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5339920 No.5339920 [Reply] [Original]

Who still up from initial investment?

Comfy early boyz thread

>> No.5340206

Wait wouldn't you have had to have invested like 2 weeks ago to not still be in the green on this?
Anyway, reporting in. Bought bitcoin in the last "dip" around 5 weeks back, used it to buy non-garbage alts whenever they dipped, currently still 2x up. This is too easy I actually welcome a change of pace I don't hate my job that much.

>> No.5340346

I'm literally $700 above my investment and I've never clenched my butthole so hard

>> No.5340362

Woah ok just checked again make that 1.5 times.
That's still unbelievably good for a 5 week investment but I'll be sweating if it goes too much lower.

>> No.5340367
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>tfw have lost 20k in the last 2 days
>tfw down 10k on initial investment

>> No.5340386

Yep. Bought BTC at $4k and ETH at $250.

>> No.5340399

I am still x5 my initial investment. My only frustration right now is that I didn't leave any spare btc in my stack to btfd on these alts. This bounce is going to make people rich af.

>> No.5340408

50x since 6 months ago. reporting in, everyone who lost money was too late or too retarded

>> No.5340409

HODLfags should be shot

>> No.5340421

i started a random portfolio outside my other main portfolio 3 weeks ago and im still up 10k.

>> No.5340424

I invest in XLM all the way back in October back at 400 sats. Not selling until they announced the new market maker coming aboard next year.

>> No.5340435

$22k from $300 maximum comfort

>> No.5340438

Still x 80 since my original investment. You call this a correction?? Fucking newfags and boomers

>> No.5340456

We're probably headed to $4-6k or so, hold on to your buttcheeks

>> No.5340461

weak hands should be shot

>> No.5340465


>> No.5340474

Still 2x my initial. I'm just sad I don't have more $ to throw at all these coins on sale.

>> No.5340475

We're obviously not, but if you are confident, short it.

>> No.5340514
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oh no, im down 40k today... what will I do :(

>> No.5340520

Took out my initial investment months ago. Got called a weak handed cuck here but the amount of comfort it gave I can not put into words.

>> No.5340530

Initial investment was 0 and I'm at 5k.

So doing pretty good

>> No.5340545

I am still up... not much at all anymore. Starting to break a sweat... im riding it out fellas

>> No.5340554

Still 500% in december
>tfw it was 750% two days ago

Oh well, still a bit better than my bank account.

>> No.5340562

>0 -> 5k
I'm not sure numbers work like that anon

>> No.5340585

I got in about a month ago. It still sucks when you are up but lost your gains.

>> No.5340586

I’m up by a couple hundred bucks, almost not enough to cover coinbase’s fee

>> No.5340590

Im still 20x my initial investment. You literally cant lose money in crypto long-term

>> No.5340613

Any day where I don't make money is a bad day.


>> No.5340619

I'm 2x my investment, but I'm still pink wojack status because I'd prepared for BCH by holding it and other coins and every single one is tanking.

>> No.5340646

Still up 9x. Shit can drop to 2K and i'll be fine.

>> No.5340655
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yeah im still more than 2x ahead

hope my ADA and REQ dont bleed too many sats when btc moons

>> No.5340686

>I was lucky enough to start years ago, everyone will have the same results as me

>> No.5340693
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yep. massively. didn't panic sell. moved things to xrp and others during the SMALL drop. no worries. I go sleep easy in a bit.

>> No.5340701

I have 0.006 BTC available that I'm willing to trade for something else, what do you suggest?

>> No.5340784
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>bought LTC at 75
>with that I can afford to buy more during this dip and still be up

>> No.5340969
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Sold everything 3 days ago. We all knew this was very likely to happen.

It's an extremely simple risk/reward scenario if you're not retarded or greedy.

>Risk +70% of entire stack by holding
>Cash out and wait 2 weeks for BTC to either shit the bed or stabilize
>Worst case scenario: miss 2 weeks of meager gains

>> No.5341011

Come on shills throw me a bone! Is it 4am in Pajeetistan or something?

