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53406376 No.53406376 [Reply] [Original]

>Applied to 10 jobs last Friday
>Only one email for an interview
It's fucking over.....

>> No.53406473
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You got an interview?

>> No.53406496

>having to interview and not getting hired on the spot.
LOL should have gone to a better school, lmao

>> No.53406575
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not a bad ratio. get back to me when you've applied for 1000 jobs and have only interviews at 5: 20 yrs experience as software entgineer. wurlked at msft, goog and faceboob. PHD Comp Sci.

nobody wants a guy in his mid 40s.

job market is brutal

>> No.53406634

If you don’t have LinkedIn then make one. Then look for people with the job titles you want at the companies you want to work for and connect with them on LinkedIn. After they accept your connection requests chat them up, ask them how they like their job, how they got it, and ask for advice on how to make yourself more competitive of a candidate. Build rapport with these people and a lot of them will agree to give you a referral. Also ask who the person in charge of hiring for that position is (the actual manager not a recruiter) and introduce yourself. This will take you 10,000x farther than simply applying. Straight up applying by itself only works for minimum wage jobs.

>> No.53406644

I apply to like 10-20 every day and i have a degree and 2-3 years experience

>> No.53406651

>gets fired from microsoft, google and facebook
>no one else willing to deal with his shit
>oy vey it's because I'm old

Big 109 vibes

>> No.53406666

>20 yrs experience as software entgineer. wurlked at msft, goog and faceboob. PHD Comp Sci.
literally how the FUCK do you not have enough money to retire?

>> No.53407083

Why didn’t you just get a job when the meme about not being able to find people was in full swing? I milked that for a $10k raise

>> No.53408152

Because I am just searching for my 1st job now

>> No.53409609
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thanks, do you have any more tips on networking in general? Im about to graduate and am on a clean slate. thanks fren

>> No.53409629

lies, McDonald's interview every Tuesday. Go get them nuggets, anon!

>> No.53409689

never thought it would happen to me but i played with and fell for the wrong woman. got fucked in more ways than one. lost everything.

> inb4 boohoo

rope :)

>> No.53409736

What went wrong? How long did you date before marrying her? How old were each of you when you met? Any warning signs to look out for? How tall are you?

>> No.53409838

unironically really good advice I'm not OP but am about to start the search after nearly 20 years at the same company I am butting heads way too much with certain big wigs and sense they literally want me to quit before I get canned entirely with no choice. I'm on LinkedIn but never thought about direct approach like that.

>> No.53409850

I'm sorry, OP. Prolonged unemployment is soul crushing.
But on the plus side, posts like this are a signal that the bottom is still ahead for crypto.

>> No.53409937

Applied a month ago to one job
Idiot calls but sounds annoyed and didn’t mention address for interview until I asked

>> No.53409993

Forgot but this is for a security guard job so I imagine when I finish uni in accounting, it’ll be impossible (shit community college gpa and not willing to fagnetwork)

>> No.53410836

I am in my second job in my field (8 years into career) and both times I sent out one resume to one company and was hired by that company immediately. I switched jobs because I moved to a new city. Im an arborist though. Must be tougher if you type for a living I guess...