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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53392731 No.53392731 [Reply] [Original]

The billion dollar question: Why did /biz/ miss the 2021 NFT train entirely. Large gains where made and nobody talked about it. To this day people here don't understand them. Why is that?

>> No.53392744
File: 116 KB, 540x960, 1611442717321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're boomers kid, you wouldn't get it.

>> No.53392747

>Satan tempting Eve, colorized.

>> No.53392763

>Large gains where made and nobody talked about it.
Everybody was shilling their shitty NFT project
>To this day people here don't understand them.
People understand them, and understand they're fucking pointless and currently are just a way to take money from stupid people

>> No.53392772
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/biz/ understood them and didn't buy
people who didn't understand them bought

>> No.53392773

Real answer is because NFTs are inherently tied with the identity of the buyer so bizraelites do not like them since part of being a 4channer is removing all identity and ego. In most markets a benefit, when it comes to art a negative.

>> No.53392779


>> No.53392783

That snake gets more ass than this entire forum

>> No.53392786

too midwitted

>> No.53392800

Because, Biz is very ideological. They don't like things that are bullshit and nfts are definitely bullshit. Biz knows that most people are idiots but they can't stomach getting involved with that idiocy to make money.

>> No.53392807

nft boom was most likely a large scale money laundering operation like how the rich launder money through art irl, it was inorganic

>> No.53393949

irrelevant. the only thing that matters is line go up

nfts had the best gains while biz was posting about garbage like parsiq. if you wanted nft alpha you had to go to twitter since biz was still laughing about right click saving jpegs

>> No.53393973

I made a free NFT for biz if anyone is interested

>> No.53394001

Be aware that you sound exactly like a retard Facebook boomer who to this day doesn't believe anyone actually spends thousands to buy Bitcoin and thinks it's all just fake le money laundering.
Stop with the poorfag cope, nfts are literally just shitcoins with pictures, instead of poorfag coping you could/can try making money for once

>> No.53394076

Misplaced sense of pride is /biz/'s Achilles heel

>> No.53394125
File: 225 KB, 512x512, Merged_Degens_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are NFT's?

>> No.53394249

>jews make a new scam
>spread it among their shabbioss goyim
>shabbos goyim spread it among their fellow goyim
>all the money they made is fake and scams and schemes
>suddenly write articles about it to pat themselves on the back in order to get guillble zoomers to want in/desire this dystopian blockchain system
>op actually believes real people paid 3 billion dollars for monkey.png

it was all a scam to sell the concept of blockchain to retards.

>> No.53394330

Wow! Yummy tummy!

>> No.53394378


>> No.53394382

The NFT hysteria was orchestrated by venture capital firms to dump eth on retail investors and then inhabited by common scammers for a while.

>> No.53394455

I learned that the two largest groups on /biz/ are 1) bitcoin maxis (fucking lol, might as well be no-coiners) and 2) shitcoin holding poorfag jeets (refuse to consider anything else valuable, extremely angry due to their heavy bags, lash out and REEEEEE at any other crypto project and consider everything other than their bags a scam)

/biz/ nailed the LINK call back in 2018/2019. Since then they've missed every single moon mission and have only shilled total dogshit scams. Trusting /biz/ for good crypto calls is like being stuck in the year 2018. You're a total idiot if you still come to this website for crypto news/calls.

>> No.53394475

coping poorfags to this very day

>> No.53394515

>dude you made money but not with monkey JPEGs wtf?!
I fucking hate zoomers so much

>> No.53394546

So you. If not, tell us your story please.

>> No.53394717

Where is the alfa now?
I do miss the 2017 days, was completely different here

>> No.53394958

Biz was captured by feds pushing cryptos several years back. Pushing NFTs would have furthered their overall agenda (tricking the younger generation into investing in nothing instead of real assets), but it is easier for them to just stay on message with cryptos.

>> No.53395253

I made 500k off it, what are you talking about? I literally minted loot for adventurers.

>> No.53395641

If anyone is looking for something that hasn't launched yet, no presale and no bs look into Influence. Check the token distributions per crew mate, check crewmate prices, compare that to estimated sway token marketcap, then compare Influence tech and quality vs third rate comparisons currently in the market like Alien Worlds.

>> No.53396388

/biz/ is full of low iq underage poorfags now. The NFT’s that did well were the bluechip ones that had a lot of volume and increased in price quickly and because /biz/ is full of poorfags they didn’t buy them. Anyone who minted a lot, sold 1/2 or more and recovered their cost base and held the rest for moonshots made a shitload (me).

tldr; /biz/ is full of poorfags and the people who made the most on NFT’s where already rich

>> No.53396410
File: 15 KB, 1920x1840, MonkeyInfinity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're getting rich with NFTs, idk what you're doing with your time