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File: 826 KB, 1170x1613, 3C8CE3DF-59E5-4573-B9DF-E0E3B8E66F30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53440365 No.53440365 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>Single women who live by themselves are more likely to own a home than single men in 48 of 50 states, according to a new analysis by LendingTree. The online lending marketplace looked at data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and found that while women earn 83.1 cents for every dollar a man makes, women own about 2.46 million more homes than single men.

>> No.53440385

The future is female chuddy

>> No.53440386

It’s because single women get 50% of there husbands shit after divorce raping them

>> No.53440394


#1. The pay gap is real, but the average woman actually earns more than the average man.

#2. Men are smart enough to love with their parents and not be a cuck for a slumlord.

>> No.53440395

They divorced and kept the house OP. As simple as.

>> No.53440401

It's because they're financially irresponsible

>> No.53440412

Men die younger and women inherit the house.

>> No.53440422

>Old man dies and leaves his wife his property
>Wife is now "single"
>endless divorce rape

I'd love to see the avg. males accumulated assets/networth vs average females.

>> No.53440447

>possibly a lot of older single women
>if a man has a house its probably because he isnt single and has a family.
>women divorce rape husband and keep houses
am i missing anything, anons?

>> No.53440450

that cant be true because SEXISM

>> No.53440462
File: 473 KB, 839x768, 1637265166958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daddy's down payment
Fuck these entitled cunts

>> No.53440465


>> No.53440477

Because they make terrible financial decisions.

>> No.53440501

women are more likely to have graduated college and occupy professions requiring a degree.
They make more money than men.

>> No.53440527

>Women graduating more than men
>Women getting better jobs than men
>Younger women out earning men
>Women are smart enough to "divorce rape" stupid men
>Women are leaching all men's dimes through every single simp content
>Also women are dumbdumb lul

So when are we all going to admit women are superior to men?

>> No.53440535

>get an art history or psychology degree
>work in HR at a big company
>make 200k a year doing nothing (see recent tiktoks, this has been going on for decades)
>buy a house
True, but misleading.

>> No.53440538

Also correct

>> No.53440543
File: 75 KB, 708x412, women jobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they don't. They work in bullshit like "social work" and "education" which require degrees but pay 40k/year out of school.

Educated men get into STEM fields and do far better than these morons who go to school for Psychology.

>> No.53440565

They aren't, it's all just jewish destruction of christian society. All thanks to Affirmitive Action, not actual skills.

>> No.53440578

>So when are we all going to admit women are superior to men?

they literally work fake jobs

>> No.53440597

>Give facts
>"Brah is jews I have no data or proof on it but jews jews jews"
How's that inverted cranium working out for ya?

>> No.53440615

What are those fake jobs?

>> No.53440623

You do know outside of a few select cities most recent STEM grads make on average about $50k/year. You're only making $150k+ like 4chan says if you're from a top 5 school and good enough to get a job at as a quant or software engineer in New York or California.

Women do get paid more though now by affirmative action, get selected for roles with less experience/education, get more help from their parents, and a lot of divorce rape going on.

>> No.53440629

>get preferential treatment during all of their lives, including grants for school, college, grades, gender quota jobs, boyfriends literally paying for shit
If I look at this like it's a bubble, when it pops...

>> No.53440635

Plus their parents almost always help them.

>> No.53440636

The facts are literally whole animal and human history outside of few tens of years now where jewish aids a.k.a. liberalism stopped men from being able to compete artificially.

>> No.53440691

divorce rape proceeds, dad gibs, welfare gibs, etc.

>> No.53440697

why do these "studies" always lump 18 year old women with 70 year old boomers? We're not even in the same reality, there is nothing that stays relevant when you count ALL women.

>> No.53440751

>no hits

Damn you morons really are living under a rock.

The modern day women gets 90% of her money from online simps or other forms of siphoning money from men.


Society is doomed.

>> No.53440801

They're "stronk women!" (so jump to men throats and ruin everything) propaganda, not science.

