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53442337 No.53442337 [Reply] [Original]

>good paying job
>hate it
>hate everything so bite the bullet
I never feel "right", but it feels wrong to sacrifice that pay and switch careers only to be in the same spot of hating the job anyways.
desu working just ain't for me. I don't like being an employee

>> No.53442355

I feel out of place. Like you need a specific mindset for the job and I don't have it. Most people there are hardworking, but I have a chill personality so it doesn't mesh well

>> No.53442377

I'm in the same boat. I studied at uni and started my (well paying) job because what else was I going to do? I hate working, I've always hated working, and I'd hate any other place as well, so there's no point in leaving.

>> No.53442404

wait, are you literally me?
I had fucking enough of this bullshit. I'm now studying a bit of burocracy because I want to escape from this wagecage and I want to open a comfy tea room. I don't care if I'll earn less for more work, I just want to spend my time for something mine, not for someone else

>> No.53442508

Same thing here frend
>Big company
>nice job
>good team
>nice pay
Litteraly need to bite the bullet every single day, feel like most people are retarded, most of them must be near monkey levels, we work on softwares that are 20 years old, I learned this morning my manager approved a 80k soft dev without even looking at the cost. I don't even understand how this is possible. One of my partner can't stand me cause i'm having more work than him and another one cause after being bullied for three days, I let out a soft joke on him, and he took the piss.
God please, i'm taking this money, investing it and leaving at the first occasion.

>> No.53442562

where to

>> No.53442569

Coubtryside, farm house, something where I can farm and live off vegetables and chickens/bunnies for 300/month.
God I don't need much

>> No.53442583

>hate my job
>salary is shit
Could be worse, anon

>> No.53442679

start online biz or hate 40+ hours of every week in your life for the next 50 years. your own biz = no ceiling on income so theres a completely different mindset. compared to finishing uni getting to 2-3k/month is trivial