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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53461173 No.53461173 [Reply] [Original]

So is every project just memes and stupid shit nowadays? No more tech, no more innovation? Just useless memes and meaningless coins?

>> No.53461190

yes and i wouldn't have it any other way fuck HEX fags fuck QNT fags and definitely fuck ETH fags and their gay useless merge

>> No.53461241
File: 90 KB, 824x983, 1658513352550210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$DOGE was my umbrella during this bear market while everything else took a huge SHIT on my chest.

>> No.53461260

Merge was a complete meme, shit didn't do, well, shit

>> No.53461271

If you unironically look like that I would let you shit on me anytime

>> No.53461280

I'm still hanging to my AVAX bags, I know, I'm a retard, but what else can I do?

>> No.53461287
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Not sure what you are talking about nigga everything is balanced and fair. Next cycle is upon us

>> No.53461297
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Both are nothing but a pile of shit anon, I'm disappointed

>> No.53461332
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If you only lurk /biz/ then I don't blame you for having that point of view but you are wrong, in reality. I myself don't buy on memes except for DOGE because of what this guy said >>53461241 but other than that my folio is
>POND (Marlin)
>QNT (Quant)
>APT (Aptos)
And they are all doing great.

>> No.53461336

j-just buy more AVAX bro i promise you bro trust me bro

>> No.53461350

>POND (Marlin)
Jesus fucking christ you guys are a pest

>> No.53461362

No? Fuck off anon

>> No.53461376

Theres plenty of innovation but /biz/ vehemently fuds any legitimately good projects. I can't wait for the rope threads when ICP hits $50 and the livestream suicides at $1000

>> No.53461380

kinda hot ngl
talking bout pic related not your piece of garbage shitcoins

>> No.53461396

You can't be serious bro, you really can't, for christ sake

>> No.53461397
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imagine caring about usecases and doing research fucking KEK buy more ZOO you fucking loser and sell before Logan dumps on people again

embrace being a clown

>> No.53461413

B-But anon... LINK... Is the future.... Of currency....

ICP is irrelevant.

>> No.53461431

plenty of good tech just hard to sort thru the bullshit
im going big on $KENSHl rn its an oracle launched on 6 chains already
w ML/AI capabilities

>> No.53461434

KENSHl tech is one of the few new projects actually innovating on oracles. and data indexing on chain. Check out Aurora networks latest medium really breaks down why they’re essentially a better version of GRT combined with LINK.

>> No.53461440

The reddit seething followed by “I was always team ICP” threads will be beautiful.
I collect/save retard redditors who shit on ICP, and I’m making a collage of all of them, and tagging each one of those faggots in a huge “congrats you fucking idiots” post, and getting the mod to pin it in the top of the r/cc subreddit.

>> No.53461461

FUD the tech. Do it faggit

>> No.53461475
File: 24 KB, 1516x186, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least be subtle about it you stupid niggers.

>> No.53461489


>> No.53463999

now you know why they where so afraid of "white pride"...

>> No.53464462

ORE is an innovative tech, you might not get it because you are retarded.

>> No.53464486
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>> No.53464924

Their multisig is the bomb. Telos already adopted the solution.

>> No.53464939

it did though. eth would be a lot lower if not for PoS.

>> No.53465577

there is still some innovation in monero. for example, just last year we had p2pool which is really starting to become massive. And looking forwards there is gonna be seraphis addressing scheme which will fix the view keys from being fucked up and retarded. Also haveno and shit.

>> No.53465727

And you've not come across UTK's metabonding?
How about ORE's interpretability? You're gonna be the biggest loser of this new pump.

>> No.53465982

Few are anticipating the powerpoolcvp stableswap vault is the real deal.