>> No.5341057

I am about to reach initial investment level because my coins won’t stop going fucking down

>> No.5341301

>bought in at $4200

Lovin it. Sold at $19000 as well. Am I a l33t tradr now mommi?

>> No.5341988
File: 55 KB, 1024x580, the mooch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought Aug 18
>sold Dec 20
>using normiebase

didn't even watch the prices that much kek
I only wish that I had invested more

>> No.5342063

Still up about 45k $

Better just to wait this out.

>> No.5342099

$31K up but I don't want it to be over, I had too much fun.

>> No.5342134

still up 3-4x and I started in Dec how are people this bad at this?

>> No.5342162

I'm up double initial investment and I started this month. What shitcoins have other people been investing in to wojack so hard lol

>> No.5342261

I am. All my initial investments were in summer. Shit thing is I missed out on gains and lost btc. But my fiat value initial investment has doubled. Still sucks man.

>> No.5342405

down over 100k euros on the day, i remain comfy because i got in at under 500 euros/btc

>> No.5343173


>> No.5343370

Only put in around $150-$200.
>still kicking it with $3.3k, down from $4.4k (personal ATH portfolio)

8 months in, and I know what the deal is, and I am not going to be swayed by dumps and losses.

>> No.5344018

what a beautiful graph

>> No.5344054

comfy here

im gaining money in the crash ;^)

>> No.5344181
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Was expecting something worse like - 60% lmao.

>> No.5344219

I have doubled my investment in one month but no moon missions

>> No.5344270

Still up 25k :)

>> No.5344495

Reporting in. Went from 130% gains to 87% gains. It hurts a bit but I only lost potential profit.

>> No.5344552
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didn't lose any usd value from the dip

>> No.5344563

Who isn't. Currently sitting on the XLM train watching this pathetic-ass "crash"

>> No.5344596

I will never go negative. I cashed out multiple times my first investment.

>> No.5344636


Up 800%

>> No.5344659

Yep, sold my sick Verge gains for XLM and XMR. Still in profit and feeling comfy

>> No.5344664

Bought $1500 XRP at 0.23, cruising now at a $1+. Holding through til 5+ XRP

>> No.5344686
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tfw up 3500% for the year still

>> No.5344692
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I am still around triples my money since I enterred on August. I curse my self for cashing out so often for stupid shits.

>> No.5344697

I'm still up...but fuck man, it's one step forward and one back right now. Any kind of "opportunity" trading I do ends up in a shitfest. Thinking of putting it all into a promising starting coin and waiting a year never looking back. I pulled out of ripple at .25 for fuck's sake.

>> No.5344708

Barely 2x.

>> No.5344723

>I pulled out of ripple at .25 for fuck's sake
No image will express my stupidity at this decision.

>> No.5344728

What did you invest in?`Just BTC?? At historical, crazy ATH???

>> No.5344729

My initial investment was zero.

My meager 1k portfolio still makes me happy due to the fact I made money out of nothing.

>> No.5344813
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Me too dude. It wasn't that crazy looking back.
>jew coin
>bank coin
>not even real coin
>already stupid market cap
I should have know better that normfags are literal sheeple who will eat up shits like "banks' coin".

>> No.5344937

nigga send me some meme money

>> No.5345375

Why are you stupid for it? You couldn't have known.

I maintain that holding is key. The only way to definitely win at this is to have a large pool of capital to distribute between a lot of coins and then just hold for however long you can be assed to.

>> No.5345456

Then how will we profit?

>> No.5345752
File: 142 KB, 646x700, 1505502094948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$117 billion massacre
>120% gain this week
Holy shit what fucking timeline did I enter. Whoever pumped my alt, thank you.

>> No.5345808

still up 500% from original investment, feels comfy, anon

>> No.5345845

lol friendo.

I took out my initial investment + 10% 2 weeks ago and I still have my initial investment x 3 to continue with

>> No.5346772

I started early this year