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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5346406 No.5346406 [Reply] [Original]

Okay newfags, you're the majority here. I realise I can't get rid of you, so i'll try to educate you on some of the habits of oldfag /biz/tards.

Guidelines of this thread;
1) Name of what you're holding
2) Why you're holding the token. This can be one or two lines if you want, as long as it includes at least;
- A use case
- A problem it fixes (if any)
- Why it will be adopted
- Something relevant to its value going up (like a product release or an update)
Keep the DYOR meme off this thread. Answering questions about your investment demonstrates competence.
MOD - Pharmaceutical supply chain solution which can save pharma up to 60%.(fixes a problem)

3) You can also ask about a token, as long as you have a generally specific question
Q. What functional use does the XRP token offer to the XRP network that that makes it necessary or unique?

Q. Can someone shill me on x?

1) Do not get emotionally invested into your investments. If someone FUDS your investment with a valid argument, take it as a good thing that they're sharing flaws in your investment- allowing you to adapt your investment to new information.

2) Shitposts are welcome, but for the most part, try to pepper the shitposts onto useful comments.

3) Your opinion is welcome, but unbased crystal ball predictions are USELESS. Keep predictions off this thread. This includes
Having made a good decision is good for you, but irrelevant when moving forward.

4) If someone FUD's your investment, don't get offended or defensive.

5) If you cannot answer a question, don't get offended or defensive.

6) If someone asks a stupid question, ignore them or simply tell them to lurk more.

>> No.5346430

My picks;
MOD - Pharmaceutical supply chain solution which can save pharma up to 60%.(fixes a problem)

LINK - Decentralised Oracle- github update due in Jan

REQ - Financial layering over ETH smart contracts to enable more diversity in the use of smart contracts like automated auditing.

FUN - Decentralised, trustless online gambling due for Beta product release in Q1 2018.

>> No.5346456

>2018 Winners

>> No.5346509

>2) Why you're holding the token. This can be one or two lines if you want, as long as it includes at least;
- A use case
- A problem it fixes (if any)
- Why it will be adopted
- Something relevant to its value going up (like a product release or an update)

>> No.5346522


>> No.5346546

Newfags like you make me so upset at the state of this board :( I'm familiar with all of those tokens, the reason I ask for the one or two line summary is to demonstrate your own competence so I know you're not a newfag memelord trying to make it yesterday.

>> No.5346588


>> No.5346622
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Next big ICO : http://ori.network

>> No.5346632

Holy fuck fuck you

>> No.5346659

1. ADA
2. It is the only PoS that can work properly. Q2 2018 it will go live. It will be adopted because it does what we need in a coin of the future. Fast cheap and scalable transactions.

>> No.5346671
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> me trap cod
> nufag mem lord kekekekek

>> No.5346686


>> No.5346695


>> No.5346739

Good thread OP. I got three coins...

XRP - Because I'm not retarded
ICX - Check out the asian nerds on this thing can't lose bro. Also I'm not retarded.
BURST - Massive 26th December pump incoming

>> No.5346744
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I'll help you guys out for the ost call. Xrp, Xlm, Ada, Cvc, Power, Omg, Xby, Ost, Wabi, Qash, Nuls

>> No.5346760

They've already mooned try harder
we have a bingo

>> No.5346774

Oh yeah and some XLM - forgot about that

>> No.5346786

Neo - dAPP platform for china. Heralded as Chinese ETH
LTC - Bitcoin Staging server. Centralised updates with faster transactions
VTC - Mechanically superior to Bitcoin and Litecoin as a currency
GRS - Mechanically superior to VTC as a currency
OMG - Skateboards (jks, haven't looked into this one)
LINK - Decentralised Oracles with github update in Jan
ICX - Currently being used by legitimate entities in South Korea (universities, hospitals etc)
RLC - Decentralised CPU for dAPPS on their platform
XMR - Privacy token which is more useful on the darknet than Bitcoin.

What does this do?

What does this do?

I've read the ADA whitepaper- it seems like a good idea but I still don't understand what it does. I read somewhere it's like ETH layering? What does this mean if it's accurate?

Go be useless elsewhere newfag.

Don't forget to mention why it's useful- even if it's already been said.

Why is there a pump coming on the 26th for BURST?

