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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53428565 No.53428565 [Reply] [Original]

>learning German will increase your earnings by 4%
where do people get such urban legends?
show me a job offer where they pay you more for knowing a foreign language, lmao

>> No.53428619

im white and i get paid more for speaking chinese. its a chinese company though, so really im being paid more than my colleagues for being white not for speaking chinese, but i wouldnt have got the job if i couldnt speak chinese.

western companies dont give a shit, they can hire one of the 1 billion desperate chinks to speak chinese for them and get diversity points too

>> No.53428661
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Germany will become as irrelevant as a balkan shithole within the next 80 years. Deindustrialisiation is outpacing the ability of the "Mittelstand" (small and mid size family run businesses) to adapt to new climate regulations. Im traveling to Germany a lot and there are tons of dying smaller cities because their Mittelstand industry is dissapearing. Empty shopping districts and pedestrian zones, the only shops who survive are kebap-, shisha- and electronics shops run by arabs because they're commiting tax fraud. Infastructure and schools are rotting, construction sites are everywhere because the govt only get cheap contracts with shady construction companies who work for 3 months and then abandon the project after getting the money.

Upper class citizens are fleeing the country at record numbers to switzerland etc. Crime statistics are going parabolic and police is understaffed and overworked in most areas.
Salaries have been stagnating for years and many zoomers do not want to work so the welfare state and the pension system is on the brink of collapsing.

look at pic related, if you earn €2500/m net you are in the top 27%.

>> No.53428739

I'm making roughly €3500/m net, I'm single. For the first time in my life I'm considering to emigrate for real. This shithole is decaying and will be of no importance in 10 years when this country is fully converted to an Islamic goat-impregnating hellhole.
How's the situation in the US for an infrastructure engineer?

>> No.53428768

Germans love leaving Germany

>> No.53428791

Keep electing retards like merkel. Why do white cucks never learn? Is this how your supposed high IQ works.

>> No.53428803

>I’m white

Post hand

>> No.53428817

>go to work
>boss, I'm learning german
>jesus anon, you could have told me! 2% increase now, another 2% increase when you'll talk german quite fluently

>> No.53428849

You can easily make 100k a yr with 3ish yrs exp and just being showing that you re not a retard. Probably find a job in MEP engineering and construction company, usually local sized. If you get your PE, you d easily make 150k or more up to like 500k depending on your willingness to hustle and self contract using your PE stamp.

>> No.53428855

>tfw fluent in 3 (soon 4) languages
>no idea how to monetize my skill
is there anything i could do besides being a wagie translator?

>> No.53428858
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>> No.53428859

too much propaganda, us whites are very gullible and innocent sort of, we are not used to these subversive enemies in power

>> No.53428874

My numbers are based on medium cost of living state/city like Louisiana. You will make more in a growing city like houstin and dallas texas. Avoid blue meme states like commifornia and jew york

>> No.53428913
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>> No.53428932

>brown undertones
mutt detected

>> No.53429126

Why are they naming it Haushaltseinkommen left but singles right

>> No.53429186
File: 8 KB, 225x225, based_pep.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
