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53471584 No.53471584 [Reply] [Original]

Even if we go back to 15k Bobos wont buy
Because to go back we need a stronger fud then the ftx crash and there is no way they would buy this

>> No.53471588

FTX wasn't connected to the wider financial system. Zoom out.

>> No.53471590

This is your last chance to buy under 23k

>> No.53471599

What the fuck are you talking about?
Its about Bitcoin

>> No.53471638

Bitcoin is a small part of the wider financial system. It pumps when there is more money flowing around, it dumps when there's less money flowing around.
If you replace "money" with "USD", "pumps" with "more USD flows into it" and "dumps" with "less USD flows into it", then you get
>More USD flows into it when there is more USD flowing around and less USD flows it when there is less USD flowing around
Which makes the equivalence clearer.
See pic. The spikes are due to not comparing the first derivatives (which is what flow is).

>> No.53471644
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forgot my pic, naturally

>> No.53471656

Oh fuck you I will by 15k
Alts will have been raped hard by such a move that not buying at that range would make one a retard permabear

>> No.53471660
File: 574 KB, 1147x640, seethechud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You chuds told us that ftx would lead to a "contagion" and nothing happend like usual HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

>> No.53471672

It has led to contagion. "Contagion" doesn't mean " the Bitcoin markets stop existing". But now imagine if Bitcoin gets swept up in contagion that comes from outside, from the financial system in which it is (partly) embedded.

>> No.53471710
File: 22 KB, 640x479, 1662698740955678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes brother, matic has seen the biggest growth ahead of the zkevm. would not want to be a bobo

>> No.53471726
File: 171 KB, 680x743, 1602482592186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It has led to contagion.
Sure chuddie sure only two more weeks right?

>> No.53471746

There are bobos who are bobos and not mumus who missed out.

>> No.53471793

((ftx)) manipulted Bitcoin to make it correlated with stocks, now the correlation is already lower then all of last year.
The usa is not the world
>It pumps when there is more money flowing around, it dumps when there's less money flowing around.
I generally agree, but ftx was a mega black swan for crypto you cant deny i

>> No.53471800

Why did you not buy at 15k then?

>> No.53471855

Contagion was a twatter meme

>> No.53471857

>I generally agree, but ftx was a mega black swan for crypto you cant deny i
I agree, you are right. There's little else than can blow up at this point. But if something outside of crypto blows up, like a systemically important bank, crypto will feel it too, because those regulate global money flows.

>> No.53471867

I did, and sold 21k

>> No.53471885 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 1316x434, 1654184915443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"ftx crash"
>still thinking BTC dumped because of FTX

>> No.53471912
File: 72 KB, 1316x434, Stoch RSI and FTX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"ftx crash"
>still thinking BTC dumped because of FTX

>> No.53471926

So many did take profit waiting for lower prices
And so many did not buy and wait for lower prices

>> No.53471932

Ok meds or kys.

>> No.53471942

I’ll buy back in at 5k

>> No.53472053

Can't time the picotop or picobottoms, I'm an example of that. People who didn't buy the 'bottom' got unlucky and I can sympathize with them because it only lasted for a couple months in that range contrary to previous market lows. What is retarded is that people were shorting the run up (el Copeo)

>> No.53472072
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this, they have no balls to even trade, they just hope that bullChads don't make a fortune, which we will

>> No.53472185

>contrary to previous market lows
Not really check teh 2018 bottom again.
Directly after the bottom it had a mega rally so days after the bottom it was 4k
Then it retested it for a few weeks

>> No.53472786
File: 2.66 MB, 1272x2728, 1674329885096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anon was crazy for pointing out the truth
How's the weather in Tel Aviv, JlDF?

>> No.53473835

I'm waiting for those retests
Ok anon you need meds

>> No.53473883

The truth is that it did not crash because of ftx in a week where stocks mooned
Wtf are you on about you want to maker anons schizo

>> No.53473891

Similar timeline and these retests were in december

>> No.53473904
File: 144 KB, 909x627, 16576657643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is just a mentally challenged /pol/tard just ignore him there is no point in talking with subhumans like this.

>> No.53473906

I cant lie it very much feels like we go down now
But the fact it feels.......

>> No.53473924

Low IQ detected.