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File: 27 KB, 422x256, CHATGPT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53418324 No.53418324 [Reply] [Original]

Artificial Intelligence is going to replace you. Save as much money as you can before you are told you aren't needed anymore. The future is artificial intelligence and people are no longer a part of the future.

>> No.53418669

No way It will replace attorneys. Don't underestimate the lobbying power of big law.

>> No.53418747

ChatGPT is already being used to draft legal documents. Its unironically over for attorneys.

>> No.53418836

no, i'm safe.

>> No.53418920

Remember Anons:

Skilled Manual Labour is the most anti-fragile skill set.

If you can’t do something useful with your hands, you need to start learning now.

>> No.53418950

top kek

>> No.53418968

sarbanes-oxley act makes executives criminally liable for knowingly issuing materially misstated or fraudulent financials. i'm the shabbos goy fall guy.

>> No.53418990

agreed. i, for instance, assemble financial statements for multi billion dollar companies -- with my bare hands. it ain't much, but it sure is honest work.

>> No.53419025

It drives me crazy knowing that AI is obviously going to be the dumb buzzword everyone will be throwing money at for the next few years.
So what do I invest in to get in early enough to make some profit before the bubble bursts?

>> No.53419072

What exactly do you intend to save the money for? To pay the nonexistent delivery of goods once they'll hyperinflate the currency to get rid of their debt?

>> No.53419082
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>its another "buck broken tradie tries to drag everyone down to his level" episode

>> No.53419129
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I can point at things.

>> No.53419151

why do people still fall for these big tech scam pump n dumps

>> No.53419179

low IQ. 4chan is not any smarter, just a different flavor of nigger cattle.

>> No.53419185

Analysts are safe. We're the ones building all this stuff

>> No.53419197

Nothing will happen, ia is a meme. Only thing it'll happen is web shitters are going to lose their jobs because making a web page is the easiest job to replace.

>> No.53419216

Is AI going to climb a 25 foot fiberglass latter?

>> No.53419239

yeah my company's CEO unironically thinks ChatGPT is the hottest, most useful thing ever. he thinks it's realistic or possible to have it just magically create a whole slate of content for business clients, even as he uses it for short, targeted pieces of text like a list of 5 podcast talking points

>> No.53419292
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learn to weld

>> No.53419418

that's the retarded take but in reality you can create AI to make smarter AI and it could very likely snowball exponentially. IMO we either are hyper screwed or utopia is near.

>> No.53419452

Literally every single muh ai replace jobs thread someone posts that they are an accountant and are thus safe. Is it you in every thread or do accountants just seethe alot?

>> No.53419462

I think AI will become super racist since it will be impervious to social programing and critical race theory. AI does not feel or have emotions like women. It will be perfectly racist. It will hate niggers and the noses

>> No.53419477

Drafts were slave work

>> No.53419498

AI is still really dumb not matter what we do, all of this is just a demoralization psyop.

>> No.53419506

why do you need an attorney when a voice chatbot can give a better disposition in court or over the phone or via email? Attorneys will be rendered useless. ChatbotAttorney will replace them

>> No.53419526

My new job is partially being a living bullshit detector and this AI hype is triggering me.

>> No.53419528

you can wish but it'll most likely be racist towards everybody. the AI can be perfect and it could hate anybody that isn't. it all depends if people who create it fuck up or not.

>> No.53419530

AI has to draft. But it will deliver the final product. That's where people come in.
You're right about it cutting lots of jobs though.

>> No.53419558

The lefties will cripple it through censorship thus it will be rendered obsolete or it the resulting AI retardation will be the death of us all.

>> No.53419563

It will likely rate people according to physical attractiveness, intelligence and the ability to have productive attractive offspring. So whites will be the top humaniod in the pyramid

>> No.53419570

The way I see it is the big accounting firms in the next decade will turn mainly to consulting/ AI automation compliance/ risk management. The automation will be performed for basic tasks that an individual with a year or 2 at the company would do then a senior would manage the AI and review all the work it has completed. Then a manager would perform another review. Then the partner will sign off. AI will basically replace the bitch jobs in the field. I recommend learning how to automate you job if you’re an auditor or accountant. It’ll take a while but if you pull it off you pretty much have job security for life/ can even start your own SaaS business

>> No.53419580

> a better disposition in court
>disposition in court
Don’t worry lawyers, your job is safe.

