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5346856 No.5346856 [Reply] [Original]

>They actually believe the lightning network will solve scaling

>> No.5347027

Core is becoming a centralized piece of shit. Cash is the real bitcoin. Roger and Jihan have enough money to make sure core dies

>> No.5347062
File: 173 KB, 968x693, LN hubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5347076

Even if LN works out, it will work better on coins without restricted on-chain capacity like BTC.

>> No.5347102

>core centralized
>bcash is not

They are both centralized pieces of shit.

>> No.5347104

>1 Mining Pool
>Not centralized


>> No.5347136

fuck btc cucks. fuck bcash. both are shit.

>> No.5347138

> core = shit
> bcash < shit
dogecoin über alles

>> No.5347318

So you have the nerve to say bcash is not centralized and then proceed to name the 2 main characters behind it? Hmmm, ok. Just bought 100k

>> No.5347429

Even if LN does have the capacity to fix BTC network congestion, what core cucks can't seem to grasp is that it's years away from being able to do so. Even if it released TOMORROW, it is still dependent on segwit, which has minuscule adoption months after release. And LN only works well with large payment hubs that serve to minimize the opening and closing of payment streams, the infrastructure for this is a long way away.

And that's if it released tomorrow. It won't be. 4 months would be a very generous estimate for release.

>> No.5347596
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 78345768234578686732465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 that idiot with his muuuh vertical/horizontal scaling blabla shows up again. top kek.

>> No.5348097

Even then bitcucks think lightning network will make transactions cheap. They don’t understand that either BTC will be completely centralized or they will have to open their own hubs each time they want to make a transaction which will take 2 on-chain transactions to open and then close the hub and withdraw the btc on-chain. Bitcoin is dead.