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53434892 No.53434892 [Reply] [Original]

What the f do I do with my money ? Crypto is up, 3 fucking escorts in a row rejected me for racist BS (I am still whiter than her). Cant even get laid with money. Its over

its truly over for me, im tired of even calling escorts... only the old ugly ones are nice. My only option is a sex toy or a rope


>> No.53434918
File: 150 KB, 1200x632, f0BfMbNxpcdHTom9Rrs5UgrPO5CRkL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody knows hookers dont fuck niggers

>> No.53434945
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only the old ugly ones are nice
>tfw you actually use providers on occasion
>tfw nearly 40, autistic, not that great looking
>tfw i know OPs feel and it really happens with the younger more expensive ones

>> No.53434985

You don't need escorts OP, save your money

>> No.53434988

Do hookers really reject customers?

>> No.53435004

You must be really ugly

>> No.53435008

get in shape you massive faggots

>> No.53435020
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fur realsies though: r u black cuz escorts worth fucking dont fuck blacks

>> No.53435031

Are you black? They probably think you want to pimp them

>> No.53435050

How will BBC posters ever recover!

>> No.53435070

hookers are up 100% in the last few years and it's a sellers market

>> No.53435074

yea in their ads it often says "no black gents" or what have you. It's cuz they're rougher and more likely to try to haggle.

>> No.53435077
File: 447 KB, 1500x1000, 333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am white as cheese but you know like those mexicans that dont really look like mexicans.
Thats just an example im not a mexican neither a black neither a gypsy, im european

>> No.53435084

My neighbour got rejected in Riga on a whorehouse. Dude couldn't get laid and had to leave empty handed. The only reason I know is because I also know his friend that he travelled with.

>> No.53435085
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it aint that it'z cuz nigs dont pay, or they

- dont leave
- drink all the booze
- pay then they rob escort after
- pay then rob other clients after
- dont pay then rob other clients before and after

>> No.53435126

cheese is fucking orange

>> No.53435142

>it's a sellers market
How can that possibly be true?

>> No.53435147
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we europeans eat only feta cheese

>> No.53435200

Just buy a fleshlight you fucking nigger. Christ what is it with you niggers looking for moneywasting nigger women

>> No.53435214

niggers can be albinos
answer these questions honestly to check your nigger level
>what's your favorite color
>what's your favorite flavor
if the answer was purple you are 100% nogging it

>> No.53435228

I had 2 expensive ones and i threw one then bought another one and threw it again, they are TOO FUCKING ADDICTIVE i cant keep up my nofap. They are so much better than women

>> No.53435231

>Everybody knows hookers dont fuck niggers
They fuck niggers if the niggers have grey hair, don't be racist.

>> No.53435248

I threw the first, second has been fucked more regularly. Saved me loads of cash instead of looking for women.

>> No.53435255

more sexless men than ever, fewer prostitutes than ever because of onlyfans

>> No.53435271
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I am literally whiter than her, based on her pics
you know what FUCK IT ill post her

>> No.53435296
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she costs 60$ per hour, 35$ for a half hr

>> No.53435300
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Even black hookers dont fuck niggers.

>> No.53435306

I just figured OnlyFans and prostitution would correlate to each other, but that makes sense.

Jesus, man, have some fight or flight instincts, I would not put my penis near that THING

>> No.53435322

Save your money, or send it to someone who can do something positive with it. Build

>> No.53435335


>> No.53435338

found the retarded american

>> No.53435350

ive been aping into ICP <ICP for 1 year ser idk what to do, buy myself a gayming PC and a 144 hz monitor ?

>> No.53435363
File: 285 KB, 1200x900, 39DCF3CA-6400-4F6B-AAC3-D891074E05FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All cheese is white for the most part, grass fed cows will occasionally have a yellow tint to it. Any cheese that is orange is dyed.

T former cheese monger.

