and the exchanges lapped it up, they need liquidity to survive too.

>> No.53480989

Y'all damn schizos on the biz, be optimistic, if it dumps you wail, it pamps you wail, wtf is ya problem, get it together. I need dem Aptos, Gala pamps on ETH, Azero, RIDE and ZKP, I need to TP whilst stockpiling.

>> No.53481127

Bull trap. Wait for the dip before you but again and ORE should be on your list. Ask why? It's a low cap DID.

>> No.53481146
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Got a few Azero. Privacy protocols are gaining traction with the past CEX events. It's a call for decentralisation and self-custody. I'm adding RAIL and SCRT.

>> No.53481380

not believing this is pure MM move is retarded. retail is not buying. this is just other Pump and dump

>> No.53481585

Crypto isn't for morons, at least I've gotten the chance to have an identity management tool.

>> No.53481589

narratives are pumping. You see AI, privacy protocols? Just what you want to keep eyes on.

>> No.53482030

She’s cute.
Total bank credit and checkable deposits are at ATH. Tech sector in a bubble - lots of liquidity needs a home and with absolute value of the dollar and dyx dropping, real assets are being purchased.
Btc is pure garbage trash

>> No.53482044

AVAX pumped, BTC followed, Simple as. It always works stop asking questions.

>> No.53482100

>Btc is pure garbage trash
what do you hold? boomer rocks? boomer stocks?

>> No.53483056

kek, I hold RAIL, ROSE, XMR

>> No.53483069
File: 236 KB, 634x650, 6F8CA386-7BE3-4B67-8F45-08EB4D068E18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't buy

>> No.53483172

>she's cute

not anymore she isn't

>> No.53483533

Privacy maximalist. Kudos.

>> No.53484074

That face, she's definitely hiding her feelings. No wonder he killed her. She couldn't keep the act up 24/7. Too bad what happened to him. I'd still fuck her brains out, tho.

>> No.53485381
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>there is literally NO reason for the price to pump
Markets are front run businesses, dumbfuck. Entities in possession of the capital necessary to move price will never invest without ensuring a return. There is a perfectly good reason the price is pumping, you just don't know about it yet, and by the time you find out chances are the price will come down.

>> No.53485426

>there is literally NO reason for the price to pump
New to the game?

The reason for the pump is that it is pumping. Ha ha, really, that is it. That is all. If you simply let go of your preconceived notions about how markets operate you can maybe reach the higher plane and understand all of this.

Or not, your choice.

>> No.53485716

You've got some good eyes for privacy's best project but a privacy project with a multisig and zk proofs has got my eye recently.

>> No.53485787

Also, Identity management protocol should be a top priority as hackers are getting more softwares to hack and steal our assets.

>> No.53486387

24/7 immutable trustless borderless value transfer at a discount

BTC is better than wires on literally every single metric other than refundability, but that's a feature and a limitation type thing

>> No.53486395

I'd keep buying lowcaps though especially ORE, idgaf

>> No.53486620

bitch looks 14

>> No.53486842

The ID management solution will definitely trend, I also have ENS

>> No.53486860


>> No.53487544

kek, I hodl HBAR but I prefer to always diversify, my bag contains mostly privacy project tokens.

>> No.53488868

Hell no

>> No.53488907

Fucking Jews crypto

>> No.53488911

>Btc is pure garbage trash
How ass mad are you poor people can get rich with crypto and working a job is a losing position.

>> No.53489109
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u sold thats why its pumped.

>> No.53489295
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What kind of fucking honeypot bullshit is this?