>> No.5346812

Most exchange tokens:

Centralized and decentralized exchanges will remain the backbone of the crypto zoo. Every token that owns a share of exchange rewards will make dividends and probably will go much higher if the exchange succeeds.

>> No.5346839

>unwarranted self-importance
>it's a tripfag
Enjoy being spoonfed while acting all high and mighty.

>> No.5346859

I use my tripcode to spot newfags anon. tripcodes mean NOTHING on /biz/ so they should be irrelevant. If they're relevant to you, you're a newfag that just outed themselves.

>> No.5346873

26th Burst - whales be pumping. Heard it here first. No joke. Coordinated.

>> No.5346881
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burst pump was advertised by a "reputable" PnD organizer 2 nights ago. It was already mooning at the time with 46% but could be just accumalalalalation.

Its the "green" coin, no elec waste etc.

i ironically bought 5000 since it was whatever money.

signal is for 7-10 days, whale/pumper did not mention exit #.

hope that helps

>> No.5346885

>trying to establish a name on a board thats known for anonymity posting
kys faggot go open a discord if you want to act important
all you just posted is simple common sense you idiot

>> No.5346888

Nice. I'm staying away from this as I don't believe you. Good luck anon. Your other picks are solid imo (XRP, ICX, XLM)

>> No.5346905

I have not got much by my money is on

Bought some oyster pearls so I can dump some to the iota fanboys yeah yeah son...
Got some ripple nipple
Either one of these fuckers are going to take off and im in for the long run.

Well till I get my new job all I can do is wait...

>> No.5346916

Can someone tell me about the legitimacy of RDD? From what I've read it just needs to be implemented on Craigslist, Facebook, Instagram, etc and it would be real world useful.

I'm holding
BTC, the hype train has only just started, I'm in for the long haul, would love 50k by 2019
BCC, seems like a slightly more scalelable BTC that could take off, if it holds value or rises I'll be happy
XRP, Big bank usage incoming or whatever the details should drive hype for it up
ETH, seems pretty stable, lower fees than BTC for moving between exchanges

>> No.5346948

RDD just go to the subplebbit and read. its sad, real sad. This shit was $100/1,000,000 some time ago. It will be a perpetual dump

>> No.5346975

Yeah fair call. I'm not a swing trader - I generally hold for months. Heard through a couple of fairly good channels that this shit is going down though so I put $1k in for the lulz.

>> No.5346991

Could absolutely be bullshit. Total gamble.

>> No.5347004

ADA can just do what bitcoin does but without miners lower fees and faster transaction times with the exact same cryptographic guarantees.

They have plans for ETH like side chains and smart contracts but the key thing is they got the Proof of stake right.

>> No.5347012

Cardano. It has the only provably secure proof of stake system Ouroboros, separation of the accounting and computation layer, a treasury system for long term sustainability, etc. The team consists of academics and some of the best computer scientists such as Philip Wadler. The more I look into this, the more I laugh at all the other shitcoins out there. If you want some indication of the things to come, check out their roadmap. 2018 is going to be a massive year for Cardano.

>> No.5347123
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Tron - I used to think it would be neo, but just looking for the future tron is ahead. Tron will be the chinese Nr.1
REQ - By mid of 2018 its gonna be at 0.9 at least, new age "Paypal" alike trading
Litecoin - Better than BTC, BCC and ETH
0x - read the white paper
POWR - I think this will boom in 2019
LISK - This will explode pretty soon
Cardano - Better than ETH und BTC obv

This is the stuff I got my fingers on. No daytrading, just holding.

>> No.5347131

Oh, thanks. I'll look more into this. The other anon didn't specify a source hence me not believing him.

I use my tripcode to spot newfags that care about irrelevant shit. I don't give a fuck about my /biz/ reputation lmao. Tripcodes mean nothing. I'm still a fucking anon.
I'm a lonely virgin who fucks animals for money. I love it when my ass is pumped full of cum.

MIOTA - Coin using Tangle instead of blockchain. Quantum proof, fee-less transactions. Network speeds up with more traffic. Huge industry partners like Bosch, Volkswagen etc
XRB - DAG coin. Like IoTA but focused more on P2P than M2M (I think?). fee-less, instant transactions, network speeds up with more traffic.

Strong choices. Sticking to the big guns isn't a bad idea. Do you have any expectation of a BTC crash pre-2020?

