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53410849 No.53410849 [Reply] [Original]

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

I don't understand one thing. Why does it matter if the money is issues/controlled by private banks or government if they both have the same exact agenda?
Why does the u.s. government even need a private bank instead of print their own shit in the first place? Why not just make the federal reserve be a "part of the government"? I don't see a disadvantage of leaving them as privatized.
If government controlled money supply, they'd abuse it the same way the fed does so...? I don't understand thomas jefferson's point here as if the evils are exclusive to central banks when government is the same. Realistically you don't want anyone to control the supply i.e. you'd want something like bitcoin as gold 2.0

>> No.53411656


>> No.53411663

Fake quote, also Jefferson was a libtard faggot and Hamilton was based. Fuck the anti-federalist cucks

>> No.53411717

The fed is a private company and not accountable to the people. Not that government is either but it has the veneer of it.

>> No.53412066
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Shabbos goy spotted. All money printing is inflation, and inflation is theft.

>> No.53412071

Fuck you beat me to it. I was just going to say Hamilton was a shabbos goy and I'm glad he got shot.
Also, checked

>> No.53412104

because if it came under government jurisdiction, then in the off-chance that a politician that goes against them wanted to run an audit he could actually mess with them
private allows them to be a small rootless international clique that incites nations against each other.

>> No.53412105

major cope. you think the government is accountable to the people? not to be le edgelord… but do you feel any more represented in your government than you do in Google?

>> No.53412141

>money metal
conceptual cope

>> No.53412166

>you think the government is accountable to the people?
did you stop reading after his first sentence?