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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 7 KB, 196x179, lank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53389454 No.53389454 [Reply] [Original]

Turns out assassination contracts on the fudders would be showing them mercy. Better to let them live out their miserable lives.

>> No.53389562
File: 118 KB, 1144x870, 3C7A72CF-2F49-48C4-BFBE-63400002DED6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>locks his Link tokens while everything else moons

>> No.53389606
File: 13 KB, 223x221, cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over fud bros, we can never defeat Chainlink now.
I tried, against all the odds I gave it my all, but in the end it didn't even matter. The Schwablords magic is just too strong. The battle is lost.. i-i-iits over..
May the link marines have mercy on our poor souls.

>> No.53389617

I wonder how we will receive our BUILD rewards. Will we get a giant pile of shitcoins at the end of lockup, or will we be drip fed like the LINK? Regardless, never selling a single link. We will live like kings off our free shitcoins alone

>> No.53389638

>he didn't stake
>he's forever gated from the +100,000% gainz of build tokens

>> No.53389668

No in all seriousness, why would you lock up your assets at the bottom, right before a bull market? You will be unable to take profit.

>> No.53389760

"taking profit" into what, dollars? do you understand what is about to happen to the monetary system

>> No.53389799

Let's say this crash does happen, and suddenly everything is super cheap since all the workers are getting laid off. You decide to buy a nice car and house by selling off some of your crypto assets. But wait, you can't. Your assets are locked until after the economy recovers.

>> No.53389824

>into what? the dollars that i’m relying on my token increasing in value in to “make it”
2 more weeks

>> No.53389839

there will be plenty of time to buy other things later with where we're going

>> No.53389843

If you think the economy is going to crash, then why would you invest into Link of all tokens? The crypto with some of the largest ties to banks.

>> No.53389851

I don't measure value in worthless paper, dingbat. green is the only language you retards understand so I try to dumb it down for you

>> No.53389856

How will the build tokens be distributed? Is it just airdrops to the address associated with the staking account or can you only redeem them after the staking lock-up is over?

>> No.53389865


>> No.53389867

the "economy" is not the monetary system. "banks" (the ones that aren't stupid) will be fine

>> No.53389879

no one knows

>> No.53389896

cope n seethe, incel cuckold

>> No.53389899

LINK was one of the worst options you couldve chosen if your values are what you say they are. Im actually baffled that you dont think chainlink is in bed with banks. Jesus.

>> No.53389914

lmao dude
You have a poor grasp on the economy. Banks aren't stockpiling gold. Any money deposited is reinvested into the stock market. They hold s small portion in US dollars. If the economy actually falls apart due to the decline of the dollar, banks are completely fucked.

>> No.53389938

If a crash happens crypto will crash and selling will be a bad idea, anon. You've not really been at this game very long, have you?

>> No.53389972

you really dont get it yet do you?

>> No.53389980

I'm not even expecting a crash. The US will continue to print money to pay off their debts, and everyone will be ok with it. No one really wants to see the world economy fall apart. I'll continue taking profits into cash and living my life as I have been.
Just trying to point out why locking your assets is stupid.