>> No.53440804

Sure HR roasties make more than me and my boys. But guess who got fired? HR roasties lost 3/4 of their department while me and my production lads lost 0. In fact our headcount increased by 20%. Maybe if they got rid of all fake jobs the pay gap will finally be reduced or even eliminated. But until then, women get to enjoy making more than the average man.

>> No.53440822

Marketing sales hr etc etc.Real jobs are those that produce shit of true value like engineers, blue collar jobs, managers (of said true value jobs) etc. Guess which ones get laid off in a recession and which dont.

>> No.53440896


wait, are these actually 100% paid off mortgage no bank bullshit owned homes? or are these women with a mortgage making payments and not currently in default? do they live in these properties or are they airbnbing it out (lol), slumlording, etc. the whole gender disparity thing is a side show.

there's a serious lack of MEANINGFUL detail like # of mortgages per homeowner/borrower, status of mortgage/s, interest rate taken, ARM or fixed rate and the actual rate, average income of the owner/borrower, etc. because the picture is either that women are more financially responsible and driven to achieve homeownership, or they are zestimate bagholders that at best are on endless market value bleed that can't be stopped with a heavy duty pad and at worst bought into muh airbnb dynasty and leveraged up to their fake tits. i think we all know which is more likely.

>> No.53440907
File: 84 KB, 555x450, 72EF1012-A537-4388-A322-5935D62C4836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>North Dakota and South Dakota are the only states where single men own a higher share of homes than single women. In North Dakota, single men own 12.70% of the state’s owner-occupied homes (the highest share in any state), while single women own 11.08%. In South Dakota, those figures are 11.97% and 11.29%.

>> No.53440923

Men prefer the freedom and flexibility of renting a tiny room. They only own a home if they have people depending on them.

Women like the security and consumerist lifestyle of the house.

>> No.53440943
File: 7 KB, 224x225, C423B6B8-9A6C-4C46-9B4B-D8EB846B9A58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in Midwest
>make 60k
>no gf
>$250k house

>> No.53440963
File: 227 KB, 550x534, 1673928603967820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>freedom and flexibility

>> No.53440982

This is true.
Women earn more than men. This is by design. Inverted reality.

>> No.53441051

Top signal.

>> No.53441067
File: 153 KB, 820x836, niggerjpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women wanting to have a 'career' and happy to hold all the boomer bags when the housing market collapses
i got no problem with this. also i am a full time neet so their taxes are literally funding my lifestyle.

>> No.53441128

This. There are more incek men staying at home off gibs than every before. Then they give it all away to e-thots.

Plus divorce rape is prevalent for older women.

>> No.53441446

Yeah. Renting a room in a house for $300 is the life.

>> No.53441447

Based. Imagine doing real work for money

>> No.53441463

Go back to plebbit you retarded nigger

>> No.53441499

I know a lot of single women homeowners.

They are quick to jump into a 30 year commitment without any risk analysis based on their emotional response to the house.

effectively no different than trying to force dudes into marriage.

>> No.53441511

Wait, so majority of single women have houses while police is refunded? How do I invest in home security or start a business related.

>> No.53441553

>what is divorce

>> No.53441627

These. Thinking whatever bullshit feminists on the internet say and the media companies is retarded.
Women outlive their husbands making them single home owners, they take their husbands homes in divorces to support the kids, they want so badly to leave home, and they also make more.

>> No.53441670 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 500x500, 4gb433qf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houses are a liability, not an asset.

Houses do not generate income unless they are rented out, which then creates even more liability and obligations.

>> No.53441780

Why are men replacing them in sports and breaking all of their records?

>> No.53441848

Men typically wait until marriage to buy a home, why commit when you're not committed? Women who know they won't marry mortgage (mortgage is not ownership) because they need a stable home for their cats, obviously. I didn't buy a home until I could buy it cash.

