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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53395065 No.53395065 [Reply] [Original]

Hired the two brainiacs as technical advisors, nothing has been released since. Hired Kemal from Google, nothing. Hired the chap from LinkedIn, silence. Dahlia hired from Diem, makes a few blogposts and academic papers. The new Chief HR lady from Netflix, why? And now a new CMO to replace the failure of Adelyn. Why are they like this? Why not hire all of these FAANG engineers getting laid off and save that money for people who can actually fucking code?

>> No.53395079
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>> No.53395081

water fu

>> No.53395227


You think any if those layoffs from faang are competent enough to work on something like chainlink? You’re an idiot if you think they let go of their decent engineers. The larps of their good ones being the sack are hiding pre-disclosed fantastic severance packages. They wanted out and fond an exit

>> No.53395243

Link is still in beta. Surprised the price is this high

>> No.53395246

Oh so you're one of the dumbasses that would rather hire HR and admin positions than skilled engineers that know how to code.

>> No.53395294


Where did i say that?
I said it’s simply difficult to get quality engineers especially who dont have the soi hatred for crypto who wont work in that field. They are trying to snag them already

>> No.53395367

Which goes back to my original point, they're hiring the other positions like they're trying to become that size company without the bodies. I want to know what is cooking that they need to hire the Head of HR from Netflix, seems like a lean startup wouldn't do that

>> No.53395378

they already have engineers who know how to code. cryptography and distributed system specialists come up with the designs, coders implement them

>> No.53395383

Most of the other crypto "companies" are scams lol

>> No.53395573
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>lean startup
they're taking over the world. are you not paying attention?

>> No.53395599

>company is run by a fat liberal arts major
>is a complete shitshow
Checks out

>> No.53395786

Did faang actually layoff legit software developers. I thought they just fired all the hr roasties and diversity engineers that hired during covid. Precovid to a year or so before covid I doubt theyve lost that many employees. It's just the news man

>> No.53395813

>I want to know what is cooking
>they're taking over the world

do you know what chainlink is? it links all chains my guy
t. Javier

>> No.53395883

op has moved on from being a "hr roastie" spammer though, so good on him for trying something new i guess

>> No.53395914

Never was a spammer moron, I own 73k with 21k staked. I want a return on my money. The faggots who can't let us question why we, down tremendously from ATH, want our money are making all holders look bad

>> No.53395933

you're making yourself look bad having half a million sunk into something you don't understand

>> No.53395943


>> No.53395947

oh i'm sorry, fellow og chainlinker
yes, i do remember that in the original whitepaper sergey specifically stated that his focus was not to create a ubiquitous decentralized oracle network, but pump the token price as much as possible so that babydick retail money can buy a bunch of mcmansions

>> No.53395964
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always amusing when the fudders start using the 'my fellow link holders' rhetoric

>> No.53395979

OP just got his shit pushed in fucking kek

>> No.53395994

Not even, defense just gets ratcheted up x10 when honest, hard line questions are asked. This shit should not be rank 20+ and the tokenomics should not be "we sell and you hold"

>> No.53396058

except the tokenomics are a lot more complicated than that, and you probably already know that if you hold as much as you say you do

if you are an actual link holder and not a concern troll - i can understand your frustration with the retail market being completely unable to understand anything besides "dogcoin become new money! TO THE MOON, POWER TO THE PEOPLE"

but that's why you fuck around with a bit of money during retail craze cycles so that you can reap the benefits of that too

if you're all in on link you're betting on its endgame, and because that involves augmenting and eventually a full absorption of legacy finance into crypto and cbdcs that was always going to be a long time preference investment

>> No.53396091

Yes, but see my OP picture for why this should be rank 10 and up, at worst. Something is not clicking. There are also concerns about the lack of a centralized place to work, and that building a Google sized company without a Google sized campus is a massive mistake. I can't think of a successful firm that lets their employees work at Starbucks and WeWorks 5 days a week

>> No.53396280

we both agree that it should be a much higher rank than it is
when we admit this, we also infer that cmc rank may not always be a reliable measure of the importance of these technologies

>There are also concerns about the lack of a centralized place to work, and that building a Google sized company without a Google sized campus is a massive mistake. I can't think of a successful firm that lets their employees work at Starbucks and WeWorks 5 days a week

not all of google's workers are even concentrated in the googleplex

and a lot of the space in that particular complex is taken up by vanity pieces and plazas and shops and walkways as well from what i understand - would you really feel better about things if the company decided to commit to that kind of thing instead?

>> No.53396293

What about a fucking sales team?

>> No.53396302

>market cap is not important
>cmc rank is not important
>price is not important
>shipping products is not important
>tech and potential is all that matters bros!
>dangling carrots!1!

>> No.53396303

I guess I’m blaming the slow burn on lack of employee cohesion and focus. If the tables were turned and they were hitting the market hard with substance and results it would be different

>> No.53396343

Unfortunately this

>> No.53396352

i personally dont see a lack of employee cohesion or focus or substance / results because that would require being aware of everything they're working on and their communications
the slow burn is also important because if you're going to try to do something on this scale - it has to be bulletproof
could you imagine if they rushed through rolling out all these features, swift etc move over and then there's some kind of failure or exploit? blockchain would never see a red cent from legacy institutions outside of kike investment funds looking for pnds

>> No.53396367

>market cap is not important
>cmc rank is not important
>price is not important
not important to groups trying to build something that will actually be used for anything other than larping as the replacement for the usd

>shipping products is not important
>tech and potential is all that matters bros!
except they are shipping products and tech / potential actually does matter

>dangling carrots!1!
dangling bait (which i took, but i felt compelled to answer before i go to make din dins)

>> No.53396409

none of those got delivered, which is why the price reflect that. Even at this price it is still overvalue, chainlink has no income source other than the token.

>> No.53396498

>save that money for people who can actually fucking code?
they don't need to save money, they also already have the best coding team in the sector

>> No.53396534

>dont see a lack of employee cohesion or focus or substance / results
then how do you explain the team adding feature creep in every blogpost instead of delivering features promised on whitepaper v1, or features such as mixicles?