>> No.53435373

If anyone finds you have a fleshlight consider your social life over,

>> No.53435394

Sure, start streaming. Just create something. A YouTube channel can't be a bad idea. If you don't need money, then you're not doing it for the money, so start by playing whatever the hot game is currently and you'll build a following. Just build, create, save or help someone that wouldn't be a waste of a donation.

>> No.53435400

ikr, one of the reasons i threw it away how tf am i gonna get married with this shit, I even had to go to another city to pick the order so someone who works there doesnt recognise me

>> No.53435407

I couldn't give a fuck what people think. There is no risk at all if you dgaf. What the fuck are you, a redditor?

>> No.53435424

Holy shit good way to throw your money away getting married to a sponging money-wasting nigger woman. Liability.

>> No.53435448

whats the point of living if you dont reproduce ser

>> No.53435455

I have a kid you dumb fuck

>> No.53435500


balkan whore in her mid 40s. Yikes.

>> No.53435536

shes 22 i shit you not

>> No.53435538

so you have a kid AND a fleshlight?
or is your kid your fleshlight?

>> No.53435574

Being a black male nerd is quite possibly the most incel anyone can get. You're not a jock or a hood nigga, the only types white and black women are into, and everyone else is disgusted by you because of race alone. Outside of being someone's sugar daddy/practice bf you will never EVER get laid, and you will never EVER find true love.

>> No.53435633

You can still fuck women, have a fleshlight, AND not get married you know.

>> No.53435661

Some ask for photos before accepting proposals here in Argentina, holy kek.

>> No.53435663

cot dam, us men getting SHORTED by Hot Sexy Women (HSW).

beta bank accounts (BBA) getting wrekt by (HSW)

man bros how do we cope

>> No.53435719

Imagine paying for having sex with a "22 years old" "VIP" escort. I see that girl and immediatly do a 360 and leave

>> No.53435756

that's not right if you are in burgerland. if you use reputable websites even the lower end girls still go for around $200 per hour

>> No.53435763

Some even require selfies with your license or your paystub now lol

>> No.53435825


But if you're really fat or ugly you can always offer more money. There is no way she would reject it.

>> No.53436013

lol, imagine someo, is cleaning out your house or something, First thing normies will do is laugh at you and tell everyone

Im just trying to help you dude

>> No.53436043

Help me with what exactly? I clean my own house and I said I don't give a fuck about what people think.

Clearly you do, so you haven't ascended to not giving a fuck yet.

>> No.53436085

Help you getting actual breathing woman to coom inside too than plastic pussy you have to clean up every time,

>> No.53436113

Looks like money cant buy everything. huh ?

>> No.53436123

lmaoooo @ melanin chuds who can't even pay 2 fuck. Have sex kek

>> No.53436149

how fucking disgusting do you have to look for that? I genuinely can't imagine. Even St. Blackops2cel could get laid with hookers. How grotesque are you OP? Do you smell disgusting? Are you a morbidly obese fattie? I shudder to imagine your appearance. This is a sign, you should kill yourself, now!

>> No.53436159

Women are too selective even in prostitution, man. I think this is a escorts thing, though. They think themselves above regular prostitutes you found in some godforsaken corner in the city. Let's say you're ugly fat or old and offer more money and they reluctantly accept. It will be an unpleasant experience, she'll be passive aggresive and the whole time she'll make you feel you're not worthy of her. She'll say "no" to anything you say and she'll probably kick you out at 20 minutes if you pay a whole hour. Some anon here said it's better to fuck old whores (35+ yo) , and that's true, because they know they're old and unattrative so they'll try really hard to please you so you come back again but in a psychological sense they do it for themselves, to prove to themselves they can still provoke a man's erection and make him ejaculate. Women are crazy

>> No.53436165

escorts are degenerate.
masturbation is degenerate.
i havent masturbated for 10+ years.
i have will power from the gods and you can too if you dont waste your vital energy on cooming.