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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53433599 No.53433599 [Reply] [Original]

Owning a house is protection against inflation. Inflation increases by 'x'%? Generally, so does the value of my home. Meaning, I buy a home for $300,000 in 2020 and in 2023, inflation, among other factors, has caused the value of homes to increase to $350,000 in 2023 - I now have $50,000 additional equity

Want to know who REALLY gets fucked? Rentcucks. Because now instead of paying $300,000 for a house, you have to pay $350,000 for one and if I, the MortgageChad, ever want to move and get another house that 3 years ago cost $300,000 but now costs $350,000? Well, that's no big deal because guess what? I sat on my ass and did nothing except pay "rent" and am not affected whatsoever by rising home prices. My payment would remain the same on the more expensive home

Every minute you spend rentcucking is literally pissing away about 3% of your annual income into the trash ON TOP OF the money you're pissing away on rent. Here's the real kicker, because I, the MortgageChad, accrue equity everytime I make a payment, after a few years I could afford a $400,000 house and have the exact same payment as I did on the $300,000 house.

>> No.53433748 [DELETED] 

this will never be a copy pasta.

sage in all fields

>> No.53433774

she is a nobody and op is a massive faggot

>> No.53434374

What does "sage" means in your reply? No "lurk more, fag" allowed, btw. Enlighten me, please

>> No.53434390

i make 100k a year wfh and live with my parents lol. I'll buy your cuck shed in a couple years when you get laid off

>> No.53434405

based sagefag

>> No.53434412
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>flattie getting plastic tits
A tragedy. Even for a complete whore such as her.

>> No.53434418
File: 38 KB, 397x275, Screenshot 2023-01-25 143413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enter sage in the name and email field when you want to reply to a faggot like OP but you dont want to bump his faggot thread.

since you didn't sage this shitty thread got bumped to the top of the catalog. Next time just sage in all fields and you can make fun of faggots like OP without giving them a (you) or a bump.

>> No.53434425

2 years

>> No.53434496

I have am obsession with Belle. I could literally watch this little slut dance around like this all day I don't know what's wrong with me.
Btw I'm 38 and married

>> No.53434558

That was pretty informative. Thanks, anon. Based and sage-pilled. Testing

>> No.53434573

Sage (garden sage – Salvia officinalis) belongs to the labiate family / lamiaceae. Sage is derived from the Latin “salvare”, which means “to save/heal”. This is why sage was also called the salvation of the world and was believed to give eternal life.

It is said that the sage gave life to at least four thieves who plundered corpses without fear of infection during the plague epidemic in Toulon, France, in 1630. The aldermen granted the thieves their lives on condition that they reveal their secret of how they had protected themselves from infection, namely with germicidal sage vinegar. (We will tell you the recipe for this below.) Even today it is popularly said: “Sage in the garden, death can wait.”

Sage has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, wound-healing, stimulating, antiperspirant, stomach-strengthening and antispasmodic properties. British neuroscientists have discovered that sage oil can also improve memory performance and is helpful in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

Internally, sage is used mainly for excessive sweating, digestive problems and diarrhoea and for weaning. Externally, sage is used as a gargle for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, as an ointment for lip herpes or in oral and dental care (chew a sage leaf raw or massage teeth and gums with a sage leaf).

The bitter substances of sage make fatty foods more digestible and prevent flatulence. Sage can be used as tea, tincture, in oil, fresh, dried, powdered, in vinegar or even in wine. The fresh or dried leaves are suitable for seasoning meat dishes (e.g. lamb) and soups, or you can work the sage into a bread dough. Like thyme, sage can extend the shelf life of food.

>> No.53435786

I graduated college in 2010, everyone told me "housing is crashing, why would you buy?"

Rented for a year and bought a condo for 140k. Used an FHA loan and put 3.5% down (5k). Sold the condo 10 years later in 2021 for 550k (Bay Area CA).

No taxes due since it was my main residence. Paid about 5k in closing costs on the purchase, about 30k in closing costs/realtor fees on the sale.

375k in equity, on a 5k investment, and my mortgage payment was cheaper than rent (which didn't increase over decade).

>> No.53435855

nice let me guess you then bought a cheaper house in texas and ruined the local economy for everyone else pulling the ladder out from under you

>> No.53435922

lol but your property taxes go up too

>> No.53435965
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Why would I leave a brown state for another brown state? I got work from home and moved to the white Midwest. Bought a home for 350k in 2020, it's worth about 450k now.

Property tax increases are capped at 3-5% in most municipalities, unlike rent.

>> No.53436022
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I'm a brown that left the midwest to texas so I don't race mix and I don't miss that cold and liberal place at all (I still do like the nature when the weather is nice)

>> No.53436035

>Bought a home for 350k in 2020, it's worth about 450k now.
so not texas but same shit. You just priced out some young locals who can't afford to have kids now lol

>> No.53436058

On the other hand, you don't lose your downpayment when you can't pay your rent.

