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File: 30 KB, 294x300, Ivy_League_map.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53408403 No.53408403 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just a scam to get Chinese international students to pay top dollar to go to an American university for clout and prestige whoring for tiger parents?

Is it worth it to go to a Top 20 or is it a meme if you're not doing STEM no matter what school you go to?

>> No.53408409

On topic because I've heard that it matters a lot for finance, analyst work and investment banking, if that's your track.

>> No.53408458

WASP Chads who go to these schools were going to make it from their family connections anyway. If your parents didn't already pay for you to go a North East private school, there's no point in going Ivy League as they'll never let network with the real important people at the University.

>> No.53408464

If you want to access to that top rung of companies in any industry, but primarily say IB, consulting, PE, etc - there is still significant value in school pedigree.

That being said, if you're not going to a truly elite school, it really doesn't matter all that much.
>t. florida state grad big tech product manager (not laid off) (yet)

>> No.53408482

It's actually both. Connections in those kinds of fields mean jack shit when you go to University of Delaware. There's a reason those parents still fight so hard to get into those schools.

>> No.53408590

It's only about the social connection, none of those schools will give you a better education than the internet.

>> No.53408619

That's only true for absolute top tier jobs. You can still do >>53408409 based on networking and school alone.


>> No.53408633

No, a four-year immersive course in elite culture is also education and you're not going to get that online.

>> No.53408718

>Harvard grad
I know about ten "founders" of 7 or 8 figure startups. They were all assholes who never studied. I know dozens of quants, consultants, and IBs. I have no idea why anyone would hire a 22 year old as an associate consultant.

Me? I design chain guns for WW3 at Bushmaster. It's a fulfilling career and I earn $200K a year, which is more than enough.

>> No.53408772

Pretty much, quantified rankings lose meaning beyond a certain point, especially since the education is going to be pretty similar at most higher-tier schools with good funding. The reason the Ivy Leagues are valuable is because of the connections you can make there, because most fields are heavily nepotistic and meritocracy would let in too many Whites and Asians. In terms of ability to make connections and 'wow' factor to impress HR roasties with your resume, it probably goes:
>Ivy League schools (Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Columbia)
>less known Ivy League schools (Dartmouth, Upenn, Brown [mostly liberal arts], Cornell)
>upper level private schools (Carnegie Mellon, Georgetown [more for political stuff]) and best state schools (e.g. California, New York, Michigan)
>everything else
Graduate school rankings can mean more, for law the rankings are very rigid and they decide the entire trajectory of your lawyer career. This is where most serious research (>implying) is going to happen but you should never go into academia.

only in consumerist america can a word meaning genealogy and hereditary nobility be applied to which school you got your piece of paper from, everything you said is correct but terms like that and "alma matter" are my pet peeve

>> No.53408779

Just use your brain

If you go to a low tier university it means NOTHING towards your prestige and it leaves a stain on your legacy

If you go to a top uni and people look back at your history theyll see you as pretigious if you went to a top school

naturally prestige only matters if youre mixing with the elite and getting elite jobs. so if you are not going far in life your degree dont mean shit

>> No.53408788

>WASP Chads

>> No.53408794

>I know about ten "founders" of 7 or 8 figure startups. They were all assholes who never studied.
they probably had some private equity friends
>Me? I design chain guns for WW3 at Bushmaster. It's a fulfilling career and I earn $200K a year, which is more than enough.

>> No.53408846

You probably have a better life than most of the IBs and 7-figure startup friends.

>> No.53408916

I live near Brown. I have interacted with the retarded faculty and students for over 20+ years. Early 2000’s Brown was legit. Now it’s mostly all woke tranny and neomarxist elite staff. No real ingenuity coming out of these places as far as I can tell. They’re holding on for dear life.

>> No.53408933
File: 332 KB, 828x821, DDB234B2-C629-42DD-B83C-C872BEB9F4AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picrel

>> No.53408969
File: 96 KB, 633x763, 26529C0A-0F4A-4E80-9F5D-B42DF85786D1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to brown for undergrad 2010-14

>> No.53408975

>Is it worth it to go to a Top 20
How old are you? You have to be 18+ to post here. But yeah, attending an Ivy League university is worth it.

>> No.53409054

And now you’re trans?

>> No.53409062

no he's brown

>> No.53409074

Northeast wasps don’t even go there like that anymore. It’s all about smaller schools now because those ones are just full of wanksters

>> No.53409085
File: 546 KB, 662x458, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do people care

New England prestige fag here. Yes absolutely people care. When you're looking for jobs, going to fancy places, networking with the upper echelon of society here, probably the first thing they'll ask you is where you went to school.

>> No.53409135

>wasp culture
>posts a bunch of Jews

>> No.53409142

There's nothing remotely Marxist (neo or otherwise) about the identity politics freaks you're talking about. I would rephrase as:

>Now it’s mostly all woke tranny and radical liberal elites

But yeah, they are all fucked in the head.

>> No.53409154

>in 1960 it meant you were the best
>in 2023 you either made friends with the rich jewish frat and converted or you just paid for a big babysitting degree which is known for just giving people straight As, comped
But you can work for the CIA which is cool if you're into being a backstabbing piece of shit.

>> No.53409169

>new york has 2
Hudson really should be a separate state from New York.

>> No.53409177

Gender is a spectrum

Skin color is a spectrum

>> No.53409192

Connections, definitely, but I’ve keep tabs on the Ivy League graduates I know and they are absolute fubar. Divorced, kids are lgtbq, liberal brats, autistic. Fuck. I wouldn’t trade with them for a trillion dollars.

