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File: 164 KB, 1080x729, Screenshot_20230126_202031_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53453578 No.53453578 [Reply] [Original]

Is this how this works or am i retarded and gay?

>> No.53453596

link to it
you subhuman faggot fuck
just fucking kill yourself
you unlinking piece of worthless dogshit

>> No.53453606

Literally just watch tucker. It's on Fox News nigger faggot

>> No.53453610

another nothingburger from the right wing funded veritas who pretends he's just objective and has no ideological slant

>> No.53453624


''nothingburger'' something lefty bots say online when they get caught out either lying or being hypocritical dogs lmao every time on queue..

this is coming from someone who has had 3 pfizer shots, i still think you are a dumb fuck

>> No.53453649

I'm just curious do you think Veritas is just an objective truth-teller with no agenda?

>> No.53453659

you start the thread.
you link to it.

>> No.53453671

Unironically hang that niggerkike in the public square in minecraft

>> No.53453672

asking to trust fox news,, cringe, sure them and alex jones are very good source of everything duh

>> No.53453688

Glowniggers inbound to your location. Expect lots of inane schizo trolling from these tr00ns

>> No.53453723
File: 219 KB, 711x396, Screenshot_20191224-201713~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if it's true (it is. Spoiler the jews are jewing you). I am asking about how it will affect the market. Pfizer is very cheap $44. If I buy $5,000 will I be rich?

>> No.53453748

/pol/ learned that viruses can mutate? I'm so proud of them, they're learning about science!

>> No.53453751

I doubt the expose will hurt Pfizer.

>> No.53453752
File: 436 KB, 840x348, image_2022-11-28_031225770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on how much you buy and how up the price go

>> No.53453760

Something like that would bankrupt the entire company if normies would ever look at an app that's not YouTube or Tiktok, so yeah slurp up the dip bro. The Jews will see to it that gay nigger is never heard from outside this one video in this one two week span again.

>> No.53453772

what were the others saying about you?

>> No.53453794

Pfizer is the biggest short in history. When people find out they’ve been genocided thru infertility it’s over

>> No.53453811

>he leans right that means everything he says doesn't matter and is in fact not true
Not how it works chud

>> No.53453849
File: 14 KB, 400x400, 1661094197135353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually bullish

>> No.53453854

Imagine believing this deceptively edited video. He was exaggerating to make his date more interesting.

>> No.53453856
File: 71 KB, 305x196, 1407977375994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what I said but I don't expect you echo chambered dipshits to be able to read.
Regardless, taking the word of a rando within a company over published documents and studies performed shows you utterly incapable you art at finding out truths on any given topic.

Imagine if we did that in law. "Oh the neighbor says he did it so lock him up" rather than look at the findings of an investigation.

Now watch the 70 IQ populist conservatives who have 0 understanding of science, healthcare literature or anything claim that Veritas is the new king of determining scientific truths.

>> No.53453864

>he was just pretending to be possessed by demons ha ha

>> No.53453871

>don't question the published SCIENCE
>don't question the GOVERNMENT
not how it works, chud. Makes sense real journalists like Veritas get your panties in a twist

>> No.53453895
File: 153 KB, 465x683, 1416516440033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strawman after strawman
Question all you want, but one should objectively be held to a higher standard. Also not all studies are conducted by governments or even primarily funded by governments you are aware of that right??

Just because something is published by people you don't like doesn't make it fake.
Don't you rattle off FBI crime statistics every time someone makes you mad? Why is the government good and based there but not other applications?

>> No.53453903

>but one should objectively be held to a higher standard.
Correct, which is why Pfizer employees are actively being sought out by real journalists to uncover the truth that government has no interest in uncovering

>> No.53453962

Cracker doesn't even exist.

>> No.53453980

This is dangerous right-wing propaganda. It did not come from a verified news source, as such is disinformation even though the person involved and all subject matter is 100% verified and true. Go to sleep, and market sell all your Chainlink (ticker:LINK) tokens.

>> No.53454017

Who cares?
I’m lefty and still care about profit
I can’t imagine acting like Covid is right vs left
You guys must lose a ton of money based on your ideology
The rest of us don’t care about red vs blue

>> No.53454030

Boy this thread sure glows.

