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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53442185 No.53442185 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite movies related to business and finance?

Past threads have been awful because people just list the movies without saying what they learned from it. SO LIST THE NAME OF THE MOVIE AND WHAT YOU LEARNED FROM IT.

I will go first. NightCrawler is the best business movie I've ever seen.


I know this movie may seem like it doesn’t belong on this list, but it’s truly a tale of a man with an entrepreneurial spirit who wouldn’t take “no” for an answer. The movie is about a struggling guy looking for a job, but he couldn’t get one, so he started a his own company.

He wanted to succeed so badly that he would break the law and do terrible things to achieve it. What you will learn from the movie is how one can do anything with little background, and how the art of persuasion and negotiation can take you to the places you want to go. In other words, it teaches you to not be a pussy.

>> No.53442255

name of the movie is op's mom sextape and what i learnt wad how op's mom love getting showered with bukkake semen

>> No.53442261

checked and blessed triple dubs

>> No.53442516


poker classic, not great if you don't play

>Lord of War
Nick Cage kino

Bri'ish low level crooks get in way over their heads

>> No.53442771
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> Brewster's Millions (film)
Get the old one with Richard Pryor in it. A man is set to inherit a vast fortune... but only if he can blow a million dollars in a month and have NOTHING to show for it! Watch the film, then use it as a thought exercise. Apply it to find where you are burning money and revisit it as needed as you build.


>> No.53442812
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Great recommendations I'm actually surprised

>> No.53443387
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Look Who's Back provides some valuable business lessons when it comes to social media. For example, the film shows the power of using social media to reach a wide audience, as well as the importance of staying true to your message and maintaining a consistent voice across all platforms. It also highlights the need to be aware of the potential risks of using social media, such as being open to criticism and the potential for negative backlash. Additionally, the film shows how important it is to stay on top of the latest trends and developments in social media, as well as to be mindful of the potential impact of one’s actions on others. Finally, the film also emphasizes the need to be proactive in responding to feedback and criticism and to take responsibility for one’s own actions.

Trailer: https://youtu.be/2RyXcgAC0vA

Full movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40zcGhvekhs