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53430917 No.53430917 [Reply] [Original]

>the "Day in my life working at LinkedIn doing no work" girl got fired

>> No.53431058

the only thing that i hate more than women is you for giving them any attention at all
much love

>> No.53431278


>> No.53431329

>that job description

Wow, they really are working utterly made up jobs in utterly made up meme roles

>> No.53431332

you mean she hopped onto another victim company to leech dry

>> No.53431349


I wish I could reach out to my current company to mention that I could take on the work of a couple "marketing" positions on top of what I'm already doing for like an extra $50k

>> No.53431443

She didn't get fired, she moved. Why do you guys cope so much thinking women suffer? They won't and never will.

>> No.53431579

>at linkedin for 9 months
>3 months gap inbetween
Yeah she definitely got fired

>> No.53431581

>randomly moves somewhere
>no plan
>we will wing it!
Why are people like this? I had a buddy who wanted to go to Amsterdam and just wing a Europe trip for 2 weeks. I'm not saying I need everything down to the hour, but I want some sort of a plan. Also, NYC is shit. I mean it's not as bad as LA or Houston but it's crowded and doesn't offer anything cool.

>> No.53431663

You're a fucking retard who hasn't even clicked the link i've sent. She clearly states that she found another remote job, KYS

>> No.53431757

‘Ate women.
Simple as.

>> No.53431769
File: 222 KB, 496x384, cat disdain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weekly email data
What the fuck does that even mean. Why are women just given these fake jobs for free.

>> No.53431801
File: 71 KB, 422x420, 1673181931618925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she's 22. When I was 23-26 I wanted to just "go", but I had no money so couldn't because the boomer world hates young men. I actually still want to go somewhere but the magic has kind of died, like what would I be 'going to'. I've 'matured' in the sense I need an actual goal, am I moving there for work or what? I woke up today feeling tired and realized I was definitely more tired than when I was 23, even though I exercise every day and was fat when I was 23. Maturity isn't fun.

>> No.53432186

I hate that the world seemingly runs on so much fluff because I'm a terrible liar and can't fake it till I make it. I don't know how people do it

>> No.53432205

I did click that link thats how I know she literally just flew to NYC without a plan
Interesting, I've never felt this way before. I always need a reason to go somewhere. Even if its just a trip, I need somewhat of a game plan. Depends how I'm traveling. Air I want more of a plan, if I'm driving I'm more okay to wing it. I'm only 25 but even when I was 21-22 I felt the exact same way. Granted I feel strongly about my social network which is mostly family so that's why I don't desire to move away either.

>> No.53432270

someone post the webm pls to refresh my memory

>> No.53432293

i think its the one with cereal and disgusting hair supplies. blonde girl, fat ass and checkered pants

>> No.53434056

like the other anon said, 3 month employment gap = obvious layoff/firing

>> No.53434121

I did this multiple times, it worked out every single time. When you're employable and you've got a decent support network, you can do anything. And with a car, you can go anywhere.

>> No.53434452

I mean a support network doesn't go everywhere. How is yours not regional? I mean I have people I know everywhere but know, not close like a friend or anything.