>> No.53409218

>be 50 yo
>hurrhurr I graduated from Ivy League with bs

Lmao. No one gives af. Literally. If you’re >40 and bragging about college, it’s line bragging about how many chicks you’ve fucked. No one gaf.

>> No.53409262

Your spectrum is just another spook and is as fake as gender rolls with butter on the side

>> No.53409321

I know it's the dumbest shit ever. these so called "smart guys" are absolutely unable to tell that , coincidentally, the rankings of colleges made by the US also put the most expensive universities in the US on top. no critical thinking whatsoever plus being unable to tell the huge corruption and nepotism behind america's "elites". Those faggots would literally pay 100 thousand usd per semester to be taught by troons that pronouns on your facebook page are a good thing and you should write articles about that. literal academia zogbots,

>> No.53409338

kek well done
I chortled slightly
nice dubs too
7/8 overall

>> No.53409350

Makes sense to me, you already have to be in the cool club to join the cooler one for where the gay elite send their own. Gay.

>> No.53409366
File: 66 KB, 1218x665, 1646941963168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gender is a spectrum
1) "Gender" is a grammatical category. To the extent that it means anything beyond pronouns, it refers to performative behavioral role.
2) Sex, on the other hand, is not a spectrum. There are XX and XY (the vast majority of humans) and various mutants (XXY etc.). The possibilities are categorical, not continuous.

>Skin color is a spectrum
1) This is unironically true.
2) That doesn't mean there are no genetic differences between races; see picrel for purposes of illustration.

>> No.53409380

>you're not going to get that online.
I've learned more from lurking than I have from liberal arts education. Just need to pick the gold nuggets out of the stinky poo poo.

t. Chain link sui stack holder because biz was right in 2018

>> No.53409450

Swap Columbia for Upenn, Wharton is number one business school in the country.

>> No.53409555

It's less about the school itself and more about the money behind it, which plays into the "social" aspect of other responses. Like yeah, it's a good school, but it doesn't have magical information that public schools don't. It's just the pedigree and a way for the upper class to filter the plebs that can't buy their way in.

>> No.53409773

>Just need to pick the gold nuggets out of the stinky poo poo.
This is not elite culture.

>> No.53409774

>but I’ve keep tabs on the Ivy League graduates I know and they are absolute fubar

Most are a bit unusual to begin with, and after graduating after spending 4 years with other unusual people, yeah. Self explanatory. Most are mental wrecks and miserable.

>> No.53409815

So mutts are not white kek.

>> No.53409817

It's browsed by a very small percentage of society. Very intelligent anons, too, although we absolutely have retards. Most people that are truly normal stay far away from this place. A very small percentage of society attends elite colleges. It's all about closed societies and compartmentalized knowledge bases, and while this place is "open," we both know it filters itself.

>> No.53410604

4chan isn't a "society" and the pump and dump discords that spam /biz/ aren't a real path to wealth.

>> No.53410763

>Swap Columbia for Upenn, Wharton is number one business school in the country.
I thought HBS was the top dog?

>> No.53410821

The two of them are comparable, Wharton edges it out a bit. You can also throw Chicago in.

>> No.53410898

You're right, I was only thinking about STEM from my own experience but I completely forgot about Wharton

>> No.53410972

The only people who care about colleges are people in college. And maybe your first employer. But once you’re in the workforce, work experience is all that matters and no one gives a shit where you went to undergrad.

That being said colleges are great for building a network. And as shitty as that is, networks really can make a difference in your future success.

>> No.53411016

Because it's something that stupid and lazy people cannot achieve. It opens you to a social network of the brightest in this country who will go on to be successful.

This was at least true before they all started mandating the vaccine.

>> No.53412384

I went to an elite university twenty years ago... The students were all upper 1% of their class in high school. The grades in my college were curved down to a 2.7, which made them very competitive. Nobody had ever graduated with a 4.0. There were no "rocks for jocks" classes that you could escape to. Senior level classes in my major had fail rates greater than 50%. The professors wanted to trip you up. I hear some other schools were the opposite.

These families are successful because they are genetically capable. They breed true, just like championship dog lines. They have no problem collaborating with other people who are capable and can prove themselves. Their families succeed because they have successful people in them. Simple as.

I had the opportunity to do coursework at a state school during high school. The differences were night and day. Mileage may vary.

>> No.53412686
File: 108 KB, 736x813, 5FF8D4C9-1C31-4BBD-AE03-302A73288F44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone I’ve met that’s gone to one of those schools told me it doesn’t matter but it really does.

>> No.53412775
File: 40 KB, 736x735, 19940096-2CE9-4018-A3C6-19A04509644D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe from board inception to 2015, 2017 was already getting spammed by pajeets. 2018 board died. I look at internet browsing in ratio terms, 1:10 145< is a an excellent blend. /biz/ was 1:20 145< back in 2015, places like Reddit and finance are 1:20 130<. /biz/ now is 1:100 145< or somewhere around there. The ratio of intelligent to retarded is too high.

>> No.53413000
File: 153 KB, 1091x786, 1668868651464074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your retarded, simple as.

>> No.53413565
File: 107 KB, 1129x947, 1674442836324361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penn master race here. Didn't pay anything for college

>> No.53414315

It matters
Main benefits are superior education and getting a first round interview everywhere you apply
After that it's up to you
T Stanford grad

>> No.53414399

Well, people in New England are basically all fucking idiotic liberals, so why not start there?