>> No.53419589

>rude, dumb, codenigger scum

>> No.53419657
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At the time of google said the same. That google would end professions.
Now AI that answers questions, which google already does, will not change anything.

Anons don't learn.

Metaverse 2023 = Secondlife 2005
AI GhatGPT 2023 = Akinator 2006 and google 2000

Stop believing in revolution. The wheel has already been invented. There's something in a new guise: FUTURE. KEK.

>> No.53420188
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100% this
also >>53418669
ngmi, most people want to kill all attorneys as it is...

>> No.53420210

you had one job

>> No.53420220

>ngmi, most people want to kill all attorneys as it is...

if you're facing judge shekelberg and a jury of 12 room temperature IQ mulattoes in kangaroo court, the last thing you want is for your fate to be in the hands of some pajeet coded chat bot """"AI.""""

>> No.53420279
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okay Jamal, just keep telling yourself that next time you decide to boost a car.

>> No.53420312

i have no idea what you're trying to imply. something tells me you're ripe for automation by an AI chat bot.

>> No.53420373

t. never used chatgpt

>> No.53420405
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>"The wheel has already been invented"
While that is true, it doesn't change the fact, that AIs in the format of ChatGPT will undoubtedly have a big impact on society.
With each new generation becoming more and more orientated on consuming the finished product as fast as possible, such an AI removes the need to carefully pick out from numerous sites and results on conventional search engines.
And let's be real, google is becoming absolutely fucked especially with the paid advert search results appearing on top.

>> No.53420455

you never heard of a disposition hearing? You fucking mongrel

>> No.53420482
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ChatGPT is a compilation of Google answers only. Do not be deceived. Any interaction made with ChatGPT, you get the same result if you Google it. Don't be surprised by the media and populism.

>> No.53420486

It's the exact opposite. You must be very American to not know what Spinning Jenny and the industrial revolution was.

>> No.53420549
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Of course, but I think the main selling point of these AIs will be to remove this step of having to look through each search result individually, the process of fact-checking (which most probably don't bother with already) each site and so on.
Which is also a major fault of such an AI, it does not have its own mind to distinguish between "fake-news" or propaganda sites and facts. It's only gonna spit out and reproduce what others have shat onto the internet afterall.

>> No.53420737

i think it's more like i have better job security than ever. you don't just point an AI at something and it suddenly works perfectly and replaces all programmers
>t. have already integrated whisper in commercial production (replacing aws transcribe), have implemented openAI completions in hobby production, and am working on implementing aws lex/polly in commercial production (replacing twilio autopilot)

>> No.53421072

do you think goods and services just stop existing once a currency collapses?

People still need stuff. we move to a new currency and life goes on.

>> No.53421297

Same thing happens every so often, and people adapt every time. There's no elevator men or gas station attendants anymore. A lot of things will be automated but it'll just create new work of having people there to double check things before they go out and the like. The tech isn't there to just replace fucking doctors and shit that's like at 50 years out. Just having automated trucks is going to be at least another 20 years or so.

>> No.53421322

>the rich elite are going to willingly make everyone jobless

HAHAHAHA. everybody jobless means revolution. they will keep everyone in work earning their salary even when its not needed anymore. youre stupid OP.

>> No.53421338

>most anti-fragile
Why not say "durable"?

>> No.53421404

>Everything running smoothly so much that it's almost boring
>Everyone is pissed off and hungry, rape and murder is basically decriminalized becuase policeforce barely exists anymore.
There's no point being the top 1% oligarchy elite if you have to live in fear of the raider gangs. They need money to keep it's value or they themselves lose their value and status.

