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File: 113 KB, 776x761, LinkBags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53387028 No.53387028 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53387045

The sheer amount of seethe and schizophrenia they spout is what makes it funny.

Their new Achilles heel is being called cuckolds

>> No.53387046

the seethe they generate and the cope they come up with is top notch comedy, trully the cuckold incels of crypto

>> No.53387051

lmao they are the cuckolds of biz
fucking pathetic

>> No.53387264

I too wear a yamica and fud chainlink, mazeltov!

>> No.53387281

because they're delusional baggies. critical adoption has already occurred -- LINK has already peaked and it's not going up again. in effect it's no different than GME baggies insisting that the short squeeze has yet to occur.

>> No.53387290

>it's the Bulgarians
>it's the salty people who lost their stacks on Celsius
>it's Thomas
>it's uncle oldfag
>it's the discord trannies
>it's the kikes
people make of Linkies because they're legit schizophrenic low IQ incels

>> No.53387339

such an embarrassing company forever associated with cringe incel memes (that they spammed on 4chan for going on 6 years)

>> No.53387348

the ceo is more embarrasing and cringy than the community at this point

>> No.53387375

sergey "just two more ears" nazarov

>> No.53387383
File: 456 KB, 1572x684, 2478423234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the CEO made more than 1 billion

The community is made up of dumb incels with an inferiority complex towards the scammer who stole their money

>> No.53387448

he has a billion and yet he's getting fatter with each new picture that his incel cucks spam of him
this isn't hundreds of years ago where being an adipose laden sack of cells was an indicator of wealth, the rich now are fit and the poor are fat asses, losing their teeth, aging rapidly and dieing earlier than their parents.
sergey indentifies as poor

>> No.53387478
File: 233 KB, 606x588, 47643553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a nerdy developer that printed 1 billion tokens out of thin air, he's not some alpha entrepreneur who made a successful business.

Of course he is going to continue eating junk greasy food while he keeps getting fatter, he never worked a day in his life and his mentality and food addiction reflects that

>> No.53387487

he probably binge eats to subliminate the guilt and cringe of operating a fake company with no useful product based around weird shilling. i guess if he's a disgusting fat mess it means he suffered also so no bad karma, despite greedily raking in hundreds of millions

>> No.53387490

All bag holder cults are fun to make fun of as their coin fades into oblivion. The smart stinkers got in early and sold for a huge profit. All that's left now are the sad buck broken bag holders.

>> No.53387508

there were never any smart stinkers. even holding eth would have outperformed link even at the best time for link. not to mention a couple hundred other moonshots the "smart stinkers" opportunity costed out of by holding that shit

>> No.53387520

This is bullish for LINK

>> No.53387576

both valid points
almost feel bad for the people he's scammed but the baggies on here are still cucks that will simp for him until they die

>> No.53388049

why would you feel bad for that gaggle of rude idiots that spammed their gay coin all over the internet for 6 years

>> No.53388080

those are twitterfags and premainnet marine losers in their cringe discord server. many of them are roping from having to go back to their retail wage jobs and they deserve it.

>> No.53388096

thats heartwarming. i hope everyone who works at chainlink/shartcontract.com dies of rectum cancer by 2025