Thanks for the honesty. I'll keep an eye out on the day.

So this token is trying to function as a currency? Competing with BTC etc?
I suppose it's trying to be a third gen crypto... does it have any comparable competition?

>> No.5347151


I'll keep an eye on BCC if any new news come through

>> No.5347155

Apart from Neo, wrong

>> No.5347156

1) OST

2) The coin I've made most research into so far. I like the idea that they can supply a service without said business has to do everything themselves from scratch. I think this is something that is generally something that works out well in real business as well.

I also hold XVG and TRX but only from loose information spread around mostly here on /biz/ but with sources. I don't know enough about the tech or their competitors. 60% of my folio is ETH atm at roughly 16% loss.

5 days into crypto.

>> No.5347254


>BTC crash pre 2020

Likely to happen, but screw trying to ride waves, I'm not quick enough and don't have the time to focus on that. When it does crash again, I'll just buy more.

Only time I can see myself selling is if there are huge dumps due to technical problems that may be unrecoverable. Even then I might leave some in just to see what happens eventually.

Everyone's thoughts on Monaco? Normies may see it as the easiest to use their coins in the real world which may drive up the price

>> No.5347395

>MOD - Pharmaceutical supply chain solution which can save pharma up to 60%.(fixes a problem)

>> No.5347417

ICN - Iconomi has tokenized crypto funds and soon listed in traditional exchanges.
BMC - Blackmoon Crypto, same thing with shady russians, ex vkontakte bigshot who drinks vodka with oligarchs
ZRX, AST, KNC - all decentralized shits
MANA - Decentraland, how cool a concept is that? Own your land and set up what you want.

>> No.5347498

tbqh, fun, req, and link are bagholders united

first time in a while i hear of MOD as well.

I am heavy in req so hope that one pans out,
FUN, have you seen their "proof of concept" ? Im a degenerate gambler and a e s t h e t i c s fucking matter. I will never waste my money on shit that looks so ridic. Honestly, it seems like a smart move, but the poc is soooo bad from a gamblers perspective... i just dont see it as anything more than "hey throw money at me, i tried"

>> No.5347543

I will just hold what I have, but increase it some when the correction is done. Might buy Zdash before mid Jan because I heard a rumor though.

>> No.5347553

Modum focuses on tracking medicine shipments in and out of the EU to uphold EU regulation. Uses RFID-blockchain tech, patented, and can save pharma up to 60% on their shipments. there were 200mil relevant shipments in 2016 that this tech could've been used on.

An advisor is the former head of supply chains and operations services
Co-founder was head of logistics at Novartis (top 5 pharma company in the world valued at over $216bil)

>> No.5347590

an advisor is the....services of IBM*

>> No.5347635
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so like the stupid frog coin but for eu cucks and medicine, (((got it )))

>> No.5347710


>> No.5347714

Frog coin was targeting consumers. It was a good idea, but it was a nice to have because it would be nice to have legitimate products.

MOD is targeting industry leaders with the added benefit of saving them money on ALL shipments. Consumer adoption isn't relevant or required for MOD's success.

>> No.5347779

Do you think BTC will crash in the sense that, it will become obsolete and replaced? Or do you imagine it to remain at the forefront of crypto for the foreseeable future?

Interesting choices. What does decentraland mean? Digital space? Isn't that just cloud storage?

I figured the first thing gamblers would consider is "is it trustworthy". I'm not a gambler though- do you think the trustless nature of FUN would be a game changer?

>> No.5347802

i see, i might dump some sats in there.

BTW, whats ur ROI for last 2 months? I see all red errywhere but im still up on principle. is everyone just larpin or were people retarded enough to lose money in this market ?

>> No.5347815
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I'm holding it because it offers numerous use cases, such as a decentralised exchange, Dapps in any programming language, anon messaging, basically an ecosystem like ETH but faster. It also has quantum resistance, new proof algorithm,and 10,000tx p/s.

It will be adopted because it is superior and more easily adopted due to the any language caveat above. The beastly network will not be bogged down by fucking kitties either.

The testnet is up next week, and they are inviting anyone to join in. If that works, main net will follow immediately, followed by listing on better exchanges. roughly 500 million coins will be locked in STATIC nodes reducing CC a fuckload.

