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File: 62 KB, 458x458, tokelau-1-kilo-silver-bear-bull-2022-30-bu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53425915 No.53425915 [Reply] [Original]

gimme the 100% truth

is silver a meme or is it a good store of wealth?

>> No.53425945

How could money for all of recorded history be a meme?

>> No.53425953
File: 257 KB, 1564x9824, How many BTC per Gold oz ? .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a reddit meme sure but more than that it's jewish trick -- they want you to "invest" in it rather than in crypto -- silver (and gold, but a tiny bit less so) is essentially the same as fiat, from the perspective of Bitcoin. Silver and gold are getting devalued into oblivion against Bitcoin - even more so with various other coins.

Picrel shows how many Bitcoins you get for 1oz of gold. For silver this is even worse.

>> No.53425963
File: 43 KB, 1488x644, How many BTC per Silver oz ? .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53425984
File: 52 KB, 1144x856, shinystablecoin gold.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you can see how incredibly close to USD gold is. This is how incredibly little it moves. It moves so little that you could rename the pic to BTCUSD and at first glance nobody would question that it's BTCUSD they're looking at.

>> No.53425988

Silver is not a good store of wealth, it is money as >>53425945 pointed out. Speculate on it as you would any other currency, Gold is what you buy to store wealth
In 100 years Buttcorn will be a section in a history book while people will still be buying, selling and trading PMs. I'm not saying to not buy some but it's a wealth multiplier, not a store. A new standard will come along, your maxi nerd logic isn't infallible and price predictions have been proven wrong many many times whereas everyone with 90 IQ and above knew gold was gungoup with inflation coming

>> No.53426000
File: 47 KB, 1144x856, shinystablecoin silver.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the same with silver.

>> No.53426005
File: 120 KB, 1280x790, silver 100 year chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53426014

I charge for my knowledge.

>> No.53426013
File: 153 KB, 1066x792, destiny of crypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kvetch moar, Cohen.

>> No.53426029

Charts plotting the value of an ounce of silver against the value of certain pokemon or MTG cards would be equally as shocking and equally as meaningless in the long wrong
And you don't have a real rebuttal, nice. The SETF culties call people jews too, you're both jews far as I'm concerned

>> No.53426032
File: 99 KB, 2306x1256, 1643323440032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<-- And this is another way of illustrating the same thing. This shows how many Bitcoins you get per gold oz. The chart is flipped upside down. Looks very similar to an ordinary BTCUSD chart.

>> No.53426052

Wealthy people store value in real estate, art, collectible cars, wine, watches, jewelry, gold, sports collectibles, bonds, index funds. None of them buy silver bullion. It’s a meme that only poor people fall for.

>> No.53426059
File: 313 KB, 1184x841, 1650664480013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<-- And this is another way of illustrating the same thing. This shows how many Bitcoins you get per silver oz. The chart is flipped upside down. Looks very similar to an ordinary BTCUSD chart.

Ignore the lines and the circle, they're irrelevant here, the point is only to show how it looks like a BTCUSD chart.

>> No.53426141
File: 1.80 MB, 720x1444, old silver coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen brother, you made me see the light. You convinced me to sell all my crypto and go all in on precious metals, Yahweh's money. I'll HODL my shiny rocks with diamond hands for 100 years! Never selling. Those hedgies are getting squeezed in the name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Hallelujahweh!

>> No.53426232

Silver protects me from emf waves. I wear about 8 oz of silver across my body mostly in the form of coin rings and a 1 oz coin pendant. Yet even I acknowledge that silver is suppressed and will not appreciate above inflation in our lifetimes.

>> No.53426324

>want to buy japanese love pillow
>have to mail silver coins across the pacific ocean in an envelope
what kind of money is this?

>> No.53426406

Imagine blaspheming to win an internet argument you've already lost, genuinely sad

>> No.53426548

Silver's value against the dollar has not improved since before BTC was invented. It has in fact lost value. Gold; however, hasn't.
BTC has historically gained in strength at a greater rate than gold (against the USD) since it's creation.
Both gold and BTC benefit from weakness in the dollar and BTC has received a greater magnitude of these gains.
Gold and silver also have extrinsic value which means they suffer from being readily available in commodities.
Gold and silver are also minted as collectables and coins which inflates the initial value of the purchase beyond the value of the raw materials.
BTC (Other digital currencies not withstanding) is the only form of currency that is without extrinsic value, that cannot be manipulated by central banks or inflated through a minting process.