>> No.53421421

Whites can't have offspring

>> No.53421445

my clients are too retarded to use ai.
t.accountant master race

>> No.53421510

Only tech jobs are at risk, because only people in tech are dumb enough to automate their own job.
>Automates job so he can spend his work time browsing porn
>Boss finds out
>Fires workers, keeps 1 person on board to manage AI

>> No.53421541

Anyone who unironically uses this word tends to have no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.53421597

>the only jobs that are at risk are the ones that require a brain

Never understood why you brainlets seethe at software so much, despite spending the majority of your lives using it.

>> No.53421638
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>Supply Chain Management major
How fucked am I?

>> No.53421659

It's not, robots with ai can do the same, they also work more often and longer and don't suffer from "I don't feel like working today"

>> No.53421677

Probably "Learning to code" insecurity. Also salary to actual work envy.

>> No.53421758

Short of Asimov tier robotics, you will not be replacing scaffolders with robots. There's too many legacy buildings, you have to have laborers climb across rooftops and across too many uneven surfaces, and there's too much unique movements that need to be performed. And that's not even getting into the need to balance on tube at high heights.

The last automation in scaffolding was in the 1970s with sissorlifts replacing wheeled scaffolds on flat surfaces.

That's one trade, there's plenty of other trades that have not changed at all in 50 years. Go into your average construction company and outside of the computer in the office, the job's still done the same way in the same fashion for generations.

>> No.53421793

>The most tedious and repetitive jobs that only illegal immigrants and felons do are the ones that are safe

>> No.53421815
File: 34 KB, 220x220, uh-huh-yeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me bitches. Imagine trying to explain to an AI how your extremely specific piece of custom software works and how it would be developed - that would be a nightmare
>t. complex software development sales

>> No.53421825

So you're a FAQ? Or an instruction manual

>> No.53421834

Well first of all safety has greatly changed so much in sofar as you literally cannot do your job until you have ticked every box.

AI robots don't suffer from back injuries as well. Look at the robots they're making. It will happen, maybe not in my lifetime.

Construction is changing, they don't lay as many blocks now. They use pressure treated slabs of concrete to build buildings now. How long until everything is 3d printed??

>> No.53421876

He's literally right though. People are confused about what's difficult for algorithms and what's difficult for humans.

Go back 100 years ago and the idea that "computers", the term for educated people, mostly women, that sat down and did rote arithmetic all day, would be entirely automated out within 40 years, and you'd get laughed at. Because rote arithmetic is cognitively difficult. Except being cognitively difficult doesn't always correlate 1:1 as hard to do in theory.

But arithmetic isn't hard, it's just the human brain is not wired around doing it. An 8 bit computer can effortlessly calculate in minutes what would take a human a full year.

Those menial jobs are only "menial" because the human brain can effortlessly do them. Opening a door is something a four year old can do, but it's a laborious effort for algorithms to work out consistently.

The whole white collar class expansion that has lead to 20% of the population earning 3-5x the average wage has only existed since the 1960s, it's a precarious and fragile thing, more fragile than people realize. And arrogance precedes the fall, many will end up doing "menial" jobs just like their grandparents had to.

>> No.53421901

>Opening a door is something a four year old can do, but it's a laborious effort for algorithms to work out consistently.
I present to you: the self-opening door. Now what? Professional door-openers are out of a job in less than 10 years from now....

>> No.53421922

>Akinator 2006
That was fucking insane. Mind was completely blown as a kid.

>> No.53421950

>Well first of all safety has greatly changed so much in sofar as you literally cannot do your job until you have ticked every box.

Not really man, you might see that looking in from the outside. But being the only literate person in a scaffolding crew (almost everyone over 40 doing the job is illiterate, it's a job for 18-30 year olds typically), being in charge of the paperwork, it's five minutes of writing the same risks ("Falling objects-wear hardhat, manual handling-proper lifting technique, fatigue-take drink breaks, etc) and ticking the same boxes for every single job.

And even on oil and gas sites, when the pressure gets on, they just lie and fudge the paperwork after the fact. I've seen 15kg 2.5m Layher transoms fall off 15 stories just meters from other workers. It all got covered up.

