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53443758 No.53443758 [Reply] [Original]

laugh at landcuck threads. post your best.

>> No.53443761
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>> No.53443767

remote work will solve the housing crisis in cities

>> No.53443769

ITT: Rentoids make themselves feel better about being assetless losers who will never been seen as real men

>> No.53443774

what is so bad about living next to a train? I love trains

>> No.53443778

it won't, i safe this as a perm remote worker. my employer is recalling a lot of non perm wagies back to the cage 2-3 days a week. number of remote listings on linkedin is down considerably. never underestimate the stupidity and niggerliciousness of boomers and their gen x shabbos goyim.

>> No.53443780

Post more anon

>> No.53443786

>laugh at landcuck thread
>posts wagie cringe
he did meaning even what?

>> No.53443792
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adjust these numbers for inflation if you want a real laugh.

>> No.53443795

Lmao this reminds me of the tard asking if he is getting his mortage is reduced because the house is now valued less

>> No.53443803

good morning ESL sir

>> No.53443807

>doing the inspection after buying
the absolute state of retards, it's sad.

>> No.53443811
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>real estate is the only asset you can own

>> No.53443814
File: 266 KB, 1200x1200, rajeshsfave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he did meaning even what?
kek what the fuck were you trying to say here Rajesh?

>> No.53443820

basterd bitch ser i hope your language is group

>> No.53443919

I live hours from the nearest major city in a 1200 person town where the average age is in the 60s and houses don't sell for under 400k here .

>> No.53443975

Keep paying those property taxes, goy.

>> No.53443980

Not owning a home, its like being an adult virgin male.

Notice I said "male", not man. A male who doesn't own his home, he is a male, but he certainly is not a man.

You are a male, but you haven't had sex with a woman, therefore you're not a man yet

>> No.53444008

My Patek Phillipe costs more than your house, buddy

>> No.53444017
File: 269 KB, 900x496, 2021-Mach-1-Hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the same logic that jews use to sell expensive sports cars to paycheck to paycheck loser men. kek.

>> No.53444045

This. Imagine being a nohomer

>> No.53444269

Apex bagholder.
Never thought i’d see one like this. Exquisite.

>> No.53444471

it depends on the market. where i live it doesn't really make sense to buy depending on your situation. if you want a mortgage, you need a 20-25% down payment, that will net you 2-5% of rental yield depending on where you live. and houses are fucking expensive. at least with stocks you can easily liquidate

>> No.53444501

You sound insecure. Were you bullied at school?

>> No.53444502

nice larp faggot, post the town or kys. Even if that is the case that is not anything to brag about being raped by prop taxes and insurance to live in the middle of no where. also when the boomers die off your town will be mexico tier.

>> No.53444587

A lot of my coworkers did this too, they bought houses in the middle of fucking no where, and I never understood what the fuck they thought they would do when remote work ended. Now a lot of them commute like 2+ hours lol. I think a lot of normies, they just don't think more than a few months into the future.

>> No.53444881
File: 2.43 MB, 1253x1291, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calling contractors, flippers, and handy persons who see opportunity in this 3 ½ acre farmette. This late 19th century farmhouse, in need of mechanical system upgrades and repairs/updating throughout, features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, cathedral ceiling, turned staircase, exposed stonework, and open beams. Located on a picturesque property, primarily of open fields, there is also a small two stall barn and a large, fenced pasture area. Public sewer. Well water. Convenient location close to shopping, recreation, and major commuter routes. Property is being sold in as-is condition. Cash purchase or construction/renovation financing necessary.


>> No.53444927

My rentoids pay my property taxes for me. I just raised my rates this year and told my rentoids it because property taxes went up. They didn't, I'm just pocketing the difference to go towards my new rental property.

>> No.53444951

Kek I wasn't expecting a seethepost like this. Plenty of towns like this is in the northeast, 97% white btw, how about your apartment complex.

>> No.53444993
File: 56 KB, 1258x496, zurichproperty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the state of the market here.
want to own a 2.5 room 60m2 (646 sqft) in zurich? they ask $1,276,000. want to buy to let and get a mortgage? you need a $320,000 down payment to become a mortgage cuck :^)

>> No.53444998

>the same people who bragged about their 6 figure tech salaries
>the same people who wanted someone else to pay off their student loans
>the same people who whined that trump increased their taxes because they think they're working class when they're actually upper class
>get scammed on housing and need someone to fix it
Maybe you're not smart, maybe you were just lucky and your luck has run out.

