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53442259 No.53442259 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that successful people use macOS?

>> No.53442280


>> No.53442297

Apple has got a lot better in the last couple of years. Worth the money if you're not a poorfag

>> No.53442309

I use macOS and I am hugely unsuccessful

>> No.53442362

i use mac and i am a huge failure

>> No.53442370

theyre great for productivity AND fucking around doing nothing. i have the m2 mb air in midnight with the 16gb ram/1TB and it's so light and battery efficient. i love it.

>> No.53442435

I guess they're good for rich people outside tech. I had an interview last week as a dev and everyone was relieved as fuck when I told them I'm not on a mac

>> No.53442445

do they have a fulsize usb socket?

>> No.53442474

Not necessarily. Look at how many designers/artists fall for the Mac meme lol

>> No.53442519

successful people use 2-button mice.
I'll admit Macbooks are pretty nice hardware but in general, Apples shit gets worse by the year. They are on the downward curve.

>> No.53442534

successful people don't play video games, and so don't have any need for windows
doesn't mean macos isn't as shit as everything else though.

>> No.53442584

>>t. Boomer that thinks Macs don't have right click

>> No.53442684

indeed. i generally like macOS for dicking around and doing my research and dev stuff and occasional design work, but i switch to win for gaming.

i am surrounded by dual booted hackintoshes for this reason.

>> No.53442732

OS’s are utter bullshit. Take a week understanding basic hardware and find a version of Linux you feel comfortable learning with. It will be much more gratifying than staying with the Fischer Price toy sandbox of Apple

>> No.53442757

They do?
I'm talking more about their mice. Complete fucking garbage. $4.99 USB Walmart Special mogs their 'design' trash, everytime. And you know it.

>> No.53442763
File: 43 KB, 1024x576, Apple-Magic-Mouse-Charging_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot pic
I mean, look at this shit.

>> No.53442773


>> No.53442783

Basically any other Unix os is better. Windows is general purpose.
MacOS is for people to dumb to into Linux but want to appear rich or "muh productivity"

>> No.53442799
File: 26 KB, 485x297, puckmouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AND then, there was this was fucker.
Literally unusable. Apple 'designers' Room 101 would be locked in a room being made to do CAD drawings with this fucking garbage. Until they hung themselves with it. And don't get me started on their power supplies.

>> No.53442814

Idk, but I've always found it interesting that the average person defines self using the products they use and consume as the measure versus what they struggle against and for.

People are very comfortable.

>> No.53442828

other way around. rich people dont want to waste time being computer literate.

>> No.53442884


>> No.53443201

Linux+GNU > MacOS > Winblows

>> No.53443603

no but our wives do

>> No.53443619

Cock consumption is positively correlated to the purchase of Apple products.

>> No.53443622

Not just Mac OS, but iPad minis

>> No.53443671

dev of 30 years worth 7 figs: I used windows for 20 years and swapped to mac to build iOS apps for a while. Mac is better. open the lid and it’s instantly available. No weird need to reboot every 2 days. No shitty candy crush bullshit shipped with the OS. No forced OS upgrades. No forced reset of your preferred browser. No need to run shittty Cygwin or other workaround crap. Resale value is sky high for a reason. Your 5 year old windows laptop is basically junk.

swap to mac, get shit done.

>> No.53443728

Best intel mac they ever made right there the 16er

>> No.53443743

also niggerfaggot laptop manufacturers still can't into touchpad design. all they have to do is copy apple's design... but they're too stupid.

>> No.53443797

I used to hate this mouse but now I can't use other mouses. It's very practical believe it or not.

the charging is retarded tho I'll give you that

>> No.53443952

It's not even the design. I had a Huawei Matebook 2018 and hackintoshed it. Trackpad was complete garbage in windows and worked almost exactly like a real mac on macOS. Ended up getting a 2021 M1 Max later tho

>> No.53444308

I'm 32 and have never owned a single apple product
I've never understood buying flashy shit just cause, I'd rather have the money to play with tbqhwyf

>> No.53444351

>Not building a 10k PC in prep for the industrial revolution

>> No.53444403
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Apple products are for NPCs who can't think for themselves. Just like people who buy solana over ethereum and matic.

