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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5346892 No.5346892 [Reply] [Original]

Wow what the fuck. I buy 50 euro worth of bitcoin and I only get 10?
So this... is the power of bitcoin?

>> No.5346926

buy bitcoin cash, its the real bitcoin and it has 0.0001 usd transaction fees

>> No.5346936

It’s showing it’s age. Also because of the amount of money people moving money is clogging everything up

>> No.5347041

So that's it? There's just a massive 80% transaction fee? What in the fuck lad. This is my first time buying bitcoin and I thought I fucked up somewhere.

>> No.5347061

Bitcoin generate heat by burning gullible people money and value so chinese people can heat their home. This is the power of Bitcoin.

>> No.5347080

Don't buy btc man, not worthy

>> No.5347130
File: 36 KB, 629x504, bemzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So bitcoin will have to quintuple in value for me to break even. And then if I try to sell it will probably take another 80% transaction fee. lol...

>> No.5347218

Buy ETH and then transfer to an exchange where you can then trade for BTC.

>> No.5347286

Steam just disallowed it for game purchases for this very reason.

>> No.5347322

I hope this is a fucking fakeout anon

Don't buy small amounts of bitcoin because the fees are going to fuck you over, and they're only going to continue increasing

Bitcoin is dead as a currency, it's just crypto now

>> No.5347362
File: 40 KB, 236x421, 1353703531625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying BTC in 2018

you have just been corecucked

>> No.5347372

To replace it with bitcoin cash in the near future.

>> No.5347378


I bought 200 euro worth of btc from mt.gox in 2012. I received about 100 euro worth. That difference is why I can't take an early retirement now. Funny isn't it.

>> No.5347398

Gotta pay your fees, goyim

>> No.5347484


>> No.5347540

>so chinese people can heat their home.

>> No.5347658

There is such a massive backlog of transactions that the you either never get your transaction processed or you outbid everyone else on the fee to get to the front of the line. Whatever service you used seems to have chosen the latter option.

The bitcoin cash shills say their scamtokens don't have this problem, more megablox, but I don't know of a way to go from USD to BCH without using BTC as an intermediary step.

BCH shills enlighten me if I'm wrong, I'm willing to burn my wagecuckbux on your pyramid scheme.

>> No.5347708

I used Kraken

>> No.5347766

I registered and doxxed myself for tier 2 account, but it's processing. Given how fucked their whole operation is right now I'm not sure when it will go through.