>> No.53441900

>global economy collapsing
>clear signs of multi generational top signal
it’s you, you’re the clear sign

>> No.53442183

when they start having sex with me

>> No.53442242

most white collar work is fake bullshit so if you're gonna hire someone you don't need you may as well hire young sluts, which companies do. and they've squeezed blue collar workers nonstop for 50 years and guess who does all of those jobs?
zoom out and you will see what an engineered hellscape you live in all built around access to women and keeping you poor and desperate.
and you know what? it will only get worse.

>> No.53442307

Yes, Some of these whores are literally buying houses in cash with all the simp money they make.

>> No.53442312

Men get shit paying jobs women have divorce and good paying jobs.

>> No.53442314

>#2. Men are smart enough to love with their parents and not be a cuck for a slumlord.
I dont have parents unlike you, fat ass.

>> No.53442319

Hes a fat gay kid who "Lives with his parents", clearly he doesnt like women and needs to let you know how gay he is.
Shut the fuck up, Kike lover.

>> No.53442321

This makes sense when you realize most divorces end up with the woman getting the house

>> No.53442325

>they literally work fake jobs
And you bust your ass for chump change?
WOW real superior, bro.
This site is full of loser who never had a chance.
Fox and the sour grapes, literally.

>> No.53442334

>If I look at this like it's a bubble, when it pops...
People will never stop helping women, no one likes men, go be a homosexual some place else.
Maybe if you faggots werent so weak.

>> No.53442351

I can beat 99 percent of woman to death because I am physically stronger since I am a male. Males will always be superiors to females, the only thing stopping me from beating females is other males.

>> No.53442431

Despite this I will have my revenge. Hyperinflation and then the silver and gold stackers will make it. Slavery will be brought back and I will literally be able to buy a sex slave for 1 oz of silver.

>> No.53442470


Outside of the divorce homes acquired by women, my buddy dated a woman that was an HR roastie who owned her own condo. Condo's are one of the most retarded things you can own so of course a woman would buy it.
>Why is it retarded to own a condo?
In this area they were building brand new condos for the same price or less than her condo of the exact same model. She sold it for a loss since Condo's like that only lose value.

Women are retarded with money.

>> No.53444237


>> No.53444246

*kike hands rubbing intensifies*

>> No.53444265

How many got the house in a divorce?

>> No.53444275


>> No.53444290

this is proof that being a woman gives you a massive advantage for being chosen for a high-paid job.

>> No.53446592

and you're not because....

>> No.53447180

you've obviously never worked in a modern white collar environment. Women naturally flock to jobs that are dependent on vast layers of bureaucracy rather than economic necessity. I don't blame them but you have to be blind to not see it. How did companies exist before women entered the workforce? Violence, unions, and competition kept society running but now we have millions of bloated HR departments sitting in cozy AC offices siphoning profit from the actual workers

>> No.53447207

It's possible to be lazy but also provide a net benefit to society

>> No.53447244
File: 592 KB, 750x963, 238B6417-DA4C-4531-A59E-9AB268DB206A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve fucked so many single women with their own place that has an empty bedroom

What are the political implications therein?

Also I only date Mormons now

>> No.53447311

Stop noticing, goy.

>> No.53447336

>#2. Men are smart enough to love with their parents and not be a cuck for a slumlord.
Thats me desu
Dumping entire paychecks into the market.
>but goy you gotta take out a loan and pay us, I mean a landlord!

>> No.53447502

Women can sell sex to pay for anything

>> No.53447543

the real reason is because sons are objectively better than daughters

>> No.53447588

somehow they find a way to rationalise le pay gap and this statistic about home owner ship
>despite being so disadvantaged women still pay off more homes because women superheroes

>> No.53447605
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>Women earning way too much in overpaid, bullshit, office positions. Positions basically made for trophy wives, and other kinds of office whores.

>Women getting houses through divorce rape.

>Women getting preferential treatment from other women in diversity hire and trophy wife positions.

Thankfully the market's crashing, and a lot of these women are going to be losing their undeserved homes.

>> No.53447627
File: 171 KB, 1244x1300, granny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What went wrong?
You take retarded clickbait seriously.
>Single women

>> No.53447653

>What went wrong?
don't they get the house in most divorces, also is having a mortgage the same as owning an house?