>> No.53436068

I grew up here. I fleeced California for a decade and now bring their money into the community where I am raising my white kids.

>> No.53436183

Thank you for leaving

>> No.53436195

Statistically one of your kids will be gay or trans, and your actions raising them will have no impact on that :/

>> No.53436303

Ye sure buddy

>> No.53436431

No prob dude, the weather sucks and women are much more "independent" and degenerate

>> No.53436922

shes the only white female who has avoided the wall at her age. guess not having kids helps. i liked her more when she was flat

>> No.53437015

sageing is basically pointless because most people don't bother doing it anymore and the trannyjannies unironically punish sage announcing which would be about the only thing to actually help sagebomb threads straight to page 10

>> No.53437050

Not even a big Belle fan desu but she's definitely the best at being an over the top fantasy/anime girl IRL. Her look and mannerisms are extremely attractive to most coomers

>> No.53437229

i love her and want to marry her but acknowledge that will never happen especially now that she got bolt ons. she would have made a killing if she started out during the tiktok and OF craze but she predated that by like 5 or more years so she was genuinely too early

>> No.53437358

I wish I could use the laser from the movie "Honey, I shrunk the kids!" to shrink myself to the size of a sharpie and live inside her asshole for days. Just imagine the smell

>> No.53437899
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>Statistically one of your kids will be gay or trans

>> No.53437941

I just want to nut all over her shaved pussy bros is that so much to ask?

>> No.53437973

>I have 50,000 in equity
That means nothing unless you sell or borrow against it. If you do either of those things you lose.
If you sell, you pay taxes and fees on it. If you borrow on it, you don't have equity anymore.
Maintenance costs on a house will eat up any gainz you get. A house is NOT an investment unless you're literally flipping them.

>> No.53437978

>Maintenance costs on a house will eat up any gainz you get.

LOL, I love renter cope.

>> No.53438009

/biz/ doesn't churn threads fast enough for it to matter, and catalog mode makes that irrelevant anyway. You could sage-bomb every reply and a thread will still sit in the catalog all day. See the 4 open 300+ reply SMG threads on the daily.

>> No.53438023


The absolute state of Men. Pathetic.

>> No.53438030
File: 510 KB, 1024x997, 1674388394194194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my first job making 90k/yr, raised to 120k/yr in 6 months and I live in my mom's basement for free. I now realize why "mom's basement" is such an insult from boomers. You S E E T H E that some zoomer/millennial is just piling cash, waiting patiently for your demise so I can slurp your properties up for pennies on the dollar

I don't care if it's 1, 2, 4, or 5 years, I'm not spending a single CENT on your cardboard box until housing AT LEAST drops by ~ -85%. You kikes are gonna have to keep importing brown people, because I'm not buying your bags

>> No.53438060

Have kids faggot, the population is declining and there won't be enough paying into social security for retirement. You will work until you DIE.

>> No.53438061

Tell me more about how mortgage interest rates aren't higher than inflation.

>> No.53438101

sorry im not going after 400lb american hambeasts with 5 kids and only welfare as a source of income

>> No.53438106

How many DOGE would you pay for her to give you an enema?

>> No.53438138

>Generally, so does the value of my home.
the value of your home depreciates. constantly. you are living in it, shitting it up. it is slowly falling apart in the weather, and the other ravages of time, being lived in and around. to stop this from happening, you must spend money and time to restore or otherwise increase this value.
the price of your home only goes up conditionally, such as when people want to live in this country, in your state, in your neighborhood.
this too can change, but if it doesn't, then the only thing happening with inflation is you having to spend more on goods long before you are ever compensated in elevated wages.
this lag in time as money passes from government to defense to the rest of us, is usury. it is unpriced and unpaid time-value, gone. interest permanently in forebearance.
perpetual renters are a subhuman menace, but you are a cuck and a chump.

>> No.53438151

You're not leading on 5 hambeasts and collecting part of their welfare money as your own? NGMI.

>> No.53438221

>and have the exact same payment as I did on the $300,000 house.
ah, i see.
>perpetual mortgage slavery to blackrock is better than perpetual rent payments
a bait post.

>> No.53438232

you don't need to enter on name field anymore bruv

>> No.53438242

all of them are going to want sex at some point. thats too much of a risk for just some cab fare and food stamps

>> No.53439334

enjoying her bimbofication. she makes a nice bimbo

>> No.53439403

why do all these chicks have the same face?

literally the same

Is it a filter? Genetic engineering from gay frogs?

>> No.53440710

she also got fatter and isn't petite anymore. americans were praising her because they felt guilty looking at a skinny petite 20 year old

>> No.53440728

i make $230k a year remotely and rent a home in flyover land for $800/month. i could buy your plywood shitbox with cash, if i wanted.

>> No.53440739

make up and filters mainly. some surgery.