>> No.53454036

Nice try glowies
I’m a liberal and wouldn’t buy your bullshit
Let the glowie hate rain down on my unvaxxed ass

>> No.53454047

Do you think Pfizer is an objective pharmaceutical company with no agenda?

>> No.53454080
File: 545 KB, 982x968, 1601741655936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the FBI is actively muddying the racial crime statistics to make actual whites look worse

>> No.53454107
File: 2 KB, 800x800, 1669141811272249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their objective is profits within the confines of the law.
What I wrote there was independent of this example. Everything they do is an operation of the right, a tool of the right etc. Is it that important not really but the framing is always as if wow bravo o'keefe you're doing the world such a favor.
Virtually all his operations have manipulation and most of them are through dating where people are already incentivized to lie. Only braindead sheep put any stock into what he presents.
Nice so you can take your "truth" via one person on a hidden camera on a dinner date, and i'll take my truths via the broader scientific community and official papers. I wonder which one will stand the test of time. Moron.

>> No.53454122

>Nice so you can take your "truth" via one person on a hidden camera on a dinner date, and i'll take my truths via the broader scientific community and official papers.
You seem to reject this piece of evidence outright though which is pure cope. Do you think Pfizer has never withheld information that would be damaging to their reputation?

>> No.53454136

Also if Pfizer was confident in their scientific backing why did they try to hide documents until half a century from now?

>> No.53454199
File: 3 KB, 227x90, nothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pfizer stock goes down because of this. I should buy the dip?
I would say yes. The goyim will do nothing about it, so just wait until the whole COVID vaxx story is memory-holed and scientists will tell that children dying of myocarditis is a completely normal phenomenon.

>> No.53454234
File: 7 KB, 200x200, reeshard+rolled+a+random+image+posted+in+comment+323+at+_6b434e4671c6c5aef1763612134f7791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were the documents hidden relevant to the covid vaccine?
Is there not literally a treasure trove, a plethora, a milieu of information surrounding the vax from a number of different sources out there already.
They're still a private company that can withhold what they want, and if it's illegal they'll be forced to by law. Everything is working as intended. https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/newyork/news/press-releases
Big and small people getting taken down on the daily.

I know you /pol/tards think you live in a Marvel movie where companies are just getting away with murder in broad daylight and poising the population without anyone noticing and somehow the trump and biden administration are aware but so happy about it.

It's all cringe and shows a lack of understanding of any structure within any corporate or intelligence community but that's the underlying qualifier with the entire topic. None of you have any idea what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.53454263

>That means all the Pfizer vaccine data should be public by the end of September rather than the year 2097, the deadline that the FDA wanted.
You're a stooge and a simp for massive corporations. You should honestly reflect on your hostility towards a journalist attempting to uncover these truths for you, chud

>> No.53454270

Holy shit glowtard
Your bias is showing
Imagine arguing with people who research not to do any research
youre a fucking retard bro
Go back 2 Reddit

>> No.53454277

>companies are just getting away with murder in broad daylight
Corporations are getting away with anything because they are the ones running the show, not
>the trump and biden administration

>> No.53454284

>antivaxxers were ACCIDENTALLY right!

>> No.53454286

>Pfizer stock goes down because of this
Low IQ detected.

>> No.53454309

black man stay wynning

>> No.53454372

oh no sweetie, did you actually think this proved /pol/ right? what part of this do you think does that? this is 95% totally predictable, run of the mill biotech company doing biotech things, and 5% seasoning provided by some faggot trying to impress another guy pretending to only pretend to be a faggot on his faggot date, lol.
none of this comes even remotely close to moving the needle with respect to your schizo theories, bud. "biotech firm may or may not experiment with virus to get a head start on producing a vaccine" wow, this proves that there were microchips in the vaccines all along! two more weeks and finally their plan will come to fruition (killing all the liberals who follow them, and leaving some NEET schizos, facebook moms and illiterate minorities alive)

take your meds.

