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53408691 No.53408691 [Reply] [Original]

Yo we might be fucked.

>> No.53408710

81 million votes

>> No.53408752

the eternal golem

>> No.53408776


>> No.53408816

Imagine being a Roman in 475. Same vibes.

>> No.53408847

anyone who reads articles like these is genuinely sub-90 IQ, if you can't see the message specifically tailored to retards in the headline alone there's zero hope for you

>> No.53408858

agreed but seeing biden's walking corpse looking ass under it is fucking hilarious

>> No.53408867

Romans were sitting on their homeland.
America is a new world colony, not a country

>> No.53408989
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good old fashioned fear-mongering.

absolutely 10000% nothingburger.

>> No.53409056

that picture is unironically the view of many older people I interact with

>> No.53409109

Imagine being a clairvoyant Roman in Q2 79AD and you know God is about to unleash Visuvius on the heathens for betraying Jesus and Caesar.

>> No.53409667

That's because it's the truth.
Non productive unsustainable idiots want free money.

>> No.53409692

Most popular president of all time

>> No.53409701

I went to all of his digital rallies that year, what memories!

>> No.53409716

America is a globe spanning empire and you are a blackpilled loser

>> No.53409755

get out of here boomer fucko

>> No.53409799

These people will board private jets and leave millions to eat each other

>> No.53409864

we're always dealing with that kike gods tantrums.

>> No.53409877

Problem with this debt ceiling fight is I can't decide if it will crash the markets or weaken the dollar as it drags on. .

>> No.53409889

Rome was a globe spanning empire.

>> No.53409913

>might be
we've been fucked since 1971
we're about to get bukkaked by five different generations of semite

>> No.53409977

This. Top quality reporting from “”” American news””””

>> No.53409985

>Stability of the empire and its allies weakens
>Costs of maintaining empire increase
>Debase your currency to maintain forces and step up tax raises and enforcement
>Inflation wrecks economy and destroys the livelihood of people in the empire
>Stability of the empire and its allies weakens
So it goes.

>> No.53410000

Rome didn't have interactions with China and was on the same land mass

>> No.53410103

This is how the game's played now, cry more

>> No.53410545

always have been.

>> No.53410642

Doesn't this mean that they are going to turn off the debt ceiling and start up the money printer or where is this money coming from?

>> No.53410690

>American News

>> No.53410790

>Doesn't this mean that they are going to turn off the debt ceiling
The Republicans in the House of Representatives will never agree to that, nor should they.
>where is this money coming from?
The Treasury is suspending payments to other things that they have the authority to do. It's money that was already allocated and budgeted. She's just reallocating it.
Personally, I think the GOP should defund the Secret Service to everything except White House security and see if the potato wants to negotiate then.

>> No.53410807

high iq

>> No.53411017

We still have to spend the gold

>> No.53411110

You still have to spend the gold (silver in the Romans case), you just debase the currency so that it uses less gold.
The Romans did this by using less silver and more copper in their coins. Then they could issue more coins. It was the money printer of its day.
Killed the empire, really.

>> No.53411115

I would be in favor of austerity if boomers didn't raise a $31 trillion tab

>> No.53411197
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saddest part abt America's return to irrelevance is its growing delusion about losing an empire it never had
>hey at least we had a good run guise amirite

>> No.53411216


>> No.53411357

What a depressing shit
They are literally taking away your money and pump it into the most corrupt shithole on earth.

>The Republicans in the House of Representatives will never agree to that, nor should they.
It was the Republicans who quadrupled the M1 money supply with a few months, so I would not underestimate the power of the elites.
If they would want Weimar levels of inflation, they'll make it happen for the sake of their plan to ensure chaos.

>> No.53411732

>walking corpse
>looking ass
>fucking hilarious
what lang... nvm

>> No.53411849

>empire it never had
I'm sorry but are you fucking retarded? The USA is so dominant it forced nearly every world economy to basically ride the dollar system into the ground

>> No.53411935

It actuay did have Interactions with China and sustained diplomacy uneducated nu-zoomer golem. Did you at least google something you werent sure of or do you just state things in ignorance like a retard all the time?

>> No.53411936

He might actually be one, like, lately i'm thinking maybe it's all real

>> No.53411990
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1973 was the last post-shemitah Jubilee year. Now until September is another Jubilee. Looks like goys really are going to get rekt again, kek.

>> No.53412027

>Non productive unsustainable idiots want free money.

