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53391064 No.53391064 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 28 and my net worth is only $95k...

>> No.53391335

I'm 27 and my networth is €300 unironically

I like my lifestyle, only wish i could afford getting a drivers licence and a car but oh well, neet life is comfy.

>> No.53391349

Europoors need not apply. Your doctors earn $30k. I earned that as a part time college job.

>> No.53391357

I’m 69 and my net worth is only $420b

>> No.53391375

Yes but free healthcare and social security for everyone good roads and good education system tho bro

>> No.53391382


>> No.53391408

No net worth but crypto going for $15k

idgaf about life but a hedonist mind tll I die

>> No.53391416

Pic is pretty accurate, but get a 10 gauge double barrel and some buckshot or a slug, put it right to your temple, not too high and you're golden.

If you can afford it that is kek!

>> No.53391629

Hahahahaha you have to be joking right? That is embarrassing unless you live in a third world shithole. I already passed 95k in high school lol

>> No.53391639

is that duken nuker?

>> No.53391939
File: 695 KB, 1080x1354, Screenshot_20210831-201647_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just turned 35 and am net worth $100k
>but 5 years ago was -$20k
>600% increase
>just need to make $600,000 in 5 years to stay on track
>can I do it?
>uhm no probably not
>feels ok man

>> No.53391944

How does it feel to be old

>> No.53391992

>-20k to 100k
How does it feel to be pushing 40 and not able to do elementary school math?

>> No.53392064

It really depends. I’m turning 34 this year but I’m married and make an OK salary. I’m generally comfy aside from aspiring towards being #FinanciallyIndependent. I have a good friend who is also my age and makes more $ but has never had a 6+ month relationship. I love the guy but he has a chip on his shoulder re: the r*asToid problem. There is definitely a balance to find between making dosh and having a life.


>> No.53392093
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I don't feel old. My twenties sucked so sometimes I just feel like I was in some kind of shitty stasis for 10 years and woke up one day with a real job. I don't feel old because I feel like my "real life" is just finally starting.

I have some friends who just obsess constantly about the glory days in high school and college. For me, I feel like my glory days are ahead of me. Like I'll look back on this period of my life one day and find it amusing how I had no idea how much greater things were about to become.

>> No.53392099

I’m 28 and my net worth is -200,000$ due to medical school loans.

>> No.53392108

You’re earning potentially is crazy though right?

>> No.53392131

Depends on specialty. Some make 1 mil a year most make 250-300

>> No.53392166

> 36
> Married
> Kid on the way
> 350K net worth

I’m ok with what I have currently. Would be nice to make it next bullrun but we’ll see how it goes.

>> No.53392183

Percent change and percent difference aren't the same thing. But again, I'm too old to really care.

>> No.53392339

In what country lol? Doctors start at 85k+ here.

>> No.53392479

US. Residents start at 50-60k here. 4 years undergraduate degree. 4 years undergraduate medical degree. Then 3-7 years of indentured servitude in residency for 50-60k. So around 32-36 years old most physicians finally get their full salary.

>> No.53392510

Your house with a running mortage doesnt count

>> No.53392743
File: 17 KB, 480x360, timetochewass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dick kickem

>> No.53392867

34 and im -76k

>> No.53392962

I just dont care about politics anymore, letting politics or your emotions decide your financial decisions will make you lose money. I'm a racist and faggot hater, but I just don't care anymore after going past 500k. I hooked up with a 20 something big bimbo tiddie black shemale tranny with a phat ass, and everytime I bang her I refer to them as my bought property and owned pussy, I have the key to their chasity cage and she calls me master and I call her my sissy slut niggress sex slave. I bang that nigger everywhere I go, in my truck, in public restrooms, fuck, even on the side of the road. Most wild and best sex I ever had

Seriously when you get richer you will understand, politics is a meme, ignore all financial advice on here

>> No.53393030

How do you find out your net worth?

>> No.53393039

Poor thing

>> No.53393054

Home equity is always part of net worth.

>> No.53393065

Daddy giving you an allowance doesn't count sorry bro

>> No.53393300

Cringe and goypilled.

>> No.53393315
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im 21 and mine is like 5000€

>> No.53393818
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>> No.53394336
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yeah i have bad news about that

>> No.53394343

IMO not bad you will own nothing anyways

>> No.53394350

When I was 28 my net worth was $80k.
When I was 37 my net worth was $600k.
Today it’s down to $500k because of Biden.

>> No.53394352

Copium from knowing nothing else.
It isn't free it's socialized, ie everyone pays for it. Fuck off you stupid worthless fucking communists

>> No.53394401

Yeah that's good when you're under 25 and get to only enjoy the benefits, but when you have a degree you'll want to pay your taxes to a different country. Otherwise you go to work and you get ROBBED 30-50% of your money.
That's the same as every 3 days or every other day when you're walking home from the office, a thief beats the shit out of you and steals ALL your money you made that day. But there's no beating when it's the government.

I'm a student now and yeah it's nice I get to study for free, but can anyone recommend a crypto website that lets me avoid taxes? I would like to invest some of the leftover gibs the government gives me but I'd have to pay 30% capital gains + the government would stop giving me gibs if I started accumulating savings so it needs to "disappear"

>> No.53394649

hot, also she's just like me...

>> No.53394993

Most retards on here saying they're over 0 are likely too stupid to even know what net worth is

>> No.53395089

What movie this is?

>> No.53395149

>free healthcare bro
>newborn, 8k euro bill for delivery
>gastroscopy, 450 euro
>wisdom teeth removal, 850 euro
>social security for everyone
>they are literally stealing 100k from my self-employment for this shit, and the minimum age for early retirements with 20y of contribution is 67y, or normal retirement at 70y
>good roads
>roads are a fucking disaster
>good education system
>commie system where the difficulty of lessons for kids is capped by the last of the class who is lazy and don't want to do shit, unironically ruining the life of the best ones and destroying meritocracy

>> No.53395382

I'm glad you realize that the value of a value ratio (eg. I am x age and my value is y) maps as a convex parabola onto the distance between your age and your net worth, ie. being 28 and having your net worth be $28 is less embarassing than being 28 and having your net worth be $28k, but both are more embarassing than being 28 and having your net worth be $280k.

>> No.53395567

How did mr anon save 57k a year? Does trying not to be poor actually work?

>> No.53395575

What does this mean?

>> No.53395579

I have 0 debt, and my networth is only $75k at 36, but I've figured out how to build wealth without debt, I'll have millions in the next few years.

And am completely free of the kiked banking system.

>> No.53395585
File: 195 KB, 1640x1480, 1674199035032941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no free healthcare
Either my insurance or the gov is paying $900/month for my meds. Sucks your European government doesn't help you at all

>> No.53396750

le kek

>> No.53397558

21 and $100k