>> No.53426942
File: 22 KB, 224x280, ccarl_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC (Other digital currencies not withstanding) is the only form of currency that is without extrinsic value, that cannot be manipulated by central banks or inflated through a minting process.
Do people really believe this?
We all simultaneously just watched ONE man and his weaslette magically create $60billion worth of BTC that didn't really exist. It is retardedly easy to manipulate BTC.

>> No.53427270

>We all simultaneously just watched ONE man and his weaslette magically create $60billion worth of BTC
If you're talking about the Jew boy, it was just a scam--had nothing to do intrinsically with Bitcoin, other than they both happen to be in the same asset class
He scammed his investors out of their money by inflating the value of, and sharing of funds between, multiple companies
Once the biggest investor realized this and got out, the value of his shitcoins went to 0 and he cashed out
It doesn't matter by what means the money entered the market, because it was generally "real" money at some point (fiat is equally, no, more fake anyway) that changed hands
A lot of people lost for him to win

>> No.53427291

It was up 4% last year while every other asset was down significantly. There u go.

>> No.53427391
File: 1.28 MB, 1544x5888, 1658556485474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the anti-crypto metal-shill exposes himself as an (((abrahamic religion promoter)))

>> No.53427461
File: 822 KB, 1200x779, 63C507D6-A4C2-4498-8424-28DAF4CF173B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver is the future, 1 me4c will buy anything under the sun

>> No.53428387

If you don't hoard silver right now you're retarded. It's like if you didn't go all in on BTC 10 years ago.

>> No.53428485

silver will end the fed

>> No.53428499


>> No.53428836

you'll notice that as soon as you mention pm's the shills come out to talk about how bad crypto is
that should be clue enough, either these faggots are retarded and can't read a question or...

>> No.53429032

Not a meme, but not a "good" store of wealth.
I'm assuming by "good" you mean "buy now or get priced out 4eva we gongo to tha moooon 100k EOY is FUD!1!" Or something similar, and silver is definitely not that. Then again, neither is the Shit&Piss, which silver has outperformed over 20 years.

>> No.53430651

gold is better, silver premiums mean you incur a ~15% loss at purchase

>> No.53430673
File: 47 KB, 1424x646, silverinflationadj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me

>> No.53430891

Imagine if the price of silver wasn't controlled by elites with warehouses full of the stuff


>> No.53430973
File: 686 KB, 991x672, 1623380094635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont care about nominal gains. I dont care about prices charts. I dont care about number go up or down. All I do is buy more and more shiny metal everytime I have some spare fiat currency laying around, which is usually at the beginning of the month.
I then pull out all of my silver coins and bars out of my hand-crafted mahagoni pirate chest and play with them. It's lots of fun to build pyriamids with the bars or towers with the coins. You should listen to the amazing *pliiiinnnnngggggg* sound everytime two coins fall on each other. It's an even more satisfying, resonating tone if you balance one coin on your fingertips and gently brush against it with another coin. what a heavenly, delightful, pleasureable sound!
Last year I finally got enough coins to stack them ontop of each other so that the tower eventually hit the ceiling. There it stood in front of me, the representation of accumulated wealth, towering in front of me. I swiftly called my 6 year old son to join me on this event. You should've seen the look in his eyes!
Did you know that it takes multiple tons of dirt and rocks to be grinded, sorted, refined, and smelted just to get a single ounce of silver? Imagine the amount of energy consumed, the workforce necessary to put into just to hold a single ounce of silver in your hands? and you can get that ounce for mere 20 something bucks of fiat currency, which you get for free from the government? You'd be stupid to not take advantage of that steal!

>> No.53430977

buy now, just make sure you trade it for what ever you were planning to buy (a house) once it tops.

>> No.53431232

>muh elites are controlling the price
so the elites decided to stop controlling the price in the 70s and 2000-10, then control it again from 2010. low iq metalbug theory

>> No.53431632

[Midwit detected]

>> No.53432248

So many anti-silver shills ITT.
At first i wanted to correct the record, but then i remembered that beside my /pmg/bros, this board is full of globohomo-supporting, greed driven, vaxxed scums. I do not want bizniggers to succeed, thus i wont explain you why you should buy silver.

Do NOT buy silver under any circumstance.

>> No.53432345

>good store of wealth
iv been holding 700 ounces at $29 I bought 2-3 years ago. Silver has done nothing but lost me wealth

>> No.53432375

every year or so I see a new pic from this camping trip.

>> No.53432395

WAGMI, anon!

>> No.53432411

so if i buy bitcoin right now i'm buying it low?

>> No.53432723

cryptotards dont deserve even a (you)