>AI robots don't suffer from back injuries as well.

A concrete cutting robot would short circuit within a month if it isn't working on flat plain surfaces. The concrete dust would fuck up the circuitry as it seeps in through the joints. White collar automation involves moving data between registers in a clean, sterile environment. The dumbshit blue collar people going on about techies being automated out first are right, even if they're coming from a position of coping.

>> No.53421957

Once tech jobs are automated is when all jobs are automated and when AI rules humans. Never going to happen.

>> No.53421993

You're forgetting to account for inflation and diminishing purchasing power so "3-5x average wage" still gets you less than what the average wage of pre-1960 would get you. Also if computers and excel hasn't destroyed that class yet then nothing will. Its all bullshit nepotism fake-work to keep the intelligentsia happy so they don't plot to overthrow the government. It was never about productivity. Consumption and economic output is based on imparting the correct consoomer mindset onto the populace and that's that. If fake work is needed to make people consoomers then fake work is what will proliferate.

>> No.53421998

Self opening doors have the same problem of breaking and needing repairs. Hardware doesn't last like software does. Software can be duplicated and just smacked onto another Von Neumann architecture computer. Hardware requires an electrician to certify the components yearly and to make repairs, those costs add up.

That's the big factor that people are missing, the energy investment. You can make a machine that can do intricate trench digs around a power cable, and you can write software that will automate completely a white collar job. That physical machine moving dirt will need oil, circuitry repairs, parts replaced, etc. That software can just be thrown onto any computer and just brrrr away. Just like moving information between neurons in the brain uses less energy than digging a trench, does a computer doing accounting work use less energy than a machine digging a trench.

White collar automation is dangerous because once it's done, it's done forever, and there's almost zero upkeep cost beyond updating the virtual machine or replacing a full computer.

>> No.53422052

>Also if computers and excel hasn't destroyed that class yet then nothing will.

In the 1970s and 80s, every lawyer firm had a plethora of young women of mediocre intelligence just typing and managing the file cabinets. They're gone now, and there's just one receptionist, the rest all fucked off to work in bars and cafes.

Those weren't of the cognitive skilled class. White collar work used to have its own form of day laborers in the form of typists and secretaries.

>> No.53422061

I'm just a technician man, I've worked with guys who have worked on high rises and sporting stadiums. The only real risk is slips trips and falls.

Our industry is getting phased out anyway, everything is going cloud based and most things are battery powered and don't require you to run a cable anymore.

One other point I wanted to make is you don't have to pay a robot a wage. So financially it would be more viable than hiring a human being

>> No.53422096

>They're gone now,
What are 6 figure HR roasties, management consultants, and all the other bullshit job titles pushed by DEI initiatives? I hope you're not seriously implying that women are out of work in 2023.

>White collar work used to have its own form of day laborers in the form of typists and secretaries.
They are called excelmonkeys today. Nothing new under the sun. The genius rocket scientists were only ever the absolute minority. Others still made a decent living despite being functionally useless because they knew how to dress nice, have pleasant convos with fellow well-bred people, and generally give an air of culture. It always was like that and always will be.

>> No.53422636

Robots could replace factory jobs, he’s talking about trades that require experience and problem solving and going places robots can’t.
>the heat is out at my sushi shop!
>go on roof with ladder, take RTU apart
>bad hot surface igniter, order new one specific for that model at nearest supply house
>there you go it works now
Robots can’t do that

>> No.53422661

In effect I write the instruction manual. Our main source of business is helping startups/founders build MVPs with seed capital - most of these founders arent technical - I take their "I want it to look like this" and build an actual technical roadmap.

>> No.53422685

thats just bad engineering. AI engineers will be able to solve that problem so it doesn't go bad

>> No.53423314


to name a few

>> No.53423376

maybe in 60 years time, but it takes forever for in the physical world technological progress.

>> No.53423811

5 years max.

>> No.53424008

>Why not say "durable"?
because that's not the same newfag

>> No.53424032

>AI can't clean toilet
polebros we are safe!