>> No.53454591

they're sliding this thread

>> No.53455366
File: 814 KB, 380x307, 1652065312419.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching Fox News rather than the actual content on Veritas' Youtube channel
You are a no link faggot. You were ON the video to take the screenshot.
The second video of him being confronted and SPERGING the fuck out is highly entertaining.

>> No.53455420

I don’t understand what the big deal is? The guy is just describing how to research viruses. They are mutating it to try to predict how it might mutate in the future. Project veritas is grifting to schizos trying to shape it as if they are mutating it to deliberately poison the public. Based qanon merch sellers

>> No.53455424

>there are people who make vast amounts of money by creating wars and selling arms
>there are people who make vast amounts of money by mutating viruses and selling vaccines

>> No.53455447

>Gain-of-function research is medical research that genetically alters an organism in a way that may enhance the biological functions of gene products. This may include an altered pathogenesis, transmissibility, or host range, i.e. the types of hosts that a microorganism can infect

>> No.53455474
File: 205 KB, 1111x841, 1662877315834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you wash that narrative control down with jew cum?
If it's so totally predictable and run of the mill... why did he say it needed to stay hidden? Why did he sperg out so hard when confronted?

You think a biotech lab that has just had its most profitable couple of years in history is going to be passive now the genie is out the bottle?
>create variants
>select safest, most transmissible one
>whoops! released in fucking uganda
>"It obviously came from the ugandese goat spider"
>media hypes up severity
>skeptics are silenced
>governments increase control and surveillance
>socially/legally mandated vaccines
>50 year closed contracts
>"Get ya boosters! Get ya boosters here!"
>3 years later: Actually maybe that accidental lab leak idea might be true. Oh well, thanks for all that fucking money.

What you think is going to stop them? Ethics? lmao With every Davos cunt bleeting "we must be prepared for the inevitable second pandemic"

I bet you take your meds, good goy.

>> No.53455485

2 more weeks

Long PFE 2/17 $50 Calls

>> No.53455753
File: 116 KB, 500x624, 1674776408581288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you fucking JewFaggots we coming for you... Operation hummingbird 2.0 forsure.

>> No.53455808

i don't get what this meme is supposed to convey

>> No.53455816

Op is such a faggot.

>> No.53455817
File: 925 KB, 2015x1715, FnbyhYoXgAA7k26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You inept JewFaggot, you might just be the dumbest apeNigger on the plane of existence.

Stupid fucker

Then click on videos...


>> No.53455837

You are suppose to hire diversity quotas for directors, but not giving them real responsibility, Pfizer got too greedy and now they will pay.

>> No.53456197
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, 7 million per day infected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine if Pfizer had already created a mutated version of COVID and attacked China already with it because their revolving door of government regulators has classified intel saying that China did the same to us two years ago. so, no need for nuclear weapons now. this secret viral war shit could be even worse. i think this retarded nigger just opened a can of worms globally

>> No.53456254

How did a fucking epic troll /b/ raid terminology ended up in the hands of faggots like you?

>> No.53456522

Jesus christ we really are living in the Deus Ex timeline

>> No.53456594

I think it's suspicious
>Yeah, we kinda do a lot of the things people accuse us of,
>Just don't tell anyone, teehee!

>> No.53456611
File: 472 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20230127_160552_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do I long Pfizer? I feel like they're way in too deep in the Bilderbergs schemes to be left to crash and burn.

>> No.53456830
File: 257 KB, 819x938, how much do they pay you jannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to slide this thread, huh? Don't think I don't know that the US government bought all those BTCs to pay ransom for that aviation hack

>> No.53457313

>the stock bleeds out for months because of the general fears surrounding the global market and especially their earnings power after vaccine orders subside
>this rightoid "media" outlet released some retarded conspiracy for boomer cucks two days ago and the stock lost another 1.7%
I hate biz so much, the most retarded board in existence

>> No.53457418

Its not uncrashable, just know that pfizer uses more of its cash on hand to.manage the stock price then it does to r&d new drugs.
Alot more.
It could crash if every fund bag holding it dumped or if enough big hedgies attacked, but it would be expensive to do it.

>> No.53457434

>Id goo
Its literally in the name