The entire student loan program EXISTS because of non productive unsustainable idiots who have their money in student loan backed securities that profit off of the interest collected from repayments, who are now getting raped up the ass thanks to deferment and the fact that dipshit teenagers were just handed 5 figures with no collateral to speak of.

>> No.53412109

lol, lmao

>> No.53412125

The total debt is utterly meaningless. It's simply a record of the number of dollar bills printed. A very small percentage of the debt is actually interest bearing. Also, a growing economy can absorb a certain amount of new dollar created, and, in effect, requires it. A government deficit equals a private sector surplus, which is far preferable to a private sector deficit and a government surplus.

>> No.53412147
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>> No.53412195
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>> No.53412236

How many years have we been hitting the debt ceiling already just default already

>> No.53412295


>> No.53412329
File: 94 KB, 737x640, 5D26487D-5E2D-46F3-A0A1-F8C1E291163F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jewkraine laundering and covid clotshot boosters. fantastic.


>> No.53412485


>> No.53412514

>US hits 31 trillion debt and these are the reasons it was necessary

>> No.53412525

It WAS anon. 9/11 was the first nail. It's been declining since.

>> No.53412533

>uses your money to pay for all unsold jew vaxx
b- based

>> No.53412606

>name fag
>clearly retarded

Checks out

>> No.53412641

both betrayed by psychopaths

>> No.53412720
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more like being in pompeii in 79 AD

>> No.53412743

Lmao is this depicting what I think it is?

>> No.53412796

well there's another one with some dude jacking off, so who knows? if you know you're going to die, fuck it, rite?

>> No.53412811


>> No.53412818
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you deserve to be fucked zoomer

>> No.53412833

Agreed. We hit the debt ceiling regularly and Biden has slowed spending/reduced our rate of contribution to the deficit. The causes listed in the title are a miniscule drop in the bucket compared to total numbers.

>> No.53413258

I'm getting Bronze Age collapse vibes. See peoples everywhere.

>> No.53413339

It was only the capital and the line of Emperors that got raped and they rightfully should have.

The Byzantines and the Holy Roman Empire that resulted form the split both lasted for over a thousand years. The people who argue that the entire empire went down the hole are just neckbeard objectivists who masturbate to Nietzsche.

>> No.53413376

Who is the US in debt to? They can literally print money to pay the debt inflation always comes slower than you can print.
And anyone who complains has to face the US military.

>> No.53414157

>It was the Republicans who quadrupled the M1 money supply with a few months
They're not blameless for the problem at all. They're as culpable as the Democrats.
But there is no way they are going to give up their power to set the debt ceiling over to future congresses. Their constituents would murder them.
Besides, they use the debt ceiling fight as leverage whenever they have a Democrat president to work with. Why give up such a strong hand?
> anyone who complains has to face the US military
That's going to be less and less a scary prospect as time goes on. I don't think people realize how much the Afghanistan withdrawal exposed how diminished the US military really is.

>> No.53414176

>print money to pay the debt inflation
hyperinflation is default by other means

>> No.53414188

Is this close one ok?

>> No.53415341

>and the Holy Roman Empire that resulted form the split
Jesus christ, how fucking stupid are you?????
Never post again please, the worst comment i've read this year so far

>> No.53415935

That's not a statue

>> No.53415974

Inflation until everyone else drops the dollar as reserve currency, then it goes to zero

>> No.53416007

>republicans increase money supply
>democrats spend it like it’s going out of style (it unironically is)
>everyone who isn’t a politician gets the shaft
Gotta love it

>> No.53416041

Sub-90 iq bagholder

>> No.53416484
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>> No.53416578

No, he’s absolutely right. I would really recommend taking a college macro Econ class. Or just keep mumbling about Jews and gold, whatever.

>> No.53416637

this old bitch is the worst possible president we could have picked. I swear that 2020 was like a fucking perfect storm. Could have just had Trump and had the economy back on track a year ago and instead this old bitch drags all this fucking horse shit out. I fucking hate these dumb cunts

>> No.53416670

and inflation was transitory, right?

>> No.53416671

Its a mother and child.

>> No.53416702

Oh no le scary US army comprised of mixed race retards

Nobody buys this shit anymore. It’s over

>> No.53416714

The US picked trump not biden

>> No.53416752

>nearly every world economy
Not only that never happened, but the eurodollar system is just a byproduct of the fiat central banking paradigm pushed by every judeomasonic republic around the world long before America even figured out the free money trick