XBY top 10 coin end of 2018. comfy as fuck. The red flags this project had are being dismantled one by one.

>> No.5347920

as i said, i am a _true_ degenerate gambler. I want something that will keep me going, the insta gratification of uplifting sounds, decent graphics, the "almost got it champ". Shit like that.

There is also the natural feel of playing on old ass machines where I bet big for big payouts but shitty graphics.

There is no trust between me and the casino, and no coin will change that. I walk in there KNOWING I am getting fucked.
The only good thing I see is maybe a marketing point. "hey guys, we wont really fuck you in the ass , but if we do, there will be lube".

Gamblers gamble for the thrill, not the security.You gotta learn more about the addiction to profit from it.

>> No.5347965

From the beginning of November until the 21st, I was up about $500. Negative throughout most of the month as I avoided the BTC/BCH fiasco entirely.
From the 21st until prior to this weeks red, I was up $30k

I had FIAT injections periodically- however for i'm averaging about 300% gains on early investments.
100% gains when factoring the % profit being skewed downward due to FIAT injections ontop of my existing investment.

I don't day trade, just hold.

Keep in mind, my track record does not make me a reputable source. Past results do not guarantee future results.
I invested in November aiming for Q1 2018+ gains. Everything until now is a bonus imo.

>> No.5347991
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>> No.5347995

When compared to a Casino- sure. Agreed. That's more about the atmosphere and experience etc.
But you're saying the same applies to online gambling?

>> No.5348001

It will decentralize the marketplace stack.
Instead of investing in decentralize marketplaces, invest in the product to build them.

>> No.5348002

1: WaBi
2: Working product, excellent team, small marketcap, enormous room for expansion (partnerships, adoption to new products, new exchanges etc...), Goldman Sachs & Alibaba advisers, an Alibaba team member.

>> No.5348016


XLM is a likely moon mission prospect
XRP might go all the way back down to it's support level at .60 shekels ~

I'd go into REQ right now to ride the hype wave and dump

Gif source OP?

>> No.5348092

This. And also OCL (Oceanlab).

>> No.5348135


Why no1 (you)ing me? Think some decent points are here that satisfy the thread criteria

>> No.5348161
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DNA coin. They applied to Binance and are waiting to be added.

>> No.5348162

>Do you think BTC will crash
Who knows, it may become obsolete in 2 or 3 years time or it may not depending on how this lightning thing goes. My guess is it will still hold value because it is the first word people think when you mention crypto.

We have to remember that the majority of people, banks and old money are not in crypto yet. The majority will want a high value 'not as volatile' coin that they can see slow gains in over time. I think BTC will eventually become that

>> No.5348224

I gamble, thats what I do lol.

For me, crypto is a gamble, whatever money I would have thrown at irl, i threw at scambase.

Now we are adding layers on top of layers of gambling.

- side note - some pajeet posted a link to a superscam referral ether slot machine link. There is a good chance I would have put more money in there if I had metamask on.

Point of the story is, gamblers are fucking retards, i have gambled 1000s on shady ass slots in a shitty bar in a village in ibiza. Once you sit down, you dont care if you win, lose, or if you got cheated.

>> No.5348250

XRP will reach 100 dollas per coin

>> No.5348283


STAR - chink, gook and nip ICO platform with KYC/AML contols will bring ICOs to the normies

>> No.5348376

I was about to (you) you. It seems solid- usually if nobody (you)'s you though, it means you've presented enough information that it's either really good or really stupid. So dw

I do have a question though- the second asterisk was 10,000 planned transactions per second. Do you have any idea if the competitors are planning to enable more transactions per second too?

Wasn't aware of Alibaba advisor :O their reddit ama turned me off their project when I was looking into signing up for their ICO.

Does XLM 100bil total supply concern you regarding the potential for growth? Or XLM focusing on being a non-profit?
I found that gif when ANS was being shilled here anon, sorry, no source.

What does OCL do?

What does it do? I recall DNA exciting me a little- but never looked into it.

That's fair. I imagine BTC to trudge along for a while- even if it's just a store of value.

Thanks for this. I'll try to learn more about gambler psychology. Hopefully there's some useful data on gambling opinion on reliability.
Do you think Casino's would opt for FUN if it can stop casino-goers from cheating their machines?

