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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 300 KB, 700x859, Dave-Ramsey2-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53432491 No.53432491 [Reply] [Original]

>born into rich family house hold
>wealthy real estate parents completely paid for his college
>never had to wageslave and was financially supported the entire time
>after graduating his parents helped him get into real estate by hooking him up with their bank connections
>starts buying up a bunch of properties during one of the most prosperous economies of all time
>somehow still fucks up and goes bankrupt
>is able to get rich again using debt and his parents money again
>pays for his kids college tuitions and gives them jobs at his company after they graduate
>criticizes younger generation for still living with their parents, not having multiple wagecuck jobs, and being entitled

Memes aside what the fuck is his problem?

>> No.53432559

>why does social media personality make provocative hot takes?

it is a mystery

>> No.53432609

His hair

>> No.53432705

U mad white boy?

>> No.53432726

He gets angry at retards who don't have it good acting and spending like they have it good. Also he has to pretend he believes what he teaches in order to keep earning millions a year.

>> No.53432738

I thought his companies were making billions

>> No.53433181

What about ken Griffin of citadel? Is he Jewish

>> No.53433230

Literally who is this and why should I care?

>> No.53433438


He's a piece of shit. That's all. The masses gravitate towards pieces of shit (see, government/democracy, etc.)

Don't forget his scam course too.

>> No.53433458

He’s a grifting boomer. Verification not required.

>> No.53433571

Why do you retards get so massively butthurt about Dave Ramsey? He has solid advice for the average person to retire comfortably. He isn't some get rich quick faggot like the dumbass ticktok zoomer faggots you listen too.

>> No.53433619

He's old and ugly and opinionated and he needs to shut the fuck up before I feed him a fucking sledgehammer.

>> No.53433652

old white dudes are so fucking hot. just look at him

>> No.53433669

You can't even lift a sledgehammer let alone swing it. What do you purposely watch the Ramsey show so you can seethe? Lol

>> No.53433749

Why do you take the words of rich people seriously? It’s in his interest business wise that everyone pursues renting or home ownership with reckless abandon throwing all of their incomes at it. Of course he would make statements trying to get people to feel bad and do as he wants them to

>> No.53433768


>> No.53433815

So if people shouldn't rent or own a home what do they do? Live with mommy and daddy until they get put in a nursing home?

>> No.53433880

The only good thing he offers is advice on getting out of debt. Anything beyond that is often called out as bad advice. At this point I'm believing he's just trying to antagonize and provoke people with his hot takes as an out of touch boomer to drive traffic. The Andrew Tate method: funnel people in by being provocative and get them to stay for your actual advice.

>> No.53433884

No my opinion of him is based purely on his physiognomy and memes of him posted here.

>> No.53433921
File: 75 KB, 634x669, 1670620758322008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered the fact that his family has been in the Real Estate business for generations, and that virtually everything he says revolves around advocating for more people to become customers in that industry as quickly as possible?

His family and friends don't make their money when people stick together and save up prudently to buy a house when the timing is right and the market is cooled. They make money when everyone hits the bricks NOW and does /WHATEVER IT TAKES/ to keep as much money in the aggregate flowing into the pockets of real estate holding companies as possible.

>> No.53433955

Yea, he gets salty at people of our generation playing the hands they were dealt the best they can. Living at home and dipping into those savings on rent to take an international vacation makes him seethe since traveling was never as accessible and affordable during his youth. You had to follow the rigid boomer path of delayed gratification and spend 3x fold on a similar vacation in your 50s once you've made it. But making it was almost a guarantee as you could climb into the middle class with a firm hand shake.

>> No.53433962

Maybe it's not ideal advice but it's definitely not bad advice. It's just a simplistic way for people to invest that really have no interest in follow markets and such. They can just put money in their mutual funds and forget about it.

>> No.53433975

That's actually bad advice. Richest people have the most debt.

>> No.53433978

Rich kids don't rent, they move out when mommy and daddy buy them a home.

>> No.53433986

>solid advice

B E A N S & R I C E

>> No.53433993

he literally told someone they can get a cheap apartment by finding a grandma and giving her a firm handshake.

>> No.53434012

Of course, and he's rich because not just because he was given money and opportunities from mum and dad, but because he knows how to manage debt.

The good advice I'm talking about is his practical advice for getting out of debt for the everyday joe and latisha that calls in.

>> No.53434029

my sister listened to him and got out of her debt. but every time i watch his show, he's got his arms folded and says some obvious shit like not buying a mercedes. woooow insightful!