>> No.53444580

black people products, OP suffers from that disease

>> No.53444651

I use a third party mouse.

>> No.53445037

Can confirm. I have a Macbook Pro M1. I fucking love this thing.

>> No.53445253
File: 15 KB, 740x416, iphone-trackpad-patent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all they have to do is copy apple's design...
Apple gets GRANTED 2000+ patents every year.
Which is quite a lot for a company whose last innovative product was a phone 15+ years ago.
idk exactly how many of these protected 'innovations' are trackpad related, but it's certainly not null. 'Just copy Apples lmao' is not that easy - trillion dollar purveyors of overpriced pish also tend to have expensive lawyers.

>> No.53445276


>> No.53445769

Why is it named Apple? Because it's the one Eve gave to Adam.

>> No.53445843

Macs are good if you're doing things that require heavy processing power and want ease of use. Not good for much else.

>> No.53445915
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Of course they do. MacOS is what Linux could be if all the infighting was resolved and everyone got together and built a system that works properly, and even got together to perfect the hardware as well. Not only that, technically it's better still because MacOS has BSD underpinnings. So anybody who can afford Mac uses Mac. Everything else is either cope, retardation, or running file servers and hobbyist stuff.

>> No.53446174

i dunno man i just have a chromebook and 10 year old pc.
I don't really care for expensive tech
people who have macs are those average intelligence middle class women who have to try very hard for good grades at uni

>> No.53446824

Since the M1 there's no real drawback so yes.

Also the battery life is incredible.

>> No.53446886

I'm successful and I play the fuck out of vidya. 6 figs, gf is a MD, ultra runner, guitar player, vidya degenerate.

>> No.53447294

damn i used this mouse at college, the most annoying thing to handle ever

>> No.53447411

M1 Ultra Mac Studio
>M2 Ultra iMac Pro

>> No.53447781

Macs have gotten so much better since Apple silicon

>> No.53447921

If anyone you work with prefers windows over Linux or Mac as a software engineer than they’re severely retarded. Instant no from me.

>> No.53447938

>mfw this is all I had to play quake 3 arena with back in the day

>> No.53447942
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It's all the same shit. 1 uses RISC now. Cool.

t. oldfag

>> No.53448319

Successful people also use iPhones.

>> No.53448503

Even if Macs had 10x the speed and battery life of PCs I wouldn't use them because I'm a faggot and I'm not gonna use something that was designed for women and faggot ass "artists".

>> No.53448511

>I'm a faggot
I*m not. Fuck, I literally rekt myself there. I blame Sheytan.

>> No.53448642

nah. people larping as successful people use mac os. mac os users are the type to be 'graduate marketing assistants' on like 24k a year who spend over half their salary to rent some shitty studio apartment.

>> No.53448660

>I'm a faggot
faggot shut the fuck up
also it's cringey yet cute how you believe buying another brand makes you less npc consumer.

>> No.53448682

based and high T

>> No.53448885

It's not just the brand. It's the marketing around it, the way it looks and it's designed. The way it makes its users develop Stockholm Syndrome. The way it makes its users sit in starbucks like a bunch of cocksucking faggots.

You subconsciously know I'm right you faggot.

>> No.53448965

Based faggot hating faggot.

>> No.53450005

successful in transitioning, yeah

>> No.53450325

Apple Mac Macintosh made by Apple

>> No.53450451

macbook pros are objectively the best laptops available stop the cap you jew nerds

>> No.53450465

Must have been a dev team using a .NET focused tech stack. Those offices are always Microsoft Kingdom. C#, Visual Studio, MS SQL Server, etc.. It's more common than you'd think nowadays, as Windows has matured into a fairly competent development environment these days.