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File: 103 KB, 628x417, audis6s7628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
534450 No.534450 [Reply] [Original]

Two coworkers and myself were discussing the market today as well as things like individual stocks and hedge funds and whatever. Just some chat about things we knew or would like to know, input, etc.

One girl sitting near us says in a low tone "Why are you talking about that, it's so boring".

I proceeded to remove the keys to my 2014 Audi S6, my Omega Speedmaster Co-Axial Chronograph, and a bank statement to an account with $200,000 in savings, saying that's why we discuss what we discuss.

She asked for coffee later today about 10 minutes before I left. I declined, but god damn are most women stupid gold digging sluts or what?

>> No.534459

>this happened

>> No.534460

ye lol xD

>> No.534461

Bullshit. The story isn't even consistent to what would be happening even if this DID happen.

>> No.534462


>the thread

>> No.534466


It did happen, I don't how my things off, but I just found it funny how she judged us on something she knew nothing about, and when she saw nice shiny things she wanted to go on a date.

>> No.534468

>buying an audi

>> No.534469

Video or it didn't happen. That you don't understand why the scenario isn't even consistent with reality reveals you for the pleb/troll you are.

>> No.534472

How isn't it consistent?

I mean it's a simple telling of what happened.

1. Talking to coworkers about subject
2. Woman judges us for what we talk about
3. Prove a point by showing her that even if she finds something simply boring, it can be important or improve your life.
4. She asks if I want coffee later on after all this went down, likely thinking I'd say yes.

I mean if you're retarded maybe it wouldn't make sense to you.

And obviously I don't have a video, stop having an autistic spasm.

>> No.534473

post pic of your audi and your watch with timestamp

>> No.534474

So it didn't happen and you don't understand why your story is nonsense. Thanks for clearing it up. Abandoning thread.

>> No.534477

>hur hur there must be a video for everything to happen

nah, I don't need to prove myself online.

Nothing but jealousy and doubt from little shit teenagers on this board, huh.

>> No.534478

>Carrying around a bank statement.
I hope you get mugged.

>> No.534479

I had it on me from the previous day and forgot to remove it from my wallet.

>> No.534484
File: 2.87 MB, 320x240, 1382910551327.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're goddamn pathetic OP. 200k? I carry around that much when I go to the stripclub. You have a car? Did you just graduate highschool? I own 3 fucking logistics companies. I had girls asking me out for coffee offering to pay because I actually have a personality, you need to bribe women with trinkets, sad mate really fucking sad.

>> No.534487

>I don't need to prove myself online.
>Posts a made-up story about it online anyway.

>> No.534490

Again, not made up, but okay.

I was trying to invoke a conversation about gold diggers.

>> No.534498

Why an S6? I'm looking for a mid-level executive car. I'm looking at the 550i, S6, and E550. Still haven't driven the S6, why should I buy one?

>> No.534503

Op, fuck the haters. Lol I believe you. I have made good profits in a down economy. Don't have a nice car yet but will soon enough as things are getting better.

For the douche talking about 200k at the strip club, go fuck yourself. I doubt your telling the truth and if you are, take a lesson from Warren Buffet.

>> No.534507

it depends on your business and on the appearence you are trying to have to your partners. I had a 530d and at least here in Germany the feedback I got because of my car was rather bad. BMW is often driven by all kind of immigrants here. E550 will make you look "old" and has the least aggressive image of all 3 said cars. While the S6 is seen as the lowest value and could make you look having less money than with the other two models.

What I am telling you is from a german marketing perspective anyway. If you need the car to fit your image you will have take a look at the target-markets your selected brand is trying to aim to in your country. For example Mercedes has not that old image in the US like here.

>> No.534546

I'm American, so we don't have the immigrant problem with BMW mostly. I remember working in Zurich and all the mudslimes drove BMW and thought their 118d was hot shit.

I have a sedan right now anyway, but it's old and ugly, but runs wonderfully.

How is Porsche viewed? I could probably pick up a 2012 911 Carrera S within my budget.