>> No.53445029

This man paid someone actual legal tender to look at the data plate on his water heater. How helpless can someone possibly be.

>> No.53445074
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Nice try boomer but paying rent is an asset

>> No.53445133

Haha I wonder how many rental properties this Chad owns. Fucking based that he actually gets people to believe that. I'm going to start showing this to my rentoids.

>> No.53445780

That's a shitheap Dan Ryan home. They're made with the bottom of the barrel worst Chinese materials they can find.

>> No.53445835

Did these people buy it or is it contingent?
Niggers don’t even know how to ask a question how did they get $1mil

>> No.53445842


>> No.53445891

I can't believe everyone was waving inspections. One of the most obvious top signals.

>> No.53445901

Dude you’re the man. You got yourself a 30 year loan to buy an asset at the height of its market cycle. I really wish I could be as savvy an investor as you but I’m just a lowly rentoid who uses the money he would have had to put on a down payment to trade high beta liquid assets.
It must be so cool to go to Home Depot every Saturday with all the other aristocrats accumulating generational wealth that the serfs such as myself are priced out of forever with the new paradigm and all. This time really is different

>> No.53445905
File: 17 KB, 600x448, Interesting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paying a subscription to Netflix is an asset.
No one is this stupid. Jewish pilpul knows no bounds though.

>> No.53445970

I live in a rural area built around train tracks. Everyone is used to it and I don't mind it. Only city fags can't handle it

>> No.53445981

my casio f-91w is more reliable than yours and I can invest the remaining 99.998% to buy a house in the hamptons within 2 years

>> No.53445985

You've never owned a home and never will, cope or don't it's all good!

>> No.53445994

I think the anon buying it in 2022 for nearly 500k is also retarded,
That house is worth 300k at best.

All these prices are going to fall can't wait to see boomers faces when their "investment properties" lose them money.

I did TA on the case shiller index and it isn't looking good, the housing crash won't bottom till 2030. If these boomer keep propping this shit up, the crash will last even longer.

>> No.53446014

But I own a house and I am a 30 year old virgin male. Why is it important to you to have sex?

>> No.53446032

Found the only actual autistic in this thread

>> No.53446039

>1300 sqft

>> No.53446046


>> No.53446083

I live in a shithole in the midwest, nearest city is over 120 miles away, and houses out here are still selling for 300k to 400k

Unless it's a total shit box on the edge of being condemned, you can get one of those for 150k. I live in one, everyday I walk through the dining room and feel the floor shaking I hope the house collapses on me and kills me.

>> No.53446088
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He's based

>> No.53446128

>you can walk out
No you can't you sign a contract that makes you stay for at least a year.

>> No.53446160

youre a moron. The offer is contingent on buyer and seller reaching an agreement on repairs and final price after the inspection. If you just pay to inspect every house you look at that would cost thousands

>> No.53446393
File: 49 KB, 645x973, 6ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. 3.5% down, 95% of low 5 figure net worth in real estate purchased <24 months ago

>> No.53446897

t. Never owning a home to raise a family in. Coping skills need work.

>> No.53446910

i have $437k sitting in a high yield savings account. i could buy your plywood box outright. the bar to home ownership is extremely low.

>> No.53446914

Damn that looks tasty

>> No.53446947

Nice larp. Don't make me increase your rent!

>> No.53447067

LA county Covid eviction moratorium got extended again, I don't think I will ever have to pay rent again, landcucks here are sneeding and seething, 3 years of no rent paid and they can't do shit lol.

>> No.53447086


>> No.53447105



>> No.53447189

Kek. Rents due

>> No.53447287

Sorry, can’t pay and looks like the way my states tenant laws are set up it’s going to be a while before you get it. Btw going to need you to mow that lawn before the city fines you bud

>> No.53447305

Lol. That guy wasn't joking. What an idiot

>> No.53447335

Yep, pretty much lol

>> No.53447472

i think condos in major cities are just expensive
in seoul a 4br/2ba was like 1.5mil 10 years ago