>> No.5348569

The 100bil does seem concerning to me and I have no real answer to that unfortunately.
I'm not going to sit here and shill the thing but I believe it has potential at least in the day trading department.

As for long term hodling, that 100bil really needs to be reevaluated

>> No.5348576

I gotta tell u man, i am amazed casinos trust outside slots as it is.

the only reason they allow the machines is because of a proven track record, insurance, and most important, mega jackpots are usually paid out by the manufacturer.

there has been so many GREAT ideas regarding slots, like personalized characters/graphics, turns out, no one is dumb enough to allow live/online user connection to slots.

I don't see how FUN will be able to make casinos trust them. That will require _a lot_ of shilling and money.

I am interested in the project and will follow it in the upcoming months, but I personally don't see how it will all work out. To me, its one of those coins that sound great on first hear, then you realize there are too many hurdles for the project to make an impact.

>> No.5348617


>> No.5348716


I think most gen 1 and 2 cryptos are planning to increase tx p/s. My understanding is blockchain 3.0 coins like XBY are easier to change without hard forking though, so I think 10k tx p/s is the planned starting point for the XBY network.

>> No.5349118
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ETHOS (still listed as BQX on binance) - building a platform/app where people can buy/store/transer btc and crypto from their phone and also building an INSANELY secure wallet with a ton of features.

Right now only a limited amount of countries have access to coinbase (I think 31 counties), this will introduce a totally international market to the game and I believe it's unbanked as well.

It has an active dev team, nice website, great UX, I believe the app is launching end of Q1 2018.

Seriously give their website a look, this one is gonna be huge and /biz/ never talks about it.

>> No.5349126

It could tie into the slot manufacturers then as they're the ones paying out.
But yeah, the more hurdles something has, the less enticing it becomes. I wasn't aware how lacklustre this token was to an actual gambler. Thanks.

Their focus is non-profit. I imagine it'll go up in value in the short term, but I can't imagine this being a HUGE gainer unless circulating supply stays pretty low. Definitely has a lot of strong points around it though.

That's fair. However, just because something has better tech, doesn't mean it will be adopted. Look at Fiber Optics and IPV4 vs IPV6 in existing infrastructure.
You could be right and I hope it pays off for you. It seems like a solid investment, but it's going up against some hefty competition.

>> No.5349206

these are all shitcoins

>> No.5349259

RLC is a genuine 10-100x can’t believe /biz/ is sleeping on it

>> No.5349296

Blockchain is due to disrupt 15+ industries anon. Each industry has projects being developed for different use cases too.
Why are my picks shitcoins, and what are your picks?

>> No.5349448

anon, hope you didn't take anything I said as FUD, just givin mah opinion.

This being tied to manufacturers is probably the best route they can go to.

I have been in the offices of a bigger slot manufacturer, it was a bunch of nu-age kids, each had a new slot by their desk and they all drank starbucks, so with the right shilling, the marketing department might introduce it to the higher ups. I still have a sneaking suspicion that the (((higher ups))) will laught this shit out of the room.

I know they have already spent $$$$$ on security and devs.

>> No.5349514

I'm sorry, but do you have the sauce of your gif, if this is something "produced"?

>> No.5349524

what is a good exchange to get these at? im bored of bittrex limitations and coinexchange.io is sorta wonky

>> No.5349592

Don't apologise. FUD is very valuable when considering investments. I don't understand why people on this board are averse to learning about the weaknesses of their own investments.
Thanks for the info. I'll look more into FUN plans on the future. They were a smaller holding for me, so im not entirely fussed if it doesn't work out.

Already in on this. One of the best dev teams when I first heard about it- but their dev team split up and they had some members be replaced, didn't they?

No source. I saved it during the time ANS was being shilled here.

I use Binance for everything I can. CoinMarketCap for the highest volume exchange for anything else.

>> No.5349682

just as a FUCKING SIDENOTE ON THE BURST, that anon from 2 nights ago was not fucking around about BURST HAHAHAh.

He mentioned mcdick in the thread, and lo n behold.

lmao, holy shit, someone on biz wasnt a complete pajeet for once ill try n get archive for all the nocoiners give me a sec

>> No.5349895


It's been soooo long since i fucked a cutie asian :(
They have the smalest tightest asses in the galaxy, a tight brown asshole and a pussy so cute you want to eat it all day.