>> No.53434043

He doesn't mean literally you fucking retard. He is just saying to put yourself on a strict budget.

>> No.53434047

He's right you know. In college he minored Business with a concentration in Handshakes. The Art of the Handshake 462.

>> No.53434070

That's because it's not geared towards people who actually have an interest in finances. It's for your average person that just works their shitty job and spend all their money on consumer garbage without a penny in savings.

>> No.53434085

A lot of the things he says are just common sense and obviously correct. The problem is he is a literal boomer, a generation that still lives in a fucking bubble and is totally incapable of realizing that $100 is not the same as $100 twenty years ago. Or even ten years ago. Or even 4 years ago. Your money went a lot further in 2019 and everyone fucking knows it except for boomers who live in self-delusion.

>> No.53434104

But it really is. Most normal slimes are tempted into leasing a mercedes by getting suckered into attractive looking financing that they don't understand how irresponsible it is to spend like that over a 3 year period. They piss away $600 month for nothing to show for it after the lease is up because their cashflow allows it.

>> No.53434109

But he literally does you cock worshipping faggot. He even yells out the word "LITERALLY" over and over again when retards call him about their debt

>> No.53434132

imagine paying to learn
you realize this is something that happens for free without your consent
like breathing
unless you've lobotomized yourself

>> No.53434134

Lol, ok faggot. Stick to your dog coins and funko pops. I'll make sure to take a shit in front of your tent on skidrow.

>> No.53434136


>> No.53434180

>He has solid advice for the average person to retire comfortably
He doesn't. He has no life experience. He was born and raised rich and given everything on a silver platter. His "advice" is retarded. He is literally telling young people to spend half of their income on rent instead of living with their parents and saving the money. He is a grifter retard and you are a retarded faggot

>> No.53434204

this is his fanbase lmao
>reeeeeeeeee like him or i shit near you

>> No.53434229

>trying to appear rich

You're a retarded faggot that racked up debt by being a nigger and now you're being misled by an E-celeb with his Boomer platitudes.

tl;Dr enjoy being debt free in the next 20 years

>> No.53434440

I've been debt free for the last 10 years. Good luck buying a house poorboy. Don't worry two more weeks and we will see le housing crash. Kek

>> No.53434576
File: 441 KB, 476x536, 1674551642795866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not fooling anyone you screeching retard. If you're following Dave Ramsay for financial advice then you're obviously still in debt looking for any narcissist sociopath to guide you out of your niggery but enjoy the house owning larp.

>> No.53434604

You made up 90% of this. Get a life, wacko

>> No.53434632

Whatever makes you feel better. What's mommy making for dinner?

>> No.53434717

Your mom's making breaded steak after I'm done spit roasting her. You should join us this time

>> No.53434871

>le mom joke
Stay poor zoomerfag. Go suck off another tranny

>> No.53434960

>live like a 3rd world destitute sweatshop crackwhore for 40 years then retire with millions for 2 years before the stroke takes you out
I don't know why he gets so many threads, millenials are retarded desu ne

>> No.53435178

Idk I live a pretty good life and my wife doesn't have to work. I just don't spend money on goy stuff like flashy cars, door dash and retarded movie/music subscriptions.

>> No.53435488

>traveling to Place, Japan was hard because japanese people didn't want retarded hippies in their country
>but being a degenerate at woodstock and then walking into a 9-5 job that could at least pay the mortgage and car bill was easy
So it all comes back to boomers crying that millennials/zoomers can fuck foreign pussy without specifically joining the military and getting an overseas posting.

>> No.53435555

Yeah but you fail to mention what the rich do with it. /biz/ and 4chan is full of coping neets crying about how college costs money but if you major in the right thing and position yourself you can be mr. google 300k a year 5 years out of collegia. Likewise you do something like take out a 100k personal loan to buy bitchoin right in march 2020, you make a lot, but if you instead gamble that money all on black in las vegas you're retarded.

Debt has to work for you. Pussy, business, investments, you have to be getting something out of it.

>> No.53435637

>>born into rich family house hold
That's literally all white people in the US and Canada.

>> No.53435651
File: 100 KB, 532x813, 872447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Memes aside what the fuck is his problem?
He's from the US, so his understanding of the world is from sitcom television and the uber rich of North America.
I pray every day the Mexican cartel takes this country over.

>> No.53435669

Fuck sake, Id join the army just to fuck with a M1919.

>> No.53435681


>> No.53435694

He is a literal propaganda outlet.

>> No.53436702

He's a preacher who profits from shilling bad advise.