>> No.53447663

>#1. The pay gap is real, but the average woman actually earns more than the average man.
This isn't true, men in trades earn more than women in trades and men 5 years out of university earn 47,000 dollars compared to 42,000 dollars on average versus women.

1) 66% of men with college degrees are employed "at their level" while 34% are underemployed or unemployed, compared to only 12% of women
2) only 40% of college students are male, while men dominate the trades I would guess men with no college education or trade education or certifications to do IT probably outnumber women in the same situation because a hot chick with a highschool education can get a job being a "consultant" sucking your dad's cock when your mom isn't looking.

>> No.53447689
File: 97 KB, 982x588, tech layoffs 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeet hands typed this post.

Women are the bulk of layoffs in tech.
>Women are smart enough to "divorce rape" stupid men
70% of 30 year old women are single, marriage is at all time lows. They're not 'divorce raping' anyone, they're not even getting husbands.

>> No.53447699

Not really surprising, I don't know of a single woman that's sitting in her parents basement jerking off and wasting time, they all have jobs. I know a ton of men that fit the bill though.

>> No.53447701

>women are consoomers
imagine my shock

>> No.53447910

you clearly have never worked in an office.

>> No.53447941

>Only marry people above your socio economic status because you're a kween
>Get bored because no drama
>Fuck Tyrone and Chad
>Divorce him because you're "not happy"
>Talk half his shit
>OR Take half his shit and his house and child support, because you're a poor poor single mum now and the kids deserve it

>> No.53447968

They're superior Untermensch

>> No.53448045

Women basically think if they're a homeowner it somehow makes them able to tell men what to do. The fundamental issue is women don't want to submit anymore but nothing works if they don't and society eventually disintegrates.

>> No.53448103
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He's not a woman and you'll never be one either.

>> No.53448141

>Fathers are more likely to simp for their daughters and buy them a home if they turn into a jaded cc riding cat woman.
>Single (non-married) women can lay on their backs and get fucked to at least cut their rent in half. They'd rather be in a shitty relationship out of convenience then live with their parents.

The winning move for single men is to stack paper while living at home with your parents. Do the labor, take them out to eat, spend time with them.

>> No.53448196
File: 642 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll everything we've been getting fed these days has only praised how amazing the economy and how home owners are more secure than ever before.

But then i see shit like how home ownership is at all time highs and 12 eggs cost $8 and how the fed is talking about changing the inflation calculation again.

>> No.53448258

Inflation is good for debt, as the value is eroded.

>> No.53448324

FPBP Checked and Based !

>> No.53448339

>Do the labor, take them out to eat, spend time with them.
Women should give me sex for free I don't want to spend money on them.

>> No.53448349

When they do something other than exist for men to reproduce.

>> No.53448351

Okay, and? What dose that have to do with what i said besides inflation? Goods and services still cost more. You're still paying more than ever befor to keep the roof over your head, mortgage or not. The fed basically wiped away most of the gains people made in their equity. They basically wealth taxed all of us.

>> No.53448369

Single men stay mobile to maximize their career prospects. Women aren’t hunters, they’re gatherers. They instinctually want to settle down

>> No.53448394

Gatherers of semen, amirite?

>> No.53448595

as other anon said, this article uses all women 18-70 as being home owners when reality its 50 year old plus women who are " home Owners" and second most single women buy condos and townhouse owners which is what im sure this article is counting as a "home owner"

>> No.53448758

fascinating how the only ones who apparently care about society are worthless neets who whine about overthrowing it

>> No.53448814

And trannies, niggers, and women who whine about how it oppresses them.

>> No.53448873

>Single sugar babies

>> No.53449218

The blackpill is that modern human males are expendable. We're meant to be worked, used, and extracted value from, then killed. When there are too many of us, the herders start bullshit wars to cull us down. A massive army of simps is used to contain the only edge masculinity has (physical power). At this point they might as well just toss newborn males into grinders like they do with chickens.

>> No.53449255

The entire society is now setup to coddle women, what do you expect?

>> No.53449597
File: 64 KB, 516x383, VANITY SLUTS BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well OF is very lucrative, thanks to the simp economy

>> No.53450655
File: 56 KB, 819x1024, TrustTheScienceDisinformation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The online lending marketplace looked at data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and found that while women earn 83.1 cents for every dollar a man makes, women own about 2.46 million more homes than single men.
Non-sequitur, a priori.

There's at least one piece of missing information here.

>> No.53450701
File: 1.09 MB, 720x719, DecidedToBeWorseDoge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back into the kitchen you go, barefoot and pregnant.
(That is if you were actually a real woman, which obviously is not true since this is the internet and there are no women on the internet.)

>> No.53450838
File: 98 KB, 826x1024, BigBrainedBigMuscle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing of value to societies in that puddle of piss, is socially enforced monogamous patriarchy. Even then when Jesus saved the slut from being stoned for being a slut, that was a beginning to the end.
No civilization can survive without subsuming both women's sexual optionality and men's surplus labor toward family formation. Christianity only has those elements because *any* faith system which has those elements conveyed higher fitness to adherents.

>> No.53450898

Not surprised.

I know a shitton of single wahmen who bought a city 2 br apartment to not "waste" money on rent. They own the house as well the shitton of debt that comes with it.
Meanwhile I am debt free, not tied to a house and sit on liquid mid 7 digit stonk and crypto portfolio and will soon fuck off and retire somewhere in SEA.

Who is better off?

>> No.53450965

Delete this right now. Go. Get fucking rid of it.

>> No.53451001
File: 451 KB, 500x281, SmugLaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>silver and gold stackers will make i
They will trade ounces of gold for loaves of bread, or a few cans of expired Dinty Moore beef stew. Gold and silver are fucking useless in the kind of collapse y'all LARP you're ready for. Guns and ammo first, then water storage and purification, then food, then important supplies, then a bunch of other shit... ...then gold and silver, if you have any leftover fiat to protect. Goldbugs going to starve!

>> No.53451159
File: 78 KB, 294x297, CoalBurningCopMarriedToACuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there RGE!

>> No.53451302

b-but I thought they were oppressed?!

>> No.53451583


>> No.53451847

>womans are kicked out of their parents house immediately because of being insufferable
>men aren't
news at 11

>> No.53451898

This is a top signal

>> No.53451999

Ironically women's behaviour is much more conservative than men's when it comes to planning/investing into their future, which is why they always go for the tried and tested strategies.

Ironically, because of the world's oldest profession.

>> No.53452909

Do they count people who took mortgage as owners? I think there might be slight misconception on what "ownership" means.

>> No.53452959

>Single women
The statistic includes divorced women that stole their ex-husband's house in the divorce rape. All of this sanctioned by the corrupt justice system, of course.

>> No.53453361

your parents either divorced sometime around 2008, 2012, or 2018-2020 and mommys benefit from equal rights and financial collapses more than men. not even politically related, let alone /biz/.

>> No.53453603


>> No.53453632

The obvious reason is because men have a lower life expectancy and there are millions of widows living alone.

>> No.53453820

Most men who own homes are successful and thus not single. Many women who own homes are lonely career women who men don't want.

>> No.53453928

Systemic gender inequality

>> No.53454021

who gets the house after the divorce?

>> No.53454098

men who can afford a home don't stay single

>> No.53454256
File: 236 KB, 984x1222, 1644627642188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats your opinion on picrel?

>> No.53454386

"Daddy pays" is a big part of it, women having better social networks leading to more consistent employment is another.

>> No.53454424

You didn't contradict what he said tho. High-earning men earn way more than high-earning women, the bottom is the same for both, but the distribution as you get closer to the middle is more favorable for women. There's a reason the masculine cry is "Dey terkajerbs," while the distaff counterpart is, "Something something 'glass ceiling'."

>> No.53454458

>You're only making $150k+ like 4chan says if you're from a top 5 school and good enough to get a job at as a quant or software engineer in New York or California.
Idk about most stem grads but newgrads were getting $200k in NYC for Google etc as recently as last year and you didn't need to be from a top 5 school for that

>> No.53454472
File: 12 KB, 444x118, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in Midwest
>make 100k
>no gf
>$275k house

>> No.53454569

>get house or move back in with parents

>> No.53454658

That there are multiple reasons why Jews are great for supporting lgbt issues and feminism. One is Jews is a religion but also a group of people, a person can be Jewish and Christians/Atheist etc. Second reason why there might be more is usually Jews are more skeptical, so they'll more likely to be philosophy good and allow women and LGBT people rights.

And most importantly it doesn't prove the INITIAL CLAIM by anon that Jews have pushed Affirmative action to destroy the west.

thank you.

Everything I listed is what they do something else and they're just overall better at it. Even beating males in every single education/graduation standard.

You clearly don't know how a business works.

Marketing creates sales and proper hr protects company liability and does proper hiring standards etc etc. There is a reason why every single large company has those and small companies that never ever grow doesn't have those.
Such a low IQ shit to say.

>Women are the bulk of layoffs in tech.
source on that.

>70% of 30 year old women are single
It's actually 50% according to US Census data. Also single men are usually just off themselves. While women are still happy single. Men are such emotional bitches they'll rather kill themselves (of cause a massshooting) if they don't get pussy. While Women are enjoying life.

> Condo's are one of the most retarded things you can own so of course a woman would buy it.

Retarded opinion disgarded. Condos are awesome, no shitty lawn maintenance, no worries about snow shoveling the driveway, and everything is maintenance for the condo is taken care of. Has gyms, pools and play centre, and a great community. Owning a house in the suburbs is always shit.

>Women are retarded with money.
feels opinion. Fact us women are better with money. Women make better returns in the markets. While men will gamble it away or buy crypto shitcoins NFT's.

>> No.53454721

A lot of men can beat the shit out of you, that mean you're inferior to them correct?
Also weapons, guns and civilization exists. We aren't monkies groing around fighting for dominance. Your only trait of strength, shows that you're a failure in every other way.

Based incel.

Not a single person argues against men that are better physically. Are you're claiming that's the only thing men are good for? Picking heavy things up and running fast? True. Men are just cattle.

>triggered by facts

How exactly? Men are stronger than ever. Smarter than ever. It's just women are better by outsmarting men in most ways.

>> No.53454773

i can hear your roast beef lips flapping in the wind from here

>> No.53454981


Bingo. This is the key factor behind the article.

In a divorce women typically keep the house and a man gets an apartment somewhere. I literally just watched this happen to my friend last year. And he pays her $1k per kid in child support for the next 10 years.

Shit is crazy. Oh almost forgot. the reason they divorced is she cheated on him. Not making this up for the 4chan ihatewomenontheinternet club

>> No.53455019

speech pathology is a 90k+ field kinda like a PA, only non dumb roastie choice

>> No.53455045
File: 55 KB, 1040x510, 1501253180291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While women are still happy single. Men are such emotional bitches they'll rather kill themselves (of cause a massshooting) if they don't get pussy. While Women are enjoying life.

>> No.53455541

looks like all that "diversity" pushing is doing what they wanted it to do

>> No.53455589

> What are those fake jobs?
I had an interview at a FAGMAN tech company and I was bounced between 3 women scheduling my interviews before I actually got one. Those women are the ones getting paid $120k a year to send emails and meet diversity quotas and are the first to get laid off.

>> No.53455639

9/10 scholarships go to women
60% of college entrants and graduates are women
Over the past 40 years inflation adjusted income has gone up 12% for uneducated women and has gone down 37% for uneducated men

>> No.53455912

Bearish honestly Imao Ill scoop them after the collapse.

>> No.53456027

Step 1: Marry a man with a house
Step 2: Divorce the man and get a free house