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53465395 No.53465395 [Reply] [Original]

>a 20 something HR roastie is interviewing candidates
What's your answer to this?

>> No.53465414

imagine being that walled under 30 lmao

>> No.53465425

Ban womemes from the workplace

>> No.53465427

>What's your answer to this?
A layoff.

>> No.53465449

Sorry about your upcoming layoff

>> No.53465471


>> No.53465488 [DELETED] 

this shameless whore's camel toe is on display for the world to see. only rape trauma can fix her

>> No.53465526

seriously, why hasn't HR been replaced by AI?

>> No.53465551 [DELETED] 


>> No.53465571


>> No.53465581

its just because shes overweight. if she was lean shed look great. the leanpill is real

>> No.53465616

I gotta tell ya, Tone. I want this mediocre woman to suck me off!

>> No.53465678

Yeah, preliminary interviews so actual players at the company don't waste time on someone who literally has no experience, is completely braindead, or demanding 150% of role's pay-range for entry-level work.

>> No.53465787

Whole job can be done by a secretary and an AI solution. Or a fucking leaflet and fucking questioner

>> No.53465810

>someone who literally has no experience, is completely braindead, or demanding 150% of role's pay-range for entry-level work.

Why did they hire her then?

>> No.53465825

Nepotism and gender quotas

>> No.53465864

i think she's taking a lot of work off of the people in the core business, freeing them to focus on making money for the company. you don't need a lot of hr, but at a certain size it's saving money. obviously it's just a sec dodge for chainlink and it's laughable for them to have it, the engineers could all be doing this themselves, they aren't working anyway. but in general, hr is useful

>> No.53465867

Standards only apply to men in current year + n

>> No.53465900

Most companies think it's a thing companies need to have

>> No.53465908

This. Before I started earning 6 figs I always was interviewed by HR. Afterwards it was E level staff

>> No.53465913

HR roasite detected.

>> No.53466007

all that could just be automated

>> No.53466053

because AI's are raycists and shiet

>> No.53466070

>Chooses black paint over stainless steel
>hiring employees
It’s really is over lads over kek

>> No.53466091

HR is the incestuous Gestapo of a company.

>> No.53466095

>Americans will unironically say they're working 9-5 but have a 1 hour break and 3 coffee breaks

>> No.53466144

you can't have sex with the AI yet

>> No.53466146

this is the only one of these where I've seen them doing an actual day of work, even if most of it is useless

>> No.53466147

never come between a Burger and their Burgers
them people have guns
and theyre not afraid to use them

>> No.53466169

My WFH Schedule:
>wake up
>do two hours of work (only if work has piled up)
>put a rock on the work computer spacebar
>playwrite for six hours

>> No.53466348

Watching that watery espresso pour out. Kill me bros

>> No.53466362

You would need HR approval for such a project

>> No.53466416

Jews want to keep women in workforce so white men can’t start families as easy

>> No.53466549

Let's say a company wants to hire a software developer or any technical role for a team. Does HR create the job posting with the requirements and interview them? How would they know what the team is looking for? They wouldn't have any technical knowledge to interview the candidate and ensure they're a right fit. So what is the point of HR when all those roles can be delegated to the technical manager leading that team?

There are some useful departments within HR such as payroll, but it looks like the vast majority of HR are completely useless and can either be automated or disbanded. It's not surprising that HR are generally hated because they work for the company and not the employees. It's also not surprising that it's predominantly filled with women.

>> No.53466779

Imagine if I were to break into her house while she is working. First I beat her into unconsciousness and tie her up. When she wakes she finds herself stripped naked and then one by one, I decapitate every single one of her cats with a rusted machete. Imagine that after this I leave her in her home office to starve while the headless body of every single one of her cats begins to rot. Imagine I sneak back into her house every day and inflict such violations that they are simply to horrible to describe with words. Imagine after two weeks of starving her, I begin to force feed her bits of the now partially rotted cats. Imagine I finally tell her that she is free to go but she is too sick and weak to leave the spot she's been tied to for weeks at that point. Imagine I return with a shotgun and put it to her temple and pull the trigger. Simply imagine if all that would happen

>> No.53466813

hr has two functions
1. admin shit, practicalities of pay etc
2. advising on how to fire ppl without getting sued

>> No.53466821

How long will it take for poor people to speciate now that we have all these advanced medical treatments?
Skin color is gonna be the least of your worries once the poorfag mutants start in.

>> No.53466828

AI can't suck your dick to justify its job yet

>> No.53466840

Half of the job HR has is taking blame for everything that goes wrong interpersonally and for the soulless corporate actions management takes for the bottom line. An AI can't sit across from someone crying and convincingly pretend to care or be yelled at for you.

>> No.53466855

Typing all of this makes it less cool, keep it shorter next time.

>> No.53466925

if you think hr roasties are bad, check out recruiter roasties
holy shit they are useless, i could toss a pile of resumes down the stairs, pick one out, and 9/10 times it would be better than who they recommend

>> No.53467111

What I wouldn’t give for my entrance hurdle to be an impressionable young woman.

All I get are mid life men trying to defend their position and size me up

>> No.53467125

nothing worse than being an hour in and they're still sizing up whether or not they want to work with you aesthetically.

>> No.53467216

god i wish i was a HR roastie. must be the easiest, comfiest life.

>> No.53467367

None of the spergs ITT got this joke but I appreciated it

>> No.53467475

This anon is correct

>> No.53467683

It took her 5 minutes to make the first coffee, and 15 minutes to make the 2nd coffee?

>> No.53467724

She fucking spends more time chatting with her manager on her projects than she did working on them!

>> No.53467729

when it does you're gonna have to work like a monkey to get the algorithm on your side so that you fill its criteria before inevitably getting the final approval from a human that was delegated to source talent for a position

>> No.53467788

Yeah the rest of the board is seething because woman. I probably out in the same amount of effort as the roastie in my analyst role, guess its jeaslousy.

>> No.53467834

Incels become CEOs/managers and hire sloots just to be able to gt laid

>> No.53467856

>1-1:30pm 1:1 with new guy
>"Uh hey anon every day at your lunch time I've scheduled us a meeting to catch up, sound good?"
>"See you think! It should be exciting!"

>> No.53467944

Unironically I talked to a girl at an NYE party a few weeks ago and she said she worked at a company doing AI for HR.

It's actually coming.

>> No.53467999

I want to beat this disgusting creature with a club until she begs for mercy, and then I will keep going until she is incapable of moving her neck in that insufferable way ever again.

>> No.53468755

It's because of ssri and birth control.

>> No.53468762

Because you do a two round interview structure: I've setup about a dozen in person interview since October, but five of them never came in, two of them couldn't actually work during the hours posted on the job description, and another three of them had already accepted another position and were just showing up to the interview out of obligation. If HR had handled all of those interviews and then forwarded the two remaining to me it would have saved me about a day and a half of wasted work. 90% of interviewing people is actually filtering out complete morons and spazzes who will piss in a water bottle at their desk in an open floorplan office.

>> No.53468880

I hate women so much is unreal.

>> No.53468972

I do way less work than her

>> No.53468988

She is actually hardworking unless those asian tiktok whores

>> No.53469527

a sight to behold

>> No.53469623
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>> No.53469630

Majority of women hit the Wall at 18

>> No.53469635

They just try yo hide it with makeup

>> No.53469654

This has got to be satire right

>> No.53469757

Because HR is childcare and wealth transfer program for women. It will never be replaced under Roastie Occupied Government, they literally made it mandatory

>> No.53469765

Honkaloids deserve these malicious little children-brain demons running their societies into the ground

>> No.53469777

Why does she look mid to late 30s? Fuck. I'm 27 and could still be confused as a high schooler

>> No.53469787


All I see in this video is a woman filming herself. She is all alone. Who is she even appealing to exactly? Herself?

>> No.53469802
File: 2.79 MB, 576x1024, 1668683730286929.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't seen the "consultants"

>> No.53469869

It's infuriating how easy some people have it, and then there's immigrants running like hell from 4th world countries like Ethiopia and Iran willing to slave in trades jobs and work minimum wage in this economy for decades before they manage to get anywhere

>> No.53470053
File: 149 KB, 1080x1072, c077323bce68f9f995026b88b174b05a436a5987cc3fc22f7aacc07568f3daf5_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are all the letters framed on her wall backwards? are HR roasties really this fucking retarded IRL?

>> No.53470207

It's actually 16 but you are not allowed to say it.

>> No.53470221

Clean your fucking coffee machine you dirty bitch

>> No.53470257

i hate this HR roastie most of all and am sick of seeing her on here
i think it's the giant psychotic eyes that say 'i will have you sacked if you don't wear a rainbow lanyard'

>> No.53470335

literally 10/10 in bongland

>> No.53470348

it would be too efficient. hr exists to obfuscate relations between the actual employer and the employee

>> No.53470362

think so, its too low effort to be a brag

>> No.53470456

Dont make the Gestapo look bad

>> No.53470605

>im proud of being worked like a slave

>> No.53470975

as long as she isnt some middle eastern cunt, ive been let go from 3 jobs in my life all from middle eastern women who didnt like me because im slightly as asshole, they are just weak

>> No.53470996

i lvoe how americans make fun of bongs for their looks when every good looking 'american' is an immigrant of some kind

>> No.53471013
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That sweater looks incredibly uncomfortable.

>> No.53471182

imagine having no fucking clue what a wall is but sperging about it anyway. retard

>> No.53471340

imagine rushing to the defence of a halfwitted HR goblin

>> No.53471378

Here is what she has to look forward to.

>> No.53471405

She's 36 right?

>> No.53471422

Very fat face compared to her legs and probably torso too

>> No.53471453

Don't forget the gay frogs fucking in the drinking water.

>> No.53471530

anyone else find it annoying when some women do everything so fucking slowly? it took her like 8x the time to put that cup of coffee in the machine that it wouldve taken me. no doubt her brain is that slow too i guess the 10x worker phenomenon applies in HR too. Make no mistake HR is as replaceable as labor workers; the "exist to take the blame for other workers" cope doesnt apply when there are no other workers.

>> No.53471533

The swine nose and hairline and chin arent based on bodyweight

>> No.53471580

at this point, theres no discernible difference

>> No.53471636

That's how I got my first job. I even called her by the wrong name but it didn't matter because 20 year olds aren't stuck like the boomers.

>> No.53471813

i dont get it

her job is to get people a job? why doesnt she just do the job???

>> No.53471834

Holy shit based. Imagine millions of jobless women. My dick is hard. Cant wait for them to come begging for a husband. Cant wait to tell them to fuck off as I raid in ffxiv and ERP with a guy pretending to be a fellow lesbian.

>> No.53472036

So, she “works” for 4 hours a day?

>> No.53473043

I hope she has been laid off

>> No.53473072

I had a friend who did it for 2 years, she said it’s the worst and started drinking daily until she could get out.

>> No.53473113

>client meeting at 4

i dont know much about this sort of job but surely having a meeting with a client that late in the day is just telling them you dont give a fuck right?

>> No.53473120

I’ve done HR after we fired our HR manager. It’s fucking terrible. Stupid phone calls to retards, helping idiots reset their insurance passwords, reading the resumes to weed out people who just randomly applied.

Interviews are fun. Mental health and family health crisis of employees are not. Navigating the leave system for a good employee having a psychiatric event is taxing.

>> No.53473136

AI will use logic and pattern recognition.
It will want to remove all women and niggers from the workplace along with most zoomers.
They would only allow one of these lobotomised versions of AI I guess.

>> No.53473149
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When I own my own company Im never hiring women. Not even one. I dont care what it is for, my secretary will be a man and I will pay him $80k a year to get me coffee in the mornings

>> No.53473359
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What would they say to picrel

>> No.53473480
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Lmao at all you chuds and in els that instantly lose all critical thinking abilities when you see a real woman. Just the sight of an attractive young lady and none of you are able to see this for what it is: bait. This is obvious satire but all she has to do was wiggle her little brapper and pretend to have a job in her studio apartment and all you fags instantly are rendered unable comprehend simple humor and social commentary. BLARLPFFTRARWRTGGRRRRFFFPPPTT!!! NOOOOOO!! A 20 YEAR OLD WO- ARRRGGPPPFFFTT TITS!! TIIIIITS!!! IMAGRINE DA SMELL! LOLROFLCOPTER SHE PROBABLY SUCKS OFF HER "MANAGER" JUST TO STAY EMPLOYED GRAPPFFFLYUMMMY SHOW FEEEEEEET HAHAHAHA WOOOMANNNN HAVE BAGINA MUST GINGER MY BUTTHOLE AND SNIFF MY OWN FINGERS I AM THE INCEL CHUD BRRRIPPPPPTTYFFFFDDSRRRTHHOOOOOO GIIIIRL MOVE HAND MOVE BE IS MOVE COOOOOOM aaaaarrtgggllllppplllee.... Aaaa.... aaaaaa.... ZzzzzzZZZzzz..

>> No.53473485

This is unironically my favorite meme. You can say this line to nearly any image and it pisses off bonglanders. Basically zero effort required.

This being said that chick is seriously ugly and obviously doesn't try to do anything about it. A note to men and women alike: your outward appearance greatly determines the strength of first impressions. A little effort goes a long way.

>> No.53473499

you gotta be careful about gays in hr, they only hire men the want to fuck, so half the company ends up dating each other

>> No.53473523

t. post-walled roastie

>> No.53473628

>"Hey anon, as part of our new policy on employee health standards, I'll be conducting your weekly penis inspection. Please come to the archival records storage at 9 AM next Tuesday."
>"see you then ;)"

>> No.53473716

She isn't really that ugly, just fat. She'd look ok if she lost weight.

>> No.53473746
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>N_ P___Y
>_O _OR_

I think you know my answer to this. You should try it for a few years and see if you like it. You can always go back to the cage

>> No.53473766

God forbid management actually manage. If you think HR provides value I sure as shit know you dont

>> No.53473787

At least she’s bangable

>> No.53474057

those stupid thots are the reason why alot of companies are cutting jobs like "hey everybody see how i get money doing nothing all the day. i'm smarter than you, are you jelly?"

>> No.53474144
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>These people make 2 to 4 times as much as me working 45 hours a week at my retail wagie job

>> No.53474255

>he cannot play 20 something HR roastie to win

At some point it's on you

>> No.53474287

Why would an executive waste their time with phone screenings of entry-level applications for people who may have completely fabricated their resumes? If they make it past the screening you meet with actual decision-makers, but her job is literally just to weed out the frauds, groids, and retards before they're actually put face-to-face (via zoom) with actual management.

>> No.53474342

You just know she fucks niggers.

>> No.53474420

